fan fact: Hetaira means "prostitute" in greek lol so the thing she says "porneto wa chigau wa" makes more sense.
I LOVE Moira album and its not just because its Greece-themed.
Btw what it says somewhere on the intro "Καλωσήλθατε στην Άδης" is wrong because Άδης is a male god, so it should be "... στον Άδη" but i think its normal if someone abroad makes this kind of mistakes. Just like french has 2 genders for the nouns, greek (like latin) has 3, and there is no rule of what is what but requires practice with experience, and the articles and the ending of each noun helps to identify them for example usually male nouns end in -ος or -ης οr -ας (note the ς / sigma at the end) , like o πολίτης (citizen), o αστυνόμος (policeman), o ψαράς (fisherman), female end in -η or -α (note there is no ς) like η φακή (lentil), η καρέκλα (chair), while neutrals are ending in -o or -ι , like το μήλο (apple), το τόπι (ball). There are also declinations and plural for those, and its what makes the language difficult at first but even those are matter of practice.