New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

@joel: huh ? They are not in, why that reaction ? We have had a song of storm and fire before, so more room for new/unperformed songs is always welcome :)

thanks elcazador!
btw Kuga, hall C's small capacity might be because there are 6 daily concerts in there so they dont need all fans in the same day like in cases were they go to a city for only 1 day so they need something big :)
^ Even if the set lists are the same, the performances are different from day to day, and I wonder how many people will try to get to multiple performances.

Of course a smaller venue should be good for being closer to the performers.
Would've been even more perfect if sis puella magica, heigen, E.G.O., a KnK medley and Himitsu (I needs my Yuriko Kaida solo) made to the setlist instead of in the land of twilight (seriously, this song ugh), Distance, Toki no Mukou ni and eternal blue (I know they're FJ songs and this is an FJ tour, but they sound so similar to Parallel Hearts that I'd rather just have Parallel Hearts).

At least we get Hitorigoto, Nohara, Historia: OP, absolute conflagaration, luminous sword, rising up, M23 and the four new FJ songs.

I've never heard of Kimi Ga Ita Monogatari before though. Anyone know here this is from?
Loved the setlist, looking forward to the DVD. Kimi ga Ita Monogatari is absolutely amazing, you guys will love it live. luminouw sword is breathtaking! Nohara and hitorigoto are beautiful. elemental is badass.

I'm just sad they didn't put the sequence: Kimi ga Ita -> Stone Cold -> Zodiacal Sign. It was the coolest thing in the Osaka live.

I love in the land of twilight under the moon and Hanamori no Oka, but I would prefer new live songs too. Winter, please.

I'm crying. I really wanted the image theme...It was one of my favorite performance T__T
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Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11 elemental Tour 2014 tokyo NHK  ツアーファイナル 東京公演 セットリスト

in the land of twilight under the moon
luminous sword
credens justitiam
historia opening theme
劇場版 空の境界 未来福音 M23
eternal blue
時の向こう 幻の空
rising up
absolute configuration(劇場版魔法少女まどか☆マギカ叛逆の物語の戦闘曲)
stone cold
zodiacal sign
parallel hearts
sweet song



まず、今日は機材の前辺りの席だったのでもしかしたらHikaruとYuukaが近くにいるかなーと淡い期待してたら通路はさんで5列くらい横にHikaruがいましたwww このせいで終盤まで何かあればじろじろ見ることとなります(笑)

elemental…Hikaruの表情は凄いみやすかったのですが(笑)ステージの表情は見にくかったので笑顔とかは見にくかったです… ただ梶浦さんは笑顔のような気がしました!

storytelling…大宮でほとんど立ってなかったので今日もそうかと思いきやほぼ総立ちでしたね!梶浦さんとWakanaが笑顔で目を合わせてたのが印象的でした! ちなみにHikaruは全く立ってませんでしたw



in the land…ボーカル譜面がついに出た曲。音程を確認しましたw

luminous sword…途中から総立ちでびっくりしました。ラストでHikaruも拍手してました。ポーカーフェイスでwww



Wakana…FJとしての自分。色々なものの発見(こんな曲・音程も好きだったのか…) 梶浦さんのMC聞くのも楽しい。勉強にもなる。発見にもなる。


KEIKO…学びの場所。ハーモニーも譜面もはじめて学んだ場所。今の全ての基礎を作ったライブ。いつもほかの3人から足りないところを盗もうw ただ、今回のツアーは会場の空気によって作られてました。









強様…「そこにLiveがあるから」→拍手 完璧じゃないから面白いものなんです!


赤木さん…気のキャッチボールが楽しいにつきる♪♪♪ お客様と気を投げ合い段々大きくなっていく。PS.昨日巨人はまけました。これからはコントロールよくキャッチボールしてほしいwww








rising up…いままでのセトリを変えてきたのでびっくりw


absolute configuration…間奏がおかしいくらいかっこいいw 是ちゃんのギターかっけー

君がいた物語…間奏でKeikoとKaoriが一緒に歌いながら前に出るところが凄い好きでした。また歌ってほしいですがその場面はあるのかな… 後、途中の今野さんの演奏凄かったw

stone cold…今日もKAORIがマイク向けてくれたので一緒に歌ってました(笑) 後、途中で貝田さんがKeikoにちょっかい出そうとしたらKeikoがキーボードに当たりかけたのかな?梶浦さんがびっくりして貝田さんと目を合わせて二人で指を振ってるシーンが面白かったですwww それでラスト貝田さんがKeikoの頭ポーンとしてましたw

MC…ここで今日のライブの映像化を発表!!! 各地で撮ったmaking映像付で! Hikaruをチラッと見たらかわいかったw 横から見たら凄い美人でした!だからジロジロ見てたんですけどねwww

distance…やっぱり好きやねんこの曲!!!w 後、この曲も総立ちでびっくり!


zodiacal…今日もKAORIがみなさんご一緒に!でマイク向けてくれてたので歌えました!w 最後梶浦さんが満面の笑み(^◇^)



Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#12 開 催 決 定 !!!

2015年6月10日 11日 12日 13日 14日(2回) 国際フォーラムC
        20日 21日(2回) NHK大阪
ぶっちゃけここで意識が半分飛びましたw vol.#9でチケット争奪戦をしてた身としてw(これは後日書きます)

sweet song…告知がなければ泣いてたかもしれませんが頭が既に来年の方に向いてました(笑)



ツアー全体の話とvol.12の話は後日別記事で書きます。とりあえず本日はHikaruが陰の主役に私にとってなってましたwww vol.9のインスト日に通路を挟んでKAORI、KEIKO、Hikaruがいて以来の観覧での接近でしたから。やっぱりかわいかったww 本編に戻るとやはりファイナルということで一番盛り上がるセトリきましたね!野原やった瞬間rising upとかやらないのかと思いましたがw そして映像化! 思えば初日20年ぶりくらいの大雪の日、オリンピックの開幕日という遥か昔のような気がする日から始まったこのツアーも遂に終わりました… 続きは別の記事で書きたいと思います。とりあえず、このツアーの出演者、参加された方々お疲れ様でした!!!楽しいツアーありがとうございました!!!!
@joel: huh ? They are not in, why that reaction ? We have had a song of storm and fire before, so more room for new/unperformed songs is always welcome :)

For the BD I would love this setlist + Materialise instead of zodical sign ...
if you have favorites (or must see performance) in the setlist, I have own my list too.

Considering half of the songs in the setlist were already performed from the recent Vol.9 DVD and the lives before, I have been looking forward to the part of the setlist that featured luminous sword, image them, a song of storm and fire, credens (somewhat). I also like to see rising up and absolute configuration.

I'll still be glad to have this live release, the chances of the Nohara and hitorigoto appearing in the next live is low :vortex: And the five single title songs are still in for the long run and prolly will still be included in Vol.12, who knows.

:w00t: this and FJY BDs :w00t:
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Google Translate said:
Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol. # 11 elemental Tour 2014 tokyo NHK Tokyo tour final performance set list

in the land of twilight under the moon
luminous sword
Hill Hanamori
credens justitiam
historia opening theme
Future boundary of M23 gospel theater version sky
eternal blue
Sky beyond the illusion of time
rising up
Victory song
( battle song of the story of The Movie Magical Girl Madoka ☆ Magika rebellion ) absolute configuration
Story have you
stone cold
zodiacal sign
parallel hearts
sweet song

Imaging decision! vol.12 decision! And I thought I would , be cries at the end Maybe before the show , but I am in a festive mood now completely ( laughs)

I think you would like to write to the series as the time from here .

First of all , what up late due this www that there was a Hikaru next about five columns across passage If I expect pale with Na or are nearby Yuuka and Hikaru Maybe because it was front seat around the equipment today will be seen staring some in case of ( laughs)

expression of elemental ... Hikaru I was easy to see great , but I feel like the smile did you do Kajiura 's just ... It was Minikuka~tsu such as the expression of a smile ( laughs) stage because it was Minikuka~tsu !

It was a standing ovation nearly It thinks that it either so today because it was not standing almost storytelling ... Omiya ! It was impressive and Wakana Kajiura -san has had eye contact with a smile ! By the way, Hikaru and w that did not stand at all

music that seemed that it was good to have Akagi 's tour through this forest ...

You've probably heard through the tour a beautiful voice of liminality ... Wakana!

song in the land ... vocal music came out at last . W has been checking the tune

I was surprised at the standing ovation from the luminous sword ... the way. Hikaru was also applauded at last . Www with a poker face


Topic diva - ed in today's
Customer applause theme serious → "What is Kajiura live for me "

Myself as Wakana ... FJ. ( This song, musical pitch Did liked ... ) discovery of the various things you ask MC of Kajiura 's also fun . I will also study . It is the discovery .

Qaeda 's ... I was surprised by the rattle is Jigoe the time being . Although I thought truly singing voice is beautiful ...
The "w Please come out before properly figure people " w → Kajiura you are customer → inflame Mr. Kajiura → glad pampered " Lily Nee " → I did not until it is able to appear before

Location of KEIKO ... learn . Where the harmonies music also learned for the first time . Live , which laid the foundation of all of this . But w steal fall somewhat short from three other always , this tour was made by the air of the venue .

Where to very nervous and say in KAORI ... word . Because FJKAORI since it has been singing opportunity , pressure and a sense of responsibility to be turned up to grow each time it is called . It does not change no matter how many times doing . However , there was also impressed I got this album , but there was a thing which was also obtained to others .

" Everyone is humble but I ww I think I doss ! At about +4 premium " Kajiura 's

Hanamori ... × flute drum was great !

minute you are getting tired because it credens ... every time , it was a tour that was found to greatness of the flute .

W you have servants laughing so was the applause as represents the character when you see Hikaru you are singing in Histria ... rearranged song became so worried about

To the theme from the story that long-awaited as girls' comics of the screenplay and Anne MC ... Hanako ...

" What do you got to Live? " FBM theme

Jr 's ... not see at home only net era of Live now . Live is like a voyage . Can not exceed the rough seas If you do not properly Koga . The applause → ! " Why do not we go to the sea to the next !"

Strength like ... " because there is a Live there " and I thing interesting because not a clap → perfect!

Mr. Konno , Ohira ... and Live ( I I ask how ) concentrated soup ( this one is out ) full course Rec

Akagi 's ... gradually becomes larger each other throw the damn ♪ ♪ ♪ Guest exhausted catch of mind to fun . PS. Giant was defeated yesterday . The www I want to catch the ball well control in the future

The fun song Korenaga 's ... was born in Rec will remain the same while growing in Live. Live for today → applause is one of the ideal

It was the happiest you have heard this song M23 .... I will never forget the big smile of Kajiura 's .

You can cry and think that it does not hear the other arrangements of Akagi 's soliloquy ...

w that I did not see you ever see the face of the people of Hikaru 2 storm ... Kalafina because the singing but it was so dark from beginning to end

♪ standing ovation from time eternal ... here

It was the same content as the Omiya and MC ... Osaka second day .

Field ... I did not hear only three times this tour . It was a shame because it is great like the bass of Keiko.

surprised w and that we have changed the settling time of rising up ... until now

I think it's a song they can do every time live in the future ... Kaige .

Guitar Kakke of w Shi- chan Cool absolute configuration ... interlude is much funny

It was a great favorite place to go on before Kaori and Keiko is singing together in the story ... interlude that you have . In addition, I want to sing , but after ... wonder if there is the scene , w was great playing Konno 's on the way

I was singing along ( laughs) after , Keiko is wonder if was about to hit the keyboard Qaeda 's When I tried to Serve dabble in Keiko on the way so I toward microphone KAORI also stone cold ... today ? W the last Qaeda 's www so it was interesting scene that shook a finger at two people together and eye- Qaeda 's Kajiura -san surprised had a head pawn of Keiko

Announces imaging of live today at MC ... here! ! ! In making the video with which I took in various places ! It was a great beauty when you see from w side was pretty if you see an instant the Hikaru! So www Although I were you staring

This song still Sukiyanen distance ...! ! ! w later , this song also surprised at their feet !


KAORI is to you purchase together with zodiacal ... today ! I sing in it because it was me for Mike ! w big smile last Kajiura -san (^ ◇ ^)

Www you had to jump with parallel ... Last WAKANA

I think you want to do weekday songwriting , but also because ... was fun live weekend recently MC ... here! ! ! ! !

. # 12 held decision Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol! ! !

The 14th the 13th the 12th the 11th June 10, 2015 ( twice) International Forum C
The 21st the 20th ( twice ) NHK Osaka
( I write this at a later date ) w As someone who was at the ticket contest . # 9 w vol consciousness flew half Butchakekoko

It might have been crying if there is no sweet song ... but notice head was directed towards next year already ( laughs)

" It was a fun tour with no great important Kake-kai ! ! I'll see you in vol .. 12 ( gesture that oops-a-daisy ) vol.11d ...!!!!! " Greeting ... Kajiura last

Www you had to leave again when you see the person of Hikaru here

( Summary )
I will write a separate article at a later date story of vol.12 and story of the entire tour . And were always close in viewing since have KAORI, KEIKO, Hikaru is across the passage to the installation date of the www vol.9 that Hikaru had become for me the leading role of shadow today for the time being . It came settling time and rise most in that final still Returning to ww main part was still cute ! I thought and what do not do such as rising up the moment you 've done , but field imaging and w! I think this tour day of heavy snow in about 20 years first day , started from the day when I feel as much a long time ago that the opening day of the Olympics is if you think that also want to write in another article it was over at last ... Read More . Anyway , it was cheers for good work people performer of this tour , who participated ! ! ! Thank you for the tour fun ! ! ! !

So...Hikaru was in the audience? With Yuuka? :confu: awwww :shy:
^ohhhhh that makes sense
Awhh id so be the one to creep on Hikaru in the audience *is bricked*
^ If I was there and had spotted her in the audience it would have been like:





I wonder what the people sitting next to her were thinking...
Wait, so there is going to be dvd release! Ahhhh I hope I can get this. Really really want to hear gaika live. How is it Yukito? It seems like something Wakana will be good at. (And haven't they had Hikaru as a guest on FJ live before? Sorry if I've already asked this question... my mind has been hazy lately.) Oh goodness, can't wait for this live.