Thanks for your sharing...<3. Here is my review:
encounter This is nice... I like this piece. Love the melody and the choices of instrumental. I think that it's proper for a magical girl animation. Fantasy, a bit creepy, but not that dark.
warning #1 A short creepy song that isn't that dark... I isn't as dark as what the anime's proper for the 'beginning' of the anime...:P.
warning #2 Another creepy song.. not bad, but not outstanding.. I'd say that it's kind of generic for I think it's similar to a specific track in F/Z ost...(the battle to come or sth. like that..I guess.)
odd world #1 This is so a track from a horror film or sth...= [ ] =. I'd like to change the song names from 'odd world' to 'scary world'....Orz
odd world #2 The beginning is so creepy but after that it's a kind of...more like a battle theme and quite generic, but not that bad.
no more fear Since I'm not a fan of Credens know... I'm not that impressed for this track...
wo ist die Kase? What..= [ ] =...that kids' voice is cute and not that creepy..(I think adding some proper filter can make it better) All in all, it's a track that I feel fun to listen to.
short action Nice upbeat track... A good battle theme even it isn't much outstanding.
fateful #1 The melody of Sis Puella Magica is so subtle... It turns out to be a nice arrangement that isn't too close to the original.
something unusual Nice creepy and scary track...>_____<. I love That voice is so....
crises happening Another track with that creepy voice with the percussion in the background... I think I like the instrumental part in 'something unusual' more.
witch world #1 sounds like a soundtrack from Disney animation or sth. like that... Is it only me who feel that it change to sth. creeper around 0.50-1.10. I think it's a nice idea but I don't like this track that much.
odd world #3 Love this track. It's fantasy-like&creepy...and not boring at all. I guess that I haven't heard Kyrie&Kouya Ruten for a very long time coz I couldn't feel any similarity between these songs and this one like many members pointed out...

wicked I think it's a cello track and there is nothing outstanding here...
a human bullet The guitar sounds nice, but I may not a fan of this kind of music.
mother and daughter You and this kind of skip...
touch-and-go I know that it may sound quite like a 'generic Yuki's OST', but I like the atmosphere built in this song.
fateful #2 I like this arrangement of Sis Puella Magica...let say that I like the instrument
she has a past This is creepier than I've thought. The beginning sounds like a song for the haunting mansion or sth. like that.. It's really nice... the next part of the song sounds like it's intended to depict the happy past and it ended in sorrow.
she has a heart Warm and sad song...but not outstanding for me.
complicated mind Another arrangement of Sis Puella Magica..I like this one as well.
wounded feeling A generic sad piano track from Yuki... but it's nice for me.
witch world #2 Even I've thought that decretum with Yuri's voice must be nice.., but I feel that her singing and the melody doesn't go well together. I like the original Decretum more...and if there is the track with Yuri's voice only, it'd be nice too. The reason may be because the melody of Decretum and Yuri's part aren't exactly the same and I like Decretum's melody more...
collapse Hmm...I think that I like it...but it's too short..!!
fateful #3 Organ at the beginning..? It seems that I like that as well..
deep in grief This track really gives me grief... Even it's simple and may be generic, but it moves my heart. I love this.
threatening Kind of a generic sound effect track one..
she is a witch I like its melody. Two vocal parts and the instrumental part is kind of..discontinuous. I also wonder that who provided the vocal for this track..- -"...I think of Eri and Remi at the start and then it sounds like Yuri at the second part. It also reminds me of Point Zero and We have to defeat it.
fateful #4 It sounds more different from Sis Puella Magica than the other arrangements and I love it.
facing the truth #1 I like the sound of flute playing the main melody behind the piano voice. The melody is also nice..and then the viola comes in....(or it should be cello..?) Love it.
I’ll be with you Sweet violin melody.
I miss you This is so sweet and sad... it reminds me of some other song that I can't remember..- -". Is it Hanae?
time-manipulation The instrumental sounds are interesting at the start... but it turns into a non-melody sound effect-like track again...- -"
facing the truth #2 It's a sad but simple track that I like. Just like what I feel with deep in grief.
her wings This one really sounds like a song in church or sth. like that. So I'm not that interested in it... but it must be nice in the movie.
rebirth Is like her wings...but I love this more. (Maybe because of the chime..:P.) BTW, it sounds extremely a well-known song that isn't from Yuki...- -".
for the next episode I love the melody and the celtic-like feeling.
My favourite
1. odd world #3, for the next episode
2. she is a witch
3. witch world #2
4. I miss you, encounter
5. facing the truth #1, wo ist die Kase?
I'd like 'she is a witch' and 'witch world #2' more if they had better arrangements .____. (For witch world #2, it may not about arrangement...but I just feel that there is sth. in this track that makes me feel weird...) I definitely like it more than the OST for TV series. (Even I miss some tracks like Symposium Magarum or Surgam identidem.)
In fact, as for the vocal tracks, I remember that in PMMM TV series era, I felt uncomfortable with the way that Yuri's voice is filtered and that Eri's tracks with no chorus sounds more piercing and plain. But I don't find those problem with this OST. (Just...well...what I feels wrong with the vocal tracks in this OST is a different issue..Orz.)
I rate this one higher than SAO, but for F/Z, I think that PMMM movie OST are better in average (fewer SF tracks...

), but when I compare kind of 'elite' tracks from these two OSTs, I prefer tracks like Point Zero, Let the stars fall down, The battle is to the strongs, dogfight, etc. from F/Z. The styles of these two OSTs are also may be my personal taste as well.