Kalafina (non-Yuki) (disbanded 13-3-2019)

I doubt it'll be near empty. I would be more worried about her performance during the concert. If you're singing with an orchestra you better have great vocal skills, otherwise you're just embarrassing yourself and wasting the orchestra's time.
Now, I listened to recordings of their anniversary live, and based on that she's not ready. If she's been taking intensive vocal lessons, master classes, whatever since then, then she might pull it off.
Another thing is that the announcement mentions "an elegant world of music ". This makes me think she'll be performing bel canto repertoire.
Good point. The concert isn't until August, and she hasn't done any lives since the anniversary special. Assuming she's been doing voice lessons and training all this time, would that possibly be enough time for her?
Yeah, I guess there's a big chance she will be using these days to train and get better at it. Hoping she surprises us!
Anyway, if the girls go solo (which seems really likely atm), I can't help but think Wakana will have it the hardest. I'm sure Keiko will have no problem, and Hikaru's voice can do well in any genre, but I cannot picture Wakana by herself. Her voice shines almost exclusively in sad ballads, and out of that she's just meh. Kajiura knew how to "use" her, and had teammates that fit her perfecly. I'd say unless she starts working with some proper composer, her solo career might be just average.
Don't get me wrong, Wakana has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard, and was always my Kalafavourite I wish her success and will always support her. And that's why I'm worried :c
Assuming she's been doing voice lessons and training all this time, would that possibly be enough time for her?
With a good teacher or coach, definitely. I've seen people improve greatly in less than a year.

Her voice shines almost exclusively in sad ballads, and out of that she's just meh. Kajiura knew how to "use" her, and had teammates that fit her perfecly. I'd say unless she starts working with some proper composer, her solo career might be just average.

Folk pop would be a good fit for her, maybe enka, popera IF she improves her technique. I think chanson (a la Edith Piaf) might suit her voice. But I get what you say. Outside of Kalafina, I don't think her voice fits more "mainstream" genres of music.
Wakana's problem of being flat really often still frequently happens and her head voice is still very throaty and weak.

Did anyone notice this at the acoustic lives or the 10th Anniversary live or Songful Days or the Toyosu Celebration?
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^Someone recorded the 10th anniversary live. She wasn't great like some reports said.

Yup. But at least she's definitely better than what we heard/watched from their unedited live stages (YKL9, YKL7 - 2011 and 2012 Wakana was really painful to listen to lmao and some Mezamashi lives). watching them in a concert live at the venue has different feeling than listening to unedited recordings, both audio and video.

Regarding 10th anniv live:
Wakana was better but still has problems like I've mentioned before. Showed improvement because iirc there's no song where she totally went off like in YKL9 and YKL7.
Hikaru was mostly painful to listen to. Technically horrible that even people with no music knowledge would notice. No Kalafina girl is great (or even good) technically but no offense Hikaru was that bad.
Keiko was great whenever she doesn't get too excited and shout her way out. Used her cutesy voice way too much tho.
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^^ That's the thing with Contraltos. They can sing so big and loud, it can sound like shouting. Shirley Manson, Terri Nunn always come to mind when it comes to big voiced Contralto who sound like they are shouting but they are not. I'm sure the sound engineer has to constantly turn down the volume for Keiko's singing... ( while a the same time making Wakana's audible )
Kajiura knew how to "use" her

I hope I don't make this discussion stray too far from its original objectives but tbh I often wonder why Kajiura-san made songs for singer/voice actress whose voices don't suit the song at all, like "synchronicity" (Seriously? For Makino Yui???), which almost got me dead in happiness when Keiko performed it in YK Live. Same goes with "Gin no Hashi" for Omi Minami. This is just my personal opinion, but I don't think they did the song justice... so why she didn't give them "more suitable" songs...
Probably because she's asked to write a song for them.

Sorry if I didn't make it clearer and if I suck at explaining myself, but the thing I'm wondering about is not "why she wrote them songs", but "why she wrote such songs for them". Nevermind, though.
KEIKO basically ruined "Alleluia" for me because she shouted and also "kimigahikarinikaeteyuku" because of cutesy voice.

I thought she was fine in Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete iku because she's been singing it that way since 2012 and imo she didn't sing it as cutesy as let's say in your eyes 2011, but yes for Alleluia. Why Keiko why. Keiko was too loud and shouted her way out while Wakana already sounded really tired at that point.
I'm guessing writing a song that fits the show comes first, then the singer. And if the singer can reach the notes and can emote then that's good enough, hue.
I personally don't like Yui Makinos voice, but I don't think Synchronicity was a bad fit, tbh. It's not really a complex song, and I'm going to guess the lyrics are from Sakura's pov.
On side note I'm still waiting for the day Keiko (and FJ) sings synchronicity ~original arrangement~ ver.
^^ That's the thing with Contraltos. They can sing so big and loud, it can sound like shouting. Shirley Manson, Terri Nunn always come to mind when it comes to big voiced Contralto who sound like they are shouting but they are not. I'm sure the sound engineer has to constantly turn down the volume for Keiko's singing... ( while a the same time making Wakana's audible )

There are instances in which Keiko sings correctly, as in she manages to make her voice loud and big without shouting such as in Yami no Uta, Hikari no Yukue from live vol.9, KnK Medley from live vol.7 and in some recording of Alleluia live, the one from their performance in France 2014 came to mind. Not so much on this 10th anniv performance.
On side note I'm still waiting for the day Keiko (and FJ) sings synchronicity ~original arrangement~ ver.

Eeek. I still remember those days I spent defending her version from deranged Yui Makino fans. I prefer keeping it as distinct as possible from Yui's.

Also, pardon my ignorance, but a distinct impression I got is that Keiko was trying to go back higher in recent performances and songs. Maybe she was aiming to sing at more higher ranges.
Kalafina “Hikaru”の自身初となるWeb連載がSPICEにてスタート! 好きなものを語る「ヲタ活」コラムを執筆

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大変お世話になっているSPICEさんから、素敵なお話をいただきまして……初めてコラムを書きます!タイトルから少し想像はつくかなと思いますが、自分の好きなことを皆様にお話する場所にしたいと思っております…(苦笑) 是非気軽に覗きに来てください♪

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初めましての皆様にも、既に出会えている皆様にも、構えずに読んでいただきたいコラム『“Hikaru”のただのヲタ活』ついに始まりました……! いやぁ……そんなこと言っておきながら、当人が今一番構えちゃってるんですが(笑)。 人生初のコラムなもので……!そうそう、このコラムのお話をいただいた時に「構え過ぎず、自分の好きな事をカジュアルに話せる場所にしてほしい」というお言葉も掛けていただきました。それを鵜呑みにして全力で好きなことを露呈してみようかなと思っております。何卒、お手柔らかにお願い致します!
初回なので、まずは、自己紹介からでしょうか。私は、Kalafinaというヴォーカルユニットで今年10周年を迎えた歌い手です。劇場版『空の境界』全7章の主題歌を歌うためのオーディションで選出され、その後も様々なアニメ作品やNHKのテレビ番組『歴史秘話ヒストリア』などのテーマ曲を歌ってきました。これまで本当にたくさんの作品、素敵な方々との出会いがありまして、SPICEさんとの出会いもとても刺激的で、素敵なライブ記事を書いてくださったり、見せてこなかったステージまでの裏側に触れていただいたり、SPICEさん初主催の貴重なイベント『Songful days』に出演させていただいたり。そんなあたたかい場所だからこそ、このコラムも自分なりの言葉を真っ直ぐに紡ぐことが出来るんじゃないかなと思っています。
人生で最初に手にしたゲーム機はスーパーファミコン。Play Station、ゲームボーイ、Nintendo DSなどもプレイして、現在は携帯ゲームアプリを10本超。近年は好きな作品のコラボカフェや舞台などにも足を運んでおります。
書き出すと本当に「ただのヲタ活」ですね(笑)。 ちなみに、本は漫画だけでなく小説などの活字も好きですし、テレビや映画はアニメだけじゃなく、バラエティや海外ドラマ(主に犯罪捜査ドラマ)、ラブストーリー、アクション、サスペンスなども見ます。
そうやって様々な擬似体験をする。ごく普通の日常だけどリアルな自分はしないような……スポーツをする! みたいな世界もあれば、ファンタジーだからこその魔法や超能力を使ったり、いろんな生き物とお話ししたり、この世のものとは思えないような美しい景色を見たり出来ちゃう世界もある。

突然ですが皆様、今期のアニメは『ルパン三世 PART5』や『銀河英雄伝説 Die Neue These』『ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 第6期』『キャプテン翼』『カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編』『覇穹 封神演義』など、懐かしのアニメを現代の形で楽しめる作品もたくさんあることはご存知でしょうか?
こういった作品からは、たくさんの方々に長年愛されてきたんだなという魅力を端々から感じることが出来ます。初期のぬくもりや面白さはそのままに、そこに今やるからこその気概がみえる……全力を注いでいるその気持ちも滲み出ているように思うんです。それがさらなる迫力や美しさに繋がっていて感動になるのかなと。あの頃楽しく見ていた作品の輝きに触れながら、また恋してしまうような感覚を味わえる。逆に、現代で初めて触れて、過去の作品も気になる! というふうになることもあります。

CLAMPさん好きとしては、前クールから『カードキャプターさくら クリアカード編』のテレビアニメ放送が始まって、漫画とともに毎回作品に一喜一憂しながら楽しんでいます。『カードキャプターさくら』は、魔法のカードと魔力を持った少女に起こる物語。主人公の木之本桜ちゃん(以下、さくらちゃん)は、小学四年生の時に魔法のカードと出会います。カードは「水」「火」「風」「雷」「地」「光」「闇」など53枚あり、生きていて、それらの主になるために奮闘するのですが、さくらちゃんは可愛くて、優しくて、勇敢な女の子! いろんな困難に立ち向かいます。その姿や言葉にたくさん勇気をもらえるんです。中でも、「絶対、だいじょうぶだよ!」の言葉には何度助けられてきたか……!

1分でチケット即完 シンフォニーコンサートを控えた「Kalafina」WakanaからSPICEに独占コメントが到着


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8月11日に東京オペラシティ コンサートホールで開催される『Kalafina“Wakana” ・龍 真咲 シンフォニーコンサートwith ローマ・イタリア管弦楽団』。女性ヴォーカルユニット「Kalafina」のWakanaと元・宝塚歌劇団 月組 男役トップスターの龍 真咲がローマ・イタリア管弦楽団の演奏をバックに歌い上げる本公演。Wakanaとしては初めてのソロでのコンサートになる。
2018 年に数字が変わってから、もう半年が過ぎました。
春に終えたイベントライヴから 5 ヶ月の時を経て、いよいよ皆さんとお逢いすることが出来ます。
8 月。きっと真夏の暑い時でしょうね。太陽がとっても高くて、日も長くて。夏休みの時期だから、色んな場所が賑わっていて、みんなが思い出をたくさん作っている時なのでしょう。




私が龍さんのライヴに初めて行かせていただいたのは昨年の 8 月、渋谷Bunkamura オーチャードホールでの、ソロコンサートでした。龍さんは凛として美しく、とにかく華やかで、圧倒的な存在感に驚いたことを覚えています。


8 月 11 日、皆さんと素敵な日にしたいです。

Kalafina“Wakana” ・龍 真咲 シンフォニーコンサートwith ローマ・イタリア管弦楽団

時間:開場15:00 開演16:00
場所:東京オペラシティ コンサートホール

出演: Kalafina“Wakana” ・龍 真咲