Madlax song Lyric



Well, hi everyone, i'm from Chile and well, i must say that i really enjoy Kajiura's Music. It's one of the few composers that makes my head fly above any concern and just delight myself a couple minutes. In that field there is a particular song wich i seeked for the lyrics, and where a real pain to get: Madlax Lyric (For someone who is not too into the anime world and inet forums is not that ezy must i say xD). But since i got it i couldn't find any translation of it. So i searched a few more on Kajiura's style and found that she uses a personal language for some of her songs (Figured out and then readed it). I remember when i was a kid i used to speak a self made language, but it was pretty lame xD!! (I was 10 xD, so don't expect something very developed xD). Well, the point is that i cannot figure out the meanning of the lyric:

karma ni enadia etermine a maria
karma ni esodia e ta asa kese
sarma ni enadia etersena atoria
karma nadi sarma nadi

kawa meia basa
se la'vitta mia dosa
eia meia via kesa kese
sarma nadi karma nadi

soli vitta dosa
eia vitta dia kasa
eia meia vitta dosa eie
sarma nadi karma visa

karma ni enadia etermine a maria
karma ni esodia e ta asa kese
sarma ni enadia etersena atoria
karma nadi sarma nadi

karma ni enadia etermine a maria e kaasa
sarma ni enadia etersena atoria e kaasa

And since i haven't seen the Anime (Madlax), cannot get a better point of view about their posible meanings... (My city's Inet sucks badly). Does anybody know what languages may have being used as the base for this "Kajiuran" (Latin? Italian?), is it a mixture between Latin/Italian and Japanese (At least that is wjat i think for the verbs and particles) - Btw i'm not a japanese speaker or even close to that xD -.

Well, i'll be looking forward your responses and also be searching more for the posible meanings of this song.

Byes ~
Welcome Azrael!! There are some member here (around 5) who are also from Chile. Generally this forum has a global character since you will se member from all the continents of the world (there are no member from Africa and Asia yet but if you wait a bit you will find ;) ) Generally I hope you will enjoy the forum and the site and be friends with everyone.
Now about the lyrics of the song Madlax. Generally we have found the available Kajiuran lyrics in the internet and transliterated many of them ourselves ( we have kajiuran from the anime OSTs Madlax, El Cazador, Tsubasa Chronicle,, Hokuto no Ken and the games Xenosaga II, III as well as for othe albums of her) by listening to them

You can see more discussion about Kajiuran and Yuki's lyrics content in this topic

The lyrics of the song Madlax we have found:
Hi there George, thx for the welcome ;).

I've readed the whole post about the Analize, but there is no method to apply on it. I have to agree with who said it resembled to Italian and Japanese, but i also believe that there are some words/lexic/grammar from celtic languages, i think it might be like this:

Write the Lyric in neutral language [Insert Standar Lang Here] - And give the song a meaning. The central meaning of the song, if it didn't had a meaning then it wouldn't make you feel anything (Or so i believe, a meaningless song transmit no real feelings). Then you transform in anyway you want the words so they fit the musical arrangement.

There is where the glory of kajiura comes from. The music always raise so gorgeously the lyrics, they come and fade and you even realize a word was song. It's a whole world. Even tough there are songs with no lyric, they transmit you a feeling. The speed of every instrument induces a certain reflection, a thougt, a memory, a face, a feeling.

Altough, Kajiura have always aimed that every music she composes it's inmersed in the world she is working on.

I have the feeling that the main concept in Madlax is about her memories and the way she goes trough life and her strenght. Maybe i'm wrong, but that is what i feel as i listen to the song.

So, i propose that we make a thread and post the words we know the meaning from the Lyric. Afan i've realized that word Atoria is Italian, Etersena might be Irish/Rusian. Other thing is that i believe that the logical connectors are japanese/italian, so if someone knows about those languages would please confirm if the songs uses those ;).

Bye ~
LOL yeah if we matched her lyrics to random words in every language that it matches we would get some really crazy meanings :XD: lolollllllllllll
the meaning of the words, the lyrics? hmmm I think there is no direct meaning for each's like there is no meaning for each notes of a violin ; notes of an instrument, because voice is an instrument x)
I think you have to interpret the meaning of the song by yourself - everybody has a different manner of seeing things - but you have to consider the fact that Yuki made this song on purpose for the story madlax, the character madlax, the "other half" if you had seen the anime x)

Azrael said:
There is where the glory of kajiura comes from. The music always raise so gorgeously the lyrics, they come and fade and you even realize a word was song. It's a whole world. Even tough there are songs with no lyric, they transmit you a feeling. The speed of every instrument induces a certain reflection, a thougt, a memory, a face, a feeling.
wooooo Azrael is on fire xD how passionated you are =P it's good to see it ^o^
Zuiyon said:
hmmm I think there is no direct meaning for each's like there is no meaning for each notes of a violin ; notes of an instrument, because voice is an instrument x)

I think that you generalized too much, if the words of the languages didnt had meaning then people wouldnt be able to communicate. Even the sounds that the animals (dogs, birds, cats etc etc etc) produce to communicate with each other, have meaning for them, it just that we can understand them (btw do you know that there is a machinery that humans made which translates some cat's mews to human words -they made it by examining in which case the cat uses each of these sounds-). Plus that the sounds of the instruments create feelings to the people who are hearing them and especially the composers, so notes are like the alphabet for the language of each instrument (and since for each instrument you need to write different sheet to play the same melody with an other instrument then each instrument has its own language) :D
Fake Wings (piano)
Fake Wings (guitar)
Fake Wings (flute)

Its just that in the self made languages the creators in many cases do not attach meaning.
Check this out =)

I've being listening to the song and i believe that the lyric might be a little diferent:

karma ni enadia etermine a maria
karma ni esodia e ta asa
sarma ni enadia etersena atoria
karma nadi sarma nadi

kawa meia basa / karta meia basa
se la'vitta mia dosa /
eia meia via kesa
sarma nadi karma nadi

soli vitta dosa / soli via dosa
meia vitta dia kasa
eia meia vitta dosa / era meia via dosa
sarma nadi karma visa / sarma nadi karta visa / sarma nadi arta vista

karma ni enadia etermine a maria
karma ni esodia e ta asa
sarma ni enadia etersena atoria
karma nadi sarma nadi

karma ni enadia etermine a maria e kaasa
sarma ni enadia etersena atoria e kaasa

Please, tell me your opinion ;)

byes ~~