SEE-SAW "Sarigiwa no romantikusu" ED theme song for 'Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM" released on January 26, 2024

Whats so funny ? ....
You didn't understand it. Let me try again with another gif less subtle:

Little bit off-topic but wondering if anyone has those Re-tracks that came out with the Mobile Suit Gundam SEED series Memorial CD-BOX, Disc 11.

梶浦由記(Yuki Kajiura) staff


【Release】See-Sawがエンディングテーマを担当した「機動戦士ガンダムSEED FREEDOM」のBlu-ray & 4K UHD-BD & DVDが2024年12月25日(水)発売されます。詳しくは公式サイトをご確認ください。#SeeSaw#SEEDFREEDOM
Translated from Japanese by
[Release] The Blu-ray, 4K UHD-BD, and DVD of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM," for which See-Saw performed the ending theme, will be released on Wednesday, December 25, 2024.For more details, please check the official website.
I just checked the movie. I either didn't know or forgot that the ending song starts during the show (with action & dialogue still running) as per usual in Gundam SEED... Poo.
^ is that live in a beauty contest ? lol so many models on the stairs.
Other than that sounds exactly like the CD.
I was also surprised the first time I watched it, wondering about the artist/song choice for a pageant / model show. The host (I noticed) was really enjoying herself, clapping along.

Chiaki was confident and camera/stage aware as always. Even during the interludes she kept moving and projecting her presence while waiting to continue singing.

I just contrast this with awkward glances or looking away or checking in-ear monitors that singers do sometimes whre's there's an extended interlude (and they're not needed to sing).

I just remembered Kalafina's dancing during the Hikari no Senritsu's long flute interlude during a TV appearance (the one where they wore the MV costumes, I can't recall the link) They danced, but they felt a little awkward and shy (except Keiko?). Anyway that just came to my mind.

Listening to Chiaki's voice, at some points I heard Hikaru's voice slightly reflected in the tone/brightness (thinking she could have done a cover in her vocal prime). Makes me also think Kajiura was always looking for/favored that kind of bright forward tone in her singers.

Also makes me think Chiaki spoiled Kajiura to often benchmark her later singers against Chiaki's forward, strong belted voice and always push her singers (Yuuka, Wakana, who are more gentle/quiet singers) to sing with more power.
^ Chiaki has a really unique voice, and all these years i have never heard a voice that sounds similar to hers, and this is regardless of how expressive or forward a singer is. Maybe you could say its similar to how thai people are talking, by using the nose alot.
^ Chiaki has a really unique voice, and all these years i have never heard a voice that sounds similar to hers, and this is regardless of how expressive or forward a singer is. Maybe you could say its similar to how thai people are talking, by using the nose alot.
"New" as it wasn't on youtube and indeed, I hadn't seen it before, nor posted around here (maybe I just had missed it) I was just so happy to have found it!
"No Make" in the context of this song means "no make-up" (ie not wearing cosmetics).

I don't remember seeing this clip before.
I see I'm not the only one :) Happy to have brought it back then!