Also....MOAR questions please! 10 or 11 questions are simply not enough to statistically arrive at a conclusion!
It needs to be in the region of about 100 (ideally)....if you are using the ProProf website.....or 25 for a manual solution like what Niney-chan had always been doing so far!
That's sure a lot of effort to someone handle alone. Who would be willing to help her with such amount of questions? Or should I say, who would be willing to take a hundred questions just to know what other CPMer he/she is?
hye! this quiz still open?
anyways,i want to try!My ans:
1)g(i won't choose f coz i want to listen to the vocalists singing)
5)g(i'll always try not to show that i'm overexcited)
8)d(i like violin~ )
ah watashi mo〜 I have an idea of who I might be XD
1) c
2) g
3) f so hard to choose!
4) a white pine is actually my favourite tree〜
5) g
6) a
7) a
8) g