WARNING: This was written whilst I was half-asleep and delusional
So Wakana, Hikaru and Keiko are three witches that work for an agency that investigates and fixes all things magical and supernatural. Their BOSSES are three other slave-driving girls, WAKANA-sama, KEIKO-sama and HIKARU-sama. And then as a side-bonus there's Miss Keiko secretary-san who also works for the agency, currently going through a mid-life crisis.
Hikaru: mmhhh...this is a nice wall...
Keiko: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Hikaru: ...*yawns* I am so tired...why do we have to do the night shift?
meanwhile, back at headquarters, secretary Miss Keiko ponders...
Miss Keiko secretary-san: I wonder if the girls are doing alright...
*meanwhile, back on the ground...*
Wakana: where are the other two??
Hikaru: Gah...I hate this job! I swear we get overworked...
Wakana: Great, I'm lost again. Why does this always happen to me? *despair*
Hikaru: ...and the pay is horrible...and I think I'm getting a headache...
Keiko: me too~!
Hikaru: ...AND A HOLIDAY!
Keiko: pray for holiday~~!
*back at Headquarters, the BOSSES are not impressed*

HIKARU-sama: Holy crap, you guys! Look outside!
WAKANA-sama: Okay, who turned the moon purple?
KEIKO-sama: I'll bet it was a prank...
Keiko: Please Kami-sama..I pray for holiday...
WAKANA-sama:...should we fire those three slackers? They're obviously not doing their job.
KEIKO-sama: I dunno...
HIKARU-sama: it's...so...PURPLE...
KEIKO-sama: I say we give them another chance...
WAKANA-sama: ...okay...
HIKARU-sama: Hey, is that...omg I think I see ET!
Hikaru: arrrgghh just thinking about my crappy job gives me a headache.
Keiko: ...all this praying is getting me tired again...
HIKARU-sama: Oh my god, it IS ET!
WAKANA-sama: *phone rings Helloooooo, this is WAKANA speaking...oh, is that you, Mr ET-san?
Wakana: Ganbatte, me! There's no use just standing around...I'll just have to go out there and find the Hiichan and Kei-chan!
*psychic call from the BOSSES* OI, you three! Get a move on and fix that moon! Mr ET-san filed an official complaint! He can't fly his bicycle home!
Hikaru: ...ah...this wall is really good to lean on...don't wanna listen to my stupid bosses...
Keiko: ...gonna...nod off...to sleep..again...
Keiko: WAIT. OMG where are the other two??
Miss Keiko secretary-san: *contemplating the meaning of life*
Wakana: Hmmm...what's around this corner?
Wakana: oh, hey, I think I heard Keiko snoring from over there!
Hikaru: ...urrghhh...feel sick...comfy wall...
Miss Keiko secretary-san: *sighs* I wonder what happened with my life...
Hikaru: Oh my God, I suddenly feel really angry at my bosses!
Miss Keiko secretary-san: ...how did I end up like this? Alone and pushing a pen all day...
Hikaru: Just thinking about them makes my blood boil!
Hikaru: I mean, is it THAT hard to just give us a tiny little holiday??
Hikaru: ...urrgghhh...I feel weird now...
Wakana: Ho-ly mo-ly...the moon is -
Miss Keiko secretary-san: ...I never wanted an office job!
Miss Keiko secretary-san: ...why, oh why? I don't want to waste my life here! I'm still young! I want to see the world!
Keiko: ...must find the other two...they must be somewhere along here...
Hikaru: owwwwww...
Hikaru: ...stomach ache...
KEIKO-sama: hey, check out my new bracelet...isn't it pretty?
HIKARU-sama: poor ET-chan!
WAKANA-sama: erm...guys...in case you've forgotten, the moon's still purple.
KEIKO-sama: huh? oh, right...hey, you there...HIKARU, tell them to fix this!
HIKARU-sama: Why do I have to do everything??
WAKANA-sama: At this rate, ET will never be able to fly home.
Hikaru: arrrgghhh...oh wait, Wakana carries painkillers around with her...I should go find her and Keiko...
Keiko: hmmm...where am I...I feel like I've been following this wall for ages...
Keiko: oh wait, there's Wakana~~!
Hikaru: huh, I wonder where they - HOOOLY crap...
Hikaru: ...what is with that crazy moon?
Moon: trololololol
Hikaru: Found you two!
Keiko: Hey guys, isn't the moon really weird tonight?
Wakana: It's purple!
Hikaru: Wacchan, I have a really bad stomach ache! Can you give me some painkillers...
Keiko: Come to think of it, that's actually really nice shade of purple...
KEIKO-sama: Hey, guys, for some reason I'm beginning to get the feeling we're being ignored...
WAKANA-sama:*muttermutter* ...should have fired those three when we had the chance...
HIKARU-sama: ET...hope you get home soon...
Wakana: here's some panadol, Hikaru
Hikaru: I have nothing to wash it down with!
Keiko: okay, guys let's look out for some water, then...
Wakana: Hey, I found a pond!
Keiko and Hikaru: Uhh...we're hydrophobic witches, so we'll just stand back here, thanks.
Wakana: Is okay, Hiichan, I'll get you some water since luckily my wall of resistance is over 9000
Wakana:...and while I'm at it, I'll use my magical powers to turn the moon back to normal!
Wakana: yay!!!! *in distance, ET rejoices*
Wakana: This should be enough, right?
Wakana: Oh no, it's dripping out!
Wakana: sorry Hikaru...the water all dripped out *looking sad*
Moon: trololololol

/me flees~