KP-X said:I think that, since KnK doesn't really have official soundtracks (just the cd that came with the limited edition of the DVD), she decided to release most of the songs untouched with some very nice additions. I understand your point and in a sense I was expecting more rearrangements, but I think that's the problem that all fans have: they expect too much without anything to base those expectations. Let's face it: the name of the soundtrack is Kara no Kyoukai Music Collection. The description says there would be some rearrangements, and then we tend to expect dooooozens of them. And about snow is falling, well, you could have just compared the length of the one for the epilogue and this and you would expect it not to be too long.
@ KP-X: "Rearranged" means rearranged, not "a bit rearranged" and also these awesome track durations surely made me expect too much. On the other things I agree with you.