The positive Kajiura thread

^ Well we 've talked about the positive side of things already on the other threads too so its not like they are all negative, plus its not our fault, Yuki Kajiura and the girls started the negativity with their announcements and we just discuss the possibilities :)

About the embedded videos i think it was disabled by Sudrien after request by some members because the embedded ones make pages longer to load. So just post link and title :)
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Hi Geeeeorge It has beeen ages, Tell me a good song to listen again don't be soo passive. I'm want something to listeeeeeen
Let us have our safe space, george! and sempaaaaaaaaaaai, welcome baaaaaaack :sohappy:

Here goes: I've loved Kajiura-sama since .hack//sign, which means it's going on close to 17 years or so. I have loved almost everything she's ever worked on (only a single exception) and I think she's a marvelous composer. She has a gift and style and talent that I don't think can be replicated nor have I seen many/any people who can go toe-to-toe with her currently.

Safe space to talk about how amazing Yuki and her girls are :stars:
I might have not stressed out enough how much I love my precious, tiny Wa-chan :hearts:
Well I heard you youngster like safe spaces.

I confess that at first I did not get too much why people use them but I kinda get it more now

Have I ever told you how incredible amazing and perfect every second of Kiss is?

Edit: I forgot I never watched madlax i'm missing it from the girls with guns trilogy!!!!!
I am now watching FJ videos. lol Currently on: Gaika is one of my favorite songs by them. I love Kajiura's playing in this live, or in any live actually. You can hear the piano more clearly. She has always amazed me with her playing. All of them do, I am an avid fangirl of Konno. I took the violin because of Yuki's music and strived to be better whenever I heard Konno. (unfortunately due to should pain I cannot play very much anymore, but I wish I could) She has inspired me so much, and helped me through many tough times in my life. Because I have chronic pain, depression and anxiety, her music always helps me. Whether I want calm music, or something to rock out to, it always helps. Music in general really. But yeah... anyways.

I hope that she continues to make such wonderful music, since now she might have more control over what she produces. She may even work with Kalafina members separately. Would be cool to have them in BGMs. Wakana started out that way. I am sure she will keep the same band members for things. We can just be hopeful for the future, and think of how they must be feeling. I am looking forward to what will be in Vol 14. I like how she changes things up in lives, like for Kalafina ones, obviously creating acoustic versions for those lives, and different arrangements like for ring your bell and sprinter. I started out with Noir, and had my brother's friend to thank for that. And then I ended up listening and watching anything I could and that's when my love of anime really took off. (Even though I had been in it before, with The Slayers and others). There was something about her music in the shows, an shows like Hanako, that fit the scenes so well. Some gave me chills, others just made me so happy like absolute configuration from the Rebellion movie. I will always support her no matter what, and the girls and band of course.

Oh wow... I think I never saw this. Angel Gate with Hikaru and everyone! Wow. This is an amazing performance:
^Piggybacking off of this, I have to admit, Gaika is my favorite live non-Kajiurago track. I know Stone Cold and whatnot are really good and popular but. Gaika is truly something. I honestly want to use it as an op/ed in my story.

My favorite live Kajiurago track including anything from Yuuka (admittedly I don't like her and only watch her live for the background vocals of Kaida/Hikaru) is very hard to pick, and so I'll list the 3 that I play most often, which are the later Zodiacal Sign performances; Madlax Mix; and the Xenosaga II image theme.

English live fave? In The Land of Twilight. It would probably be Warp, though, if they'd ever done it live. I have to admit, I only heard Warp in early February out of all the years it's been a thing, but I am now a little obsessed with it -- I wish the music wasn't so long, that song needs more vocals, and I absolutely adore the quality of Kaida's alto part and wish it was louder.

And a Kajiurago song out of all work done ever would be really hard to pick but if I were pressured under a 5 second time limit, I would say Pandora Hearts. That song is a true obsession of mine, in my dream I would like for YK to use the melody, harmony and aesthetic for my show OST. Speaking of which, I have an entire trailer mentally created to the song but ofc I can't use it because it's Pandora Hearts. However, I would actually like for Hikaru and Miss Kaida to sing it, for aesthetic reasons. That's no insult to be directed at Wakana, as my play count on her version is nearing 10,000 in my iTunes account. I sing every harmonic part, I used the song as my audition for my college dance program, just years and years of love for it. I can't even remember where I heard it, as I hadn't watched PH and I admit my introduction to Kajiura was with Mai-HiME.
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^Ayyy another PH OST fan (ik you were talking about the song and I was talking about the OST as a whole, but still nice to see! :dote:)

My favorite English performance without a doubt would have to be the performance of forest from vol. 11. Wakana's English there is incredibly strong, and plus I think her voice fits the song really well. Either live of maybe tomorrow (vol 9 or best 2) is a close second, though, I get allllll the feels with them, especially the "I will goooooo" at the end :touched:
I fell in love with Kalafina and I ended up falling for See Saw and FictionJunction as well. For me the Kajiuran journey will never end :TdT:

My top five Kalasongs are Ashita no Keshiki, Red Moon, Yami no Uta, Obbligato and Alleluia, my favourite FictionJunction songs are Houseki (KEIKO version) and Yume no Tsubasa (KAORI version) and my favourite See Saw songs are Yasashii Yoake and indio.
I fell in love with Kalafina and I ended up falling for See Saw and FictionJunction as well. For me the Kajiuran journey will never end :TdT:

Absolutely agreed. Speaking of positive things, I had an unbelievable Kajiuran experience the other day. I was in Osaka with a friend of mine, and we passed the largest second-hand book and CD store in Kansai. (It's part of a chain called BOOK OFF.) And since I've been searching every BOOK OFF I pass for anything by Ishikawa Chiaki for the past two months or so, I dragged my friend inside to look. I didn't find anything by Ishikawa, unfortunately, but what I found instead was a 500 yen copy of Dream Field and a real-live physical copy of Re/Oblivious!!!!! (!!!!!!!) My poor friend couldn't figure out why I was so excited. I never thought I'd own Re/Oblivious since only got on the Kalafina boat in 2012. And what's more, it's REALLY GOOD! (So is Dream Field, but I think we all know that by now.)

(Also found a copy of "Gift" by Kaori, but she's just not as spectacular without Kajiura behind her. Still, fairly enjoyable, if not exceptional.)


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And since I've been searching every BOOK OFF I pass for anything by Ishikawa Chiaki for the past two months or so, I dragged my friend inside to look. I didn't find anything by Ishikawa, unfortunately, but what I found instead was a 500 yen copy of Dream Field and a real-live physical copy of Re/Oblivious!!!!!

Yes, it's great when you have those moments. Sometimes I find extra copies of Yuki Kajiura related material and get them for others (including Dream Field, Re/Oblivious, Noir OSTs...).
One of the most positive things I remember from Tokyo was passing by a restaurant and hearing "Moonfesta" broadcasted inside.
Not exactly the same, but I remember when I watched Time of Eve, I didn't know Kalafina did the ED to the movie version (I have a dream). I ended up watching the OVA instead of the movie, I wish I watched the movie because I would've absolutely freaked out :TdT:
@Puddle Boots BOOK-OFF truly is a blessed store, I managed to pick up Chiaki Ishikawa's Prototype single for 100 yen when I was in Nagoya. :)

One of the most positive things I remember from Tokyo was passing by a restaurant and hearing "Moonfesta" broadcasted inside. If only I wasn't in such a hurry... probably missed the most pleasant dinner possibility ever :TdT:

That was the same day as Kalafina's 10th Anniversary, and I'm pretty sure we were in a hurry because we were on our way back to Budokan to see the real thing.
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