this is kinda troublesome....
/me kicks whoever created this thread
okay..here I go

1-Natsu no Ringo
3-Love come down
last place - seventh heaven
Shin said:
this is kinda troublesome....
/me kicks whoever created this thread
okay..here I go
1-Natsu no Ringo
3-Love come down
last place - seventh heaven
lapis is duplicated. #25 and #33.For some reason calculating the songs in my library only brings back 66 tracks, not 67, so something has to be a duplicate here. I don't know what.
lapis is duplicated. #25 and #33.
I don't really like believe and heavenly blue as whole but I like the verses. The bottom 5 of the list is the songs that I almost always skip. and I forgot about moonfesta and sapphire. moonfesta is on par with consolation and Hikarifuru, sapphire is on par with Gloria.
glad to see some Ongaku loveAs for answering the question of this thread my top favorites are (currently):
1. Ongaku
2. Consolation
3. Mune no Yukue
4. Yume no Daichi
5. Obbligato (yeah i know I just bashed it above, but the Kajiurago chorus is incredible)
6. in your eyes
7. Kyrie
8. Magia (again, I just bashed it above, but the guitar in this is amazing. I also like the verses a lot, I just find the main chorus very very disappointing)
glad to see some Ongaku love
really, the only songs I don't like very much are snow falling and mirai. Eden's started to border into that grouping, though
Wow! I'm so shocked to hear that someone doesn't like credens justitiam. I always assumed it was impossible to not love this song, I just personally find it to be one of Kajiura's best songs of all time. I love that whenever I think I can assume something across the board about people, I am always wrong. We truly are all individuals with unique perspectives and tastes, and that is awesome.Regardless of what people say here I think it's safe to say Ongaku gets plenty of love.
snow falling, Mirai and Eden were the first three tracks of Kalafina's that I didn't really care for. It's not a dislike as such (that's just Believe really for me) but they were the first times I didn't fall in love with them either at first listen or over time, and I still haven't. Then again I never cared for Credens in the first place, so not liking Mirai is a given I guess.
Wow! I'm so shocked to hear that someone doesn't like credens justitiam. I always assumed it was impossible to not love this song, I just personally find it to be one of Kajiura's best songs of all time. I love that whenever I think I can assume something across the board about people, I am always wrong. We truly are all individuals with unique perspectives and tastes, and that is awesome.
That also speaks volumes to Kajiura's talent, that her work elicits such polar opposite reactions from people, as a real artist's work does.
Except even the Kajiurago chorus doesn't redeem the song. It's only slightly better than every other generic anime OP out there. Even to the beginning was stretching it, but the power of the girls' vocals carried the song through.are only redeemed by the Kajiurago chorus or instrumentations.