Sound Horizon & Linked Horizon

  • Thread starter Thread starter J.Uzuki
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Sound Horizon - Nageki to Shi no Kaze no Miyako ~ Illion [TTE III Live Day 1]

Just listened to this beautiful video again! I don't know how many times I listened to it after I first found it. I discovered all the singers and immersed myself in the intricacies of their vocals and how they worked together in duet or trio or all 6 together.

This video really helped me to better understand and pick out tonal, color, breath, placement, register and other changes and how singers can use them (and move around, play act while singing) because there were 6 completely different singers choosing or having to do sometimes different and sometimes similar things, in similar (or different) pitches and registers, while singing in and switching different vocal parts, across interesting vocal and musical compositions and arrangements.

This will always be a vocal and theatrical highlight and delight for me, because of so many ways it opened my eyes and still gives me so much joy!

(And maybe a hot take/controversial, but I think Revo's band here is just a notch about the FBM, maybe it's the music or just some of the individual players, or that Revo really let's them play in many directions with his wide range of compositions and changes)
fan fact: Hetaira means "prostitute" in greek lol so the thing she says "porneto wa chigau wa" makes more sense.
I LOVE Moira album and its not just because its Greece-themed.

Btw what it says somewhere on the intro "Καλωσήλθατε στην Άδης" is wrong because Άδης is a male god, so it should be "... στον Άδη" but i think its normal if someone abroad makes this kind of mistakes. Just like french has 2 genders for the nouns, greek (like latin) has 3, and there is no rule of what is what but requires practice with experience, and the articles and the ending of each noun helps to identify them for example usually male nouns end in -ος or -ης οr -ας (note the ς / sigma at the end) , like o πολίτης (citizen), o αστυνόμος (policeman), o ψαράς (fisherman), female end in -η or -α (note there is no ς) like η φακή (lentil), η καρέκλα (chair), while neutrals are ending in -o or -ι , like το μήλο (apple), το τόπι (ball). There are also declinations and plural for those, and its what makes the language difficult at first but even those are matter of practice.
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(And maybe a hot take/controversial, but I think Revo's band here is just a notch about the FBM, maybe it's the music or just some of the individual players, or that Revo really let's them play in many directions with his wide range of compositions and changes)

What does FBM mean? Google didn't help
I think it's Kajiura who coined the term herself, as a way to honor her music team and showcase them as a unit and invaluable to her music as professionals and collaborators rather than just employees or touring players (who may be seen as interchangeable).

It's also part of the reason they are like a family off-stage and the ladies on stage always interact with them as co-performers, and they get to do solos and shine as individuals from time to time.
Perhaps, I do not recall. She very well may have. All I remember is them having a concert or two under that name without YK.

Regardless, that's what FBM is on this forum and in the Kajiura verse. XDローラン歌姫(UtahimeLaurant)

This performance made me pay more attention to Joelle. It was very heartfelt and I was surprised by her high notes how bright and clear they were (i'm not a singer and don't have necesserally the right vocabulary)

There is a performance with a different singer that while pitched down, I liked how she gave more of mom vibes while peforming.
was surprised by her high notes how bright and clear they were
Joelle was hitting Ab5s in the first key and A5s in the modulated key, all in a stable voice and light/bright tone.

She has that skill available to her. It just depends on where Kajiura wants to use her in FJ. That's why I LOVE versatile singers!
Since Remi and Joelle came to Kajiura maybe they could pull a small musical SH in the start and emd of concerts along with Kaori just for fun.
Since Remi and Joelle came to Kajiura maybe they could pull a small musical SH in the start and emd of concerts along with Kaori just for fun.
Sound Horizon concerts or Yuki Kajiura concerts?

I'd prefer a Dream Port II concert (series) with new combined composition.
Yea there was, but Kaori wasn’t part of it (neither her “twin”. Yuuki Yoshida).

Those were some defining songs for her as a vocalist in my opinion. I just want to hear those voices playing together again.
For me Remi, Miki, Haruka , Yuuki, Kaori and Endo Mari with Rikki when she was available felt like what Wakana, Yuriko, Keiko and Kaori were for FJ, even if their time was shortlived. They felt so cohesive. Other than Miki and maybe Rikki and even that has been a while, it feels like none of these are collaborating with Revo anymore which while I guess it makes sense in Revo's head to explore new singers for different music, I'll be always nostalgic for that roster.
when Endo Mari is entranced by Marty Friendman and get bumped by Haruka
Screenshot 2025-03-01 113643.jpg

Yeah, it was so obvious she was starstruck or had a serious crush on him!:love: I wonder if it started during rehearsals since I don't imagine she listened to metal in her spare time. But you can see on the staircase that REMI and Yuuki were aware with their slight glances towards her, and Haruka did bump her just a bit on her way down to continue the song.

If you watch carefully, it all started from the first time when all the ladies gathered around him in the center of the stage. REMI got a little look at him like an acknowledgment and started smiling and vibing, same with Yuuki who always liked those hang-around-the-shredding-guitarist moments (always a highlight with her), but Haruka was behind Yuuki and being her usual calm self. Mari on the other hand was just staring at him while dancing - laser-focused. 😆

If she was just being in character for the audience to speculate I wonder, but if was real it must have been interesting for others (or awkward) during rehearsals or in the green room when they would have to interact!