Thread revived...!
Hi people, I thought of a story for the TTB PV. I know you all are probably sick of TTB's stories now... but this was the PV that got me thinking about what they felt about the song and what it wanted to convey.
Its more similar to Ninetales' style, so its very melancholic (some might say morbid, I was
at my comp muttering "what did I just do??!!') Its not hilarious like Cerise's or CruelAngel's nor as epic as Ninetales who must have spent more energy on her stories... Yeah. Enjoyed all of theirs.
So... enjoy the story, and guide me along...!
So yeah... this is my story. Heh...
/Catches sight of all the
around her...
/ Flees for life...
Hi people, I thought of a story for the TTB PV. I know you all are probably sick of TTB's stories now... but this was the PV that got me thinking about what they felt about the song and what it wanted to convey.
Its more similar to Ninetales' style, so its very melancholic (some might say morbid, I was

So... enjoy the story, and guide me along...!
In an old, abandoned manor, there lives 3 young spirits, played by the Kalafina girls. They are being controlled by another spirit (we’ll call her Flora), who is a very powerful spirit, who died tragically of a broken heart, when her lover cast her away for another woman. In return, she swears revenge on all men in the world. It was later that she adopted the 3 young spirits and brought them here to live with her. In return for her “kindness” to them, the girls must do her bidding. She wants them to prey on the men from all over the region they are based at, to win their love, and then find ways and means to abandon the men after they have sunk so deeply and Flora would then exact her revenge by sucking the broken hearts and souls of the devastated young men, and thus kill them. Flora has set the date for the young spirits to abandon their lovers- the night of the colored full moon, which signifies disaster and enhances Flora’s powers and seals the fate of the doomed men.
However, the girls, W, K, and H have lately, began to question their mistress’s motives and their own loyalty to her. They believe that not all men are like their mistress’s lover, particularly the 3 young men they have themselves fallen in love with. All 3 ladies are very reluctant to break off their love, and even more reluctant to send their beaus to a tragic end. Therefore, in their chained up, dilapidated compound on the night of the colored full moon, the girls wander, longing to get free of the high walls of the manor that shuts them in, singing about their own sad love and their men’s fate. K’s lover had bought her a ring and proposed to her. H’s man is saving up, working hard for their new home, while W’s lover have asked her to meet at their first meeting place on the night of the full moon. W believes he is also thinking of marriage. All three hope to escape this locked up compound and live happily with their lovers.
As they meet up and talk it over, the girls realize how fruitless this hope is going to be. They know their mistress would not take kindly to their wishes, and might even exterminate them. Even if they can survive, it would not be possible to build a new life as they are spirits and cannot live properly in the human world. From the beginning, they and their men were not meant to be. For their men’s lives and happiness, everything must return to the beginning, when they lovers do not know them. They know that they have to stand up to Flora and reject her ideas. They also know they are not likely to survive this encounter as she is far more powerful than them. As they prepare for their meeting, W, who knows her man is still waiting (perhaps, fruitlessly) for her, goes to the pond, and touches the water, illuminated by the moon, saying her anguished farewell as the other 2 watch. Her hope for her lover’s safety is illuminated as the moon loses its weird color and becomes an ordinary full moon in the water.
And, an hour later, the moon has also lost its color.
The compound at that time is ominously quiet.
However, the girls, W, K, and H have lately, began to question their mistress’s motives and their own loyalty to her. They believe that not all men are like their mistress’s lover, particularly the 3 young men they have themselves fallen in love with. All 3 ladies are very reluctant to break off their love, and even more reluctant to send their beaus to a tragic end. Therefore, in their chained up, dilapidated compound on the night of the colored full moon, the girls wander, longing to get free of the high walls of the manor that shuts them in, singing about their own sad love and their men’s fate. K’s lover had bought her a ring and proposed to her. H’s man is saving up, working hard for their new home, while W’s lover have asked her to meet at their first meeting place on the night of the full moon. W believes he is also thinking of marriage. All three hope to escape this locked up compound and live happily with their lovers.
As they meet up and talk it over, the girls realize how fruitless this hope is going to be. They know their mistress would not take kindly to their wishes, and might even exterminate them. Even if they can survive, it would not be possible to build a new life as they are spirits and cannot live properly in the human world. From the beginning, they and their men were not meant to be. For their men’s lives and happiness, everything must return to the beginning, when they lovers do not know them. They know that they have to stand up to Flora and reject her ideas. They also know they are not likely to survive this encounter as she is far more powerful than them. As they prepare for their meeting, W, who knows her man is still waiting (perhaps, fruitlessly) for her, goes to the pond, and touches the water, illuminated by the moon, saying her anguished farewell as the other 2 watch. Her hope for her lover’s safety is illuminated as the moon loses its weird color and becomes an ordinary full moon in the water.
And, an hour later, the moon has also lost its color.
The compound at that time is ominously quiet.
So yeah... this is my story. Heh...

/Catches sight of all the

/ Flees for life...