Nick Hunter
I have reached Yuki nirvana
That means...two a-sides for the single. And that symphonia won't have an instrumental version, maybe
Well, they already pulled it off once, with Oblivious.

No, wait, TWICE - can't forget Sprinter/ARIA!
Or maybe symphonia for 3rd album??
Dunno, the previous albums followed three and four singles respectively. Now, an album after two singles? Although as a numerical variation, it might sound justified.

Somehow I doubt that Symphonia will end up on the b-side of Magia.
Off: i need a mashimo x Yuki collaboration right NAO!
I did want that, too, but I'm more than content with Madoka. Based on what we have experienced in the past...
Yuki + ufotable = EPIC WIN.
Yuki + Akiyuki Shinbo = EPIC WIN.
Yuki + Kouichi Mashimo = EPIC... OST.

Well done, Kazado!