@CloisteredFlame you definetely need to watch the works Kajiura made music for its the best way to understand why it was made like this and will make you appeeciate the lives even more.
After watching Madoka, I began to understand the Kalafina ladies' mannerisms during their lives, where they really put effort into the choreography and staging/lighting.
After watching Madoka, I began to understand the Kalafina ladies' mannerisms during their lives, where they really put effort into the choreography and staging/lighting.
Oh I saw Madoka last year after seeing all the YouTube comments talking about Mami and speaking about the characters instead of the music. They were also raving about how the anime looked deceptively cute, but episode 3 was earth-shattering, and with "Magia" playing at that scene. I was too intrigued to let it go, since I was really into "Magia" (and Hikaru's MV performance of course).
Yeaa, that's kinda the thing with shows that have twists and turns. They just either get spoiled or people hype up certain episodes so you know something's going to go down.
Everyone's here right in the intro!!!
A little bit of Moses vibes from the beginning scene (Mai?) and a whole 14-year time skip too!
Sounds like Yuuka Nanri singing the intro...Hmmm.
Kay, OP started. It's Minami Kuribayashi. She did My-HiME opening too. XD
*snicker*Nina Wang. I am 12 and what is this. (crap I messed up the meme, lol)
lol that ant head
Mmm Sir Gay Wang. *snicker* insert meme again
hell yea "Gokigenyo"!
jfc Nina's head looked huge compared to Arika's when they left the port station
buuuueh~ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek~
damn that's sum selfdefence
ekeheheh Mikoto
you know they are doing a pretty nice job setting up this new world
lol that fanfare ("prologue")
action lets go~
politics in my HiME mmmm
"MATERIALISE" lets go~
I don't know, this entire action sequence is technically so simple but also so visually clean that it's impressive.
hohoho blue sapphire huh
dat Meister Shizuru landing, iconic
So Mai is the country bumpkin in this one but not feral like Mikoto (different names in Otome, yes Mikoto is a cat here ). I appreciated the change to a European-style location, more elaborate and differentiated costuming and character designs, including a royal aspect to .
At the first battle scene - protecting the princess from the slave, I started to hear Yuri Kasahara's voice singing that dissonant tune "Materialize" (yeah?) with her powerful voice (even at low volume the resonance was strong)!
I started to hear Yuri Kasahara's voice singing that dissonant tune "Materialize" (yeah?) with her powerful voice (even at low volume the resonance was strong)!
Major Wang, lolol. I can't. I'm so immature. (I know it's just a translation and but still.)
oh Shizuru... such a tease...
I know "Gokigenyo" is going to get overplayed lol but I like the track so much.
hey new characters, voiced by Minami Kuribayashi and Rie Tanaka fyi.
the way they stress Missss Maria makes me shiver.
Oh wow, subtitles kinda spoilery, I'm not sure the audience was supposed to understand all that...
I forgot what a brat Mashiro was in this series lol
(had to pause for a minute or two)
that fanfare makes me laugh so much XD
oh god forgot about Yukariko from HiME, iconic Kikuko Inoue
lol Shiho nyaknyaknyak makimakiakamaki
damn they are really hamming up the yuri theatrics, after hime's reception I guess
lol Nao what a troll; holy shit, forgot her first name was Juliet in this one, it kind of hits differently after going back to Seiya lol
yooooooooooooooo Nagi, troublemaker as always XD
Arika vs Nina lets go
ep suri
Nagi za troll
nanomachines huh
ohohoho more flashbacks to lil Sir Gay with Rena Sayers
cant with the ant XD
lady fia grosse's character design (maybe not the outfit) has something in it. I can't remember if she actually has any role in the show though, lol. guess I'll find out.
dang, yap, those elite otome designs have something in em
yoooo kazukun! I wish thee luck~
ohohoho, the princess plot thicknzzzz
mikoto's outfit and the fanfare again. yes. XD
this fight does not necessarily seem like the sequence to use "materialise" on but whatevs
schwartz and then black valley is something else okay I better remember, nice spin
kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa meeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa meeeeeeee...
and more nina sirgay flashbacks
oh boy those headshots flying across the screen XD
ep quatro
I has ZA POWAAAAAAaaaaaa
Ah yes, another obligatory stripping sequence ;p
guts!!!!!! ding
welcome to skool.
lul dat face >8-[
Ah yes... the good old virgin/sexual abstinence plot...
proper Erstin introduction hi
and here we go, not everyone graduates as an otome.
"that girl" heh
hi Irina
yo lilie yayoi miya
hi Tomoe~ aren't you a proper lady, classrep
Freedom Nation uhhh so many factions. dang politics.
ass crack
lol SirGay just encouraging chibiNina's obsession with her papa
oh you little conniving...
lol nice little twist
man, akira ishida is such a good troll as nagi
oh bruh I'm starting remembering the makimaki BGM being a lot in this series, moreso than "onaka hetta" in HiME
photo drop
dang those evil otaku!!!
gee I wonder who this mystery sponsor is HMMMMmmmm
I don't remember how long this bullying arc lasts, hope not too long. I don't need the sadness now.
oh would you look at that, everyone believes and wants to help~ mood++++
moar kazukun screentime
oh you little conniving...
Oh is this going to be the extra fanservice episode like HiME#4
Oh yes it is...
lol@Mikoto in that getup
Dem curves on everyone
Oh I remember... I remember this... fanservice...
I want to say that even as a wee lad I thought this one was too much... but I don't remember how I felt about it back in 2005.
But at least it's also the first time we get Yuriko's lullaby.
So we've been getting lots of faction/nation names but this might be the first time they drop the "W" word?
Did they mention she was adopted before? Did I look away? Or is this the first time? (Edit: I double checked. They said it in ep#2.)
And they drop all that inbetween this fanservice... lol.
Oh you little conniving...
Oboi... Here we go...
Cute transition to the ED. Kind of makes it seem like it's a happy ending to an arc.
time to bring down Mashiro a notch
lol not Mashiro blushing at Nagi
nisemono no ohime plot thicknz and trauma
lol nao got her this job?
black letter :(
hmmm... I be darned... this I did not see coming. Peculiar version of the lullaby... (Edit: I think I figured it out. Post below.)
proposal all of a sudden??
oh my, Nagi...
Mmm, lore. Hi Fumi statue.
Oh wow, I forgot they introduced this so early in the show.
Yoooo Miyu. In Vampire Hunter D getup, lul.
Awww. Rip jewelry.
Hi shadowy Mikoto.
Nice looking Pokemon.
rip random man from construction site
same transition to ED again, interesting
Everyone knows! Oh noes!
Everyone knows! Oh noes!
dats some floor scrubber lol
lol Arika... never change... never change...
yo miyu
wat a tweest
Oh Arika... XD
what a weird BGM choice for this open sardine scene.
oh, I think we're getting the komoriuta soon. I remember always thinking the version on OST would be longer. It is what it is...
tombs :(
sad reality for Otomes. :(
"A w* isn't going to break out." Surely not... the writers are only foreshadowing it for funsies. XD
A familiar voice, heh. Another faction, Aswald. Oh nevermind, they're from the Black Valley.
The fanservice episode was maybe too much but I'm having a lot of fun rewatching the anime so far. Surprisingly, I remember quite a bit from the show, both in detail and in general, just not necessarily when exactly something happens. Like I really didn't remember Harmonium being introduced this early.
One thing I wish they did in this show was have some kind of map with nation names at the start of every other episode - maybe some kind of narrated prologue before the OP or something like that, just to keep track of all the nation names and maybe even rulers. Most characters aren't too bad since you should be familiar with a lot of them from HiME but all those other names unghhhhh...
So it was only Yuriko that provided chorus in the original release!
Wow! When Yuri went up to the highest note towards the end... Man what a voice. I would really like to hear it live now. I can imagine Yuriko (and Joelle for the head voice range) going as operatic as possible with Yuriko on the chorus.
So I'm rewatching Otome... Had to stop in the middle of episode7 'cause they were clearly playing Kajiura's instrumental under the seiyuu lyrics and I had to do a double take.
For a second I thought it's an original arrange and I'd have to eat my words but I don't think so. The instrumental playing appears to be the guitar & percussion from the first half of OST1's Komoriuta, except it's sped up about 114% and pitched down about 4 semitones. Took me a moment. The 2nd time it loops it might have some creative editing - it's bloody difficult to be sure with the og strings blasting and different mix. I'm relatively certain in most parts of the second loop that it's still the first half of the Komoriuta though, including the ending.
So I'm rewatching Otome... Had to stop in the middle of episode7 'cause they were clearly playing Kajiura's instrumental under the seiyuu lyrics and I had to do a double take.
For a second I thought it's an original arrange and I'd have to eat my words but I don't think so. The instrumental playing appears to be the guitar & percussion from the first half of OST1's Komoriuta, except it's sped up about 114% and pitched down about 4 semitones. Took me a moment. The 2nd time it loops it might have some creative editing - it's bloody difficult to be sure with the og strings blasting and different mix. I'm relatively certain in most parts of the second loop that it's still the first half of the Komoriuta though, including the ending.
I'm gonna have to go back to that. (I'm already in episode 19!)
It's a beautiful recurring theme and I wonder who wrote the track and if there's a live version.
The theme is by Kajiura but while her arrangements of it appear throughout the OST, the plot-specific lyrics & final arrangement for the seiyuu song are not hers. (Which is why I had to do a double take on episode7, which clearly had Kajiura's instrumental underlying Mashiro's performance.)
Dang, you watch fast. I'm only starting #10. XD
Kinda feels like another fanservice episode with returning bullying until the ending...
Sir Gay to the rescue~
I'm watching episodes so close together and I'm still having problems keeping track of the nation names...
You little conniving...
They like slaps in this franchise. xD
Yes... what are you thinking? -_- Ugh. This shirtless embrace scene.
Get 'im Arika.
Male nips. Gud, fanservice equality.
"Before breakfast" dafuq? lol
Oh Haruka... Oh Haruka... xD
Black Valley got nanomachines too. *ish got real.
Smith saying Miss Midori, lol. Mister Anderson vibes.
"Then you can show your devotion by dying." dang, Midori.
Aww dat Black Valley photo. Did we know this about the doc before this episode?
w Arika's sleeping pose
hmmm... "whoever controls the princess controls the world"? Is that about the Harmonium specifically? I don't remember. Otherwise why would the princess be the key to the world?
hurrdurr of course it's the same date... XD
the strings only version of "Kibo no Miyako, Windbloom" is very pretty
Florence? I don't remember reading that nation name before... uhhhhhh more...
"Peace is such a fragile thing." sadness
Zipang~ yay at least I remember who this prince is and remember the country's name from the OST. XD
Of course it's her birthday, too... XD
dang Nina looks like she about to snap
enter sad backstory
oh you little...
lol Arika asking squirrels about a crow...
perfect disguise
oh wow, the man wasn't lying - it was a crow that took it...
Yo Takumi... did... you just drag an unconscious girl down an alley? oh boy...
who dis
awww. Gud for you, Nina. Too bad about your obsession with Sir Gay tho.
Oh no... not the thumpthump from Arika...
hi Akira ;)
Not Mashiro living a twisted eroge in her dream...
not sus at all
will this be a wake up call for Mashiro or are we waiting until the end of the show... I forgot...
lul the name swapping
guess Mashiro needs more than seeing the poor side of her town... maybe Takumi tells her off...
Nao, you go girl!
well this certainly feels more like Shizuru from HiME lol
come on Mashiro
not foreshadowing at all...
another photo drop, and finally name drop
Lets see how this goes for Akane and Kazukun...
lol what a cruisin spot
jfc kazukun............. did that really happen or was it just in her head...
Mai and Otome lore
lilac instrumental
Oh hey, we doing it. "Ikusa Otome" vocals for the first time. Kind of weird moments to use it for.
lilac. Dey be dropping tracks this episode. Almost like it's some season finale/opening. XD
that's a shot.
"I will take care of you tenderly." who says that... lol. Run, Akane!
chotto matte!
Oh no... oh no... not Arika thumpthump at Sergay with lilac piano/koi gokoro playing and Akane talking about love... uh. I don't like this part of the show.
And so it begins. (But also not Romulus and Remus, lol.)
lets stay calm~
That's some wild makeup Irina...
Ok, nevermind. Arika got you beat with that clown makeup.
Conflicts between nations escalate. Hurrdurr.
So let me recap for myself: Lutesia is having a go at itself (along the border of Romulus & Remus, lul); Florince and Cardair are at poo terms, which is escalating due to Akane x Kazukun; Artai(Nagi) is collaborating with Schwartz to undermine the entire planet.
Holy shit. Dafuq is with these girls' make up skills? lol.
another reality check for girls at the academy. sadness :(
but also Arika plz2forget about Sergay...
Haruka -_-
Mashiro still moping around instead of doing better. Fingers crossed.
Oh so it was Nagi's doing at the border... Also "Chiisaki Dukeshi".
I can't stand this Sergay love plot thread.
Why are we cutting away from Erstin talking about the Blue Sky Sapphire? o_0
Yo Miyu. "Child" name drop.
Oh now we're getting the story.
For heaven's sake... plz stop encouraging 15yo's to have feelings for way older men.
"North hound". I don't remember if they have more backstory for that...
Oh you little conniving... This is not redeemable behaviour. :|
backstory tweest woo~ (although would it not be at least plausible for the GEM to find its way to another girl...)
What scum.
Of course Sergay will be her saviour... -_-
Come on Nao. Finish them! Fatality pleez!
"Ikusa Otome" vocals, few good seconds without any noises
hope Miya tells all and Tomoe gets what she deserves...
star lore~
Sergay do the right thing plz. Fffffffffffffff it cut away.
LOL what a cell at an academy...
Can we get what happened between the two already jfc...
Good talk. Now lets do something about it.
As for Sergay... I don't know what to think at this moment.
"Chiisaki Dukeshi" with vocal~
Yes, Sir Gay. SHE IS. Stop encouraging both of their feelings.
Oh hey "Mai", did they play it in the first cour?
get rekd Tomoe. Shame we didn't get to see it.
Oh wow, I feel like it's been a while since Yukariko appeared.
Mashiro feeling better too. How nice.
Black letter galore. Not so nice. Too bad I know who that shadow is.
Oh new Gundam OP here already, was expecting it next episode.
Oh Chie... I do not approve of you letting her off the hook like that. Disappointing.
I need more lore from Midori's side.
Ehehhe, Nao.
Like how does Yoko leave her lab with dangerous materials accessible. o_0
Nice save.
And how does noone go against Tomoe. FFS.
I don't remember Nina's backstory at all. Hope they cover it soon.
"With Sanks" oHOHOHOhohohoHOHOHOhohoOHOHO I needed this. Even better that she spelled it wrong, and it's not the show's mistake, lol.
Wooo "Ikusa Otome"
Here we goooooo~ maybe I should've left this episode for tomorrow, lol.
Here we gooooo~
When Dreams Fall, indeed.
Why is Nina running... lol.
Mashiro... I don't think you should be that shocked your people don't like you... You've not yet reached the end of your redemption arc.
This show sure likes to cut away from action.
"Hinegashi no Hana no youni" off-vocal debut. Oshi.
RIP identification system
wat "sei otome no inori" too? They are not playing this episode.
the betrayal :-(
At least Nagi isn't hiding.
Nina bout to snap.
Oh no, do not call Sergay serious about a little girl... Oh no... and he's not denying it. I hate this plot thread. :|
Welp. Here we go~
Enemies for lyfe. Kaboom.
another wake up call for Mashiro
lol Nao
Nagi "kick the poor out" takeover.
Oh Haruka...
Yo Miyu
Did Sergay just fist slam his dong? ... Unfortunate animation...
Oh that's a nice shot of people in the desert against the sun.
;_; another wake up slap for Mashiro
ugh mob behaviour
I don't know how I feel about this whole refugee sequence
Yo Arika nonono ikanai
wat a bird
I feel like Ai Shimizu (Mikoto's VA) is doing like 6+ characters in My-Otome...
Not sure if Midori is serious saying she's 17 or that she ages slowly (plot twist incoming?) or it's just a Forever17 seiyuu joke...
inspirational Queen
didn't Natsuki try to stop a car in HiME? Making her suffer again... Oh Nao.........
another angle on the attack~
GEM lore~
Earl and Black Valley lore~
Foverer 17 XD
Mikoto buttslam
Cardair going to war~
Wait... Fia is also voiced by Rie Tanaka? lol.
Nina Sergay Backstory~ She sure ran into his arms fast...
Don't know how I feel about this belly of the beast... but at least Mashiro is feeling motivated to do better.
gud BGM choice for the attack with "Kyusai..."
On the other hand "Sajin ni Kureyuku" is really getting on my nerves by now...
Damn you Tomoe!!!
Shizuru getting a taste of her own My-HiME medicine. ;p
Nina also part of the Harmonium lineage d'uh. As if it weren't obvious...
not an automatic message
yo Mikoto
tough rules to go by
Mashiro lvl up complete
Awwww Aoi - but how? Chie doesn't have Otome powers...
;_; Otomes path
dafuq has been going on in this room, kinky
Oh that's how... Oh Chie...
;_; rip... though that hand in the air was a little too melodramatic
non Kajiura insert off-vocal
Keikaku doori...
I feel these last few episodes I might not be blogging much, I just want to get it done.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. THE ICK. This still could've worked well enough without the ick factor, just with Arika being inspiring to him and different dialogue. The fact they focus so much on the love aspect from both girls' side and from Sir Gay is killing the show for me.
Kay, lets see how Tomoe&co do this. Gundam power. This whole Tomoe subplot has been dragged out way too long as well.
Nagi is such a gaslighting prick.
Something went wrong with the casting here, how was it a good idea to have one actor voice two separate enemy Otome? Even if this fight was quick. ;p So what happens to Cardair now without a ruler?
What. How did Mikoto get there.
yo Miyu~
Harmonium lets go~ The power of Tornado & teleportation acquired!
Honestly, at this point I'm so tired of Nina... and Sergay and Arika...
Come on Alyssa! Purty golden feathers.
And another nuke explosion.
Wh...y... Dhuran shokan vocal for Mikoto&Mai? lol.
Kay, lets get that reunion on the road.
Mai just cooking with her powers. Of course.
Black Valley.
I mean, we knew this twist already based on Nagi's research scenes... If not earlier from assumptions that there would be more reveals...
Wait... this weird piano playing the lullaby melody over "Horobi no Uta"... I don't think they released this... Sounds rough, lol, happy to have "Horobi no Uta" as is.
Dang. I think I remember this weird feeling 'cause OST2 either just came out around these episodes or was about to come out but they kept playing unreleased tracks in the last stretch of the show. Lucky we got that special soundtrack with the Best Collection.
Confirmation who Arika is.
Yay, "Otome no Yakusoku".
Mai Wisdoms
lol this was such a "Janet! Dr. Scott! Janet! Brad! Rocky!" moment
Not sure if this backstory is disappointing or brilliant and perfectly HiME.
Perfect cyborg ass.
The last HiME.
Oh take a bloody sit Nina. I'm so tired of you.
That flat shot of Tornado Nina moving around... XD
lul that Mai-hime name drop
FiN minus tsu
lul Haruka working at the construction site
lul Kazukun being taken away from Akane. To quote Mel Brooks, "no ding ding without a wedding ring"
wait... is that Kikuko Inoue voicing Laula... when Yukariko is also in the scene? What is with this seiyuu recycling, lol.
eff this show.
I don't even want to continue.
FiN minus one
lul Fuka Academy. But I thought we were on another planet... XD
Yay, "Shinnaru Mezame" finally
will the power of friendship prevail
that screech from Tomoe. A++
take a sit Nina
and HiME we go
holy smokes Shiho's meister robe
the flat harmonium nina is hilarious
dang Miss Maria
not 15yo discussing their love for an older man
"I still want him!" NOoooooooooooooooooooOO
The power of Tornados!
... not "lilac" for Sergay waking up. Unghhhhhhhhhh. Groan.
The theme is by Kajiura but while her arrangements of it appear throughout the OST, the plot-specific lyrics & final arrangement for the seiyuu song are not hers. (Which is why I had to do a double take on episode7.)
Dang, you watch fast. I'm only starting #10. XD
Kinda feels like another fanservice episode with returning bullying until the ending...
Sir Gay to the rescue~
I'm watching episodes so close together and I'm still having problems keeping track of the nation names...
You little conniving...
They like slaps in this franchise. xD
Yes... what are you thinking? -_- Ugh. This shirtless embrace scene.
It's been a while since I'd last seen My-HiME (and I have rewatched it, unlike My-Otome) but I don't really remember there being this much "ick" there. I don't really remember anything else that would be to the level of Sergay x Nina/Arika in My-HiME. Like Shiho was absolutely obsessed with Tate in My-HiME, but I don't remember Tate ever going toward the creep category in his interactions with Shiho. (Nao's story is a separate matter.)
Yea. It's kind of a double edged sword. As a My-HiME watcher one definitely connects shit in their head and has certain expectations of how things will develop... And while it's fine to have those subverted on the viewer, it's not necessarily great when the subversion only gets a "wait, that's it?" reaction... But the show certainly hits a lot too.
The world-building is more vast; locations, costume variations and character roster are greatly expanded; and the sense of impact of the events is much more geographically impactful.
When they say something will affect a nation or the world, it means more in Otome. Hime is basically the school and the school town, so the sense of doom is localized to the characters and less so the students.