Site mysteriously dissappeared from Google search pages


Yesterday me and Kerahna , noticed that , even thought the site the last 1-2 years was in the first page of the google search while using as keywords "Yuki Kajiura" and "Kalafina", it now has mysterious dissappeared from all the pages when doing google search, and the only things you can find are some pages of the forum and the recommendations page (which hardly someone visits).

This way nobody will be able to find us unless they look in Wikipedia :uh..: :blood:

what could have caused that, and how can it fix ?! :cry: :cry:

P.S: I havent checked the other search engines yet.
Bing doesn't show cpme for kalafina, but still works for Yuki kajiura.
I found the problem :uh..:
i made a post on google webmasters forum and they told me that they found a bunch of spammy links on our main site (index.php got hacked) under a tag <adsttnmq1>. When google detects this, they take the site rank waaay down :blood:

The hack is called "adsttnmq1", and is an attack on the hosting provider and can affect any content management system. :uh..: I used this video to fix things , and deleted all the spammy links! Errrrr for some reason the youtube videos embedded in the page is no longer working.... give some time to figure that out ^^;

Hopefully google will find out soon and restore our ranking :sparkleguy:
Personally, I suppose the "yuki kajiura" request is rather wide in nature. IMHO we popped up so high due to luck mostly, since there are a lot of sites even mentioning Yuki (we are talking about search engines here). For better or for worse, people usually intend to search ANY info on the person whose name they type in. If they intend to check out whatever fansites are there, they add "fansite". at least that's what I did and that's how I got there. And I've tried typing "yuki kajiura fansite" now, CPM is line #1. :sparkleguy:
I've never ever added "fansite" to a person's name when I wanted to find his site :uh..:
it was for years at the top of searches for yuki kajiura just because we are that awesomely relevant according to google :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: and through google analytics/webmaster tools we could see how many visitors it got through searches for "yuki kajiura" only, which was a lot more before and is currently 0 :uh..:
The site reappeared in google search for "Yuki Kajiura", 1st page, 4th from bottom (It will go higher the following days) :sohappy: :sohappy:

However its still way away from first page for Kalafina :(, guess we just have to wait.
on the other hand, the FIRST link to pop up at "Canta Per Me" entry is US. :sparkleguy: Talk about a good domain name :psst:

Kalafina search, I got tired/bored after some 15 pages of results. Oh well, it's not like we're a specifically Kalafina fansite to begin with...
Thing is that people wont be searching for the site - since most of them dont know it so "" as a possibility of keyword should be rare. What matters is that people who search info for "Yuki Kajiura" have to be able to find us, which doesnt happen with the current situation :uh..:

Oh, wait it came back to 3rd position of the first google page :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: