Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2015~2016 “far on the water” in Mexico - February 20th, 2016

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@season: This version of ARIA is much worse :p I only watched the instagram video of its final chorus (from the link in tumblr because I follow theraspberrybushes. is it aki's tumblr?) and I burst out laughing. lol Hikaru just stop singing this song thank you. [edit]watched the whole video and I burst out laughing ever since the beginning.

I agree that oblivious is almost on point though. Best unedited oblivious live so far. Not perfect, but more listenable than those before. Just please stop sing the "aaaa" and simply use Hanae karaoke. Hikaru does have problem using her higher register because she opted not to sing the harmony in oblivious' chorus after the bridge. Not that she's audible enough in oblivious. What else, Wakana was great in far on the water (compared to Mezamashi live) but sounded like dying chicken in Hikarifuru. Magia is also okay. destination unknown, not really. Keiko did better than Budokan, though. Wakana, what were you doing lol. And that's all because I only watched those 5. Between them 3 Keiko is still the best live singer. Hikaru what happened to your voice and Wakana please have better grasp on your notes.
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I guess I'm kinda crazy but I would seriously rage if someone next to me would start singing loudly. I don't want to hear some strangers voice in my ear.
Can someone confirm if the audience is loudly singing in Japan too? If yes I will watch them once live and then stay at videos.
@StarCloud they don't in japan. But I hate the Japanese audience since they're not as crazy as I'd like ;) the Mexican audience was the best, in my opinion.

As for the girls sounding awful, they actually didn't. Yeah they messed up here and there, but I said oh well and continued to have fun during the concert. They're human. I guess to those who think they were awful, awesome and thanks for your opinions. But for those who were there, it was a spectacular performance. Unforgettable, really. The girls really did have a lot of fun, and it showed. I'm really sensitive to notes being sung wrong, but I only cringed a few times ;) lol
Thing is, the girls can sing excellently live. All three of them. Just listen to their live covers and a cappella performances. The problem really only stems from singing their own songs, which is a lot harder to sing than most songs out there.
I know they can sing excellently..this wasn't my first concert lol I've heard them sing extremely bad, and have heard them sing extremely good. Out of the 8+ lives I've gone to, this one was the best (in my opinion) because:
The audience
The atmosphere
The energy
The set list

I remember feeling so awkward during their lives in japan..I just wanted to jump and dance :XD:

Edit: I'm not trying to start an argument. Just stating my opinions :)
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I don't understand why you need to criticize them so much. For me it was great :3 they are just human beings, cannot expect perfection all the time.. If I could only sing 10% of what they can. There are US superstars that cannot sing like them.
@season: This version of ARIA is much worse :p I only watched the instagram video of its final chorus (from the link in tumblr because I follow theraspberrybushes. is it aki's tumblr?) and I burst out laughing. lol Hikaru just stop singing this song thank you.

I agree that oblivious is almost on point though. Best unedited oblivious live so far. Hikaru does have problem using her higher register because she opted not to sing the harmony in oblivious' chorus after the bridge. What else, Wakana was great in far on the water. Magia is also okay. destination unknown, not really. Keiko did better than Budokan, though. Wakana, what were you doing lol. And that's all because I only watched those 5.

There's only a couple of moments in this ARIA live that bugged me, mostly in the latter half. The one on Red Day bugged me for most of it's length. That instragram video is of the latter part where she was most noticeably wrong.

No, that isn't aki. I don't know if that's anyone from CPM.

Whilst I don't think she should outright stop singing it, it's definitely something she can't really do justice in her current form. She's fine for pretty much any other song, either being on point or having only minor issues. ARIA is the problem for her. Same goes for Wakana and Hikari Furu actually, although she's a lot better at that these days than Hikaru is at ARIA, and better than she has been before now I'd say.

Wakana is a lot better recently in my opinion. She's still not perfect (none of them are though, and never have been) but I'm happy with her performances these days. When she's on point she's amazing.

That Destination Unknown footage is terrible regardless, the audio quality is awful and it's only a fragment. That's not a problem I have with the girls' singing though.

Out of all the videos I've seen, it's only DU, Manten and ARIA I have any real problems with, and only ARIA is because of the performance itself. The rest sounds great to me, especially Oblivious.
@juchanx3 exactly! Saturdays live was amazing. I can't stop talking about it to friends lol my body still hurts from dancing and jumping :XD:
Well yeah i know the girls can sing live (and that's why i love kalafina and FJ so much). i hope they are just tired :3
They do get tired sometimes, and they do have their flaws and mistakes. They also have awful performances sometimes. It's a minority portion as far as I'm concerned, though, and I'm a critical person by nature.

Remember that the Mexico live is at the end of a pretty constant schedule of lives (many of which were overseas) since October. Hikaru and Keiko should be resting now until April, it's only Wakana who has the Vol. #13 lives to worry about. I hope she's able to handle that.
^I thought Keiko was only absent from one vol. #13 live, not the entire tour :confu:

Listened to ARIA & Magia. They sounded great on Magia, but ARIA was not the best. Albeit better than Budokan, it still wasn't as good as she was on earlier performances. Though I can definitely say Wakana's back into her prime. She's really good.
I'm certain it's Vol. #13 as a whole. Having her sit out of just one date wouldn't help much as she'd still have to rehearse everything for the other dates.

Yeah, Magia was decent. ARIA is kind of a unique song for Hikaru lead, though, I wonder if she's just got so complacent with her fierce rock voice that she's fallen out of practice or something. Or maybe it's just that ARIA is considerably harder for her to sing and thus her mistakes are more obvious. Even during Red Day where it was obvious that Hikaru wasn't performing too well, none of the other songs sounded even close to as bad as ARIA did. Well, she's got time off now so I'm hoping she'll rest and make some form of recovery. She sounded fine to me in October and there aren't many complaints that I've seen from the other dates on the FotW tour, Christmas Lives or 8th Anni Lives. Even here it's mostly just ARIA I have a problem with.

Wakana sounds incredible these days. She sounds great in these performances and her performance when I saw them was otherworldy, she sent shivers down my spine on multiple occasions (Signal especially :love:) and actually made Hokage sound great, and I really don't care much for Hokage's studio version. Sure, her voice is not the same it was pre-2010 or whenever, but this is a form of beauty in itself. She still makes mistakes and I wish she'd control her breathing better, but she's more consistent than she's been for a long time and her voice sounds gorgeous.

Actually thinking about it, Wakana's voice started getting better around mid 2014 didn't it? And Hikaru's also started to get a bit worse then. Wasn't that also when Keiko started making the other girls do her workout procedures :ohoho:?
^Yes, I think that's the time :XD:
Unfortuantely, it's as if when one thing is fixed, another thing breaks...

Also, am I the only one who loves the dresses used during Magia? The Kaladansu during the bridge was much better than the "swimming" at Budokan.
No, those dresses are amazing. Everything they wore during the 2014 tour is amongst the best they've had in my opinion.
The ARIA live in Mexico was a LOT better than Budoukan in my opinion. Hikaru did have a few hiccups but she wasn't screaming it, she was singing it. Watching that live was enjoyable.
Heres my 2 cents about the whole thing. It was a concert that was more amazing than anything i could ever see here in the U.S on a regular basis. i waited 15 years to catch a japanese anime concert since i live here in texas. No place or person on earth is perfect, just make the best of what you've got!!!! Either way Kalafina was a once in a lifetime event for me that i will never forget as long as i live. It was simply that DAMN GOOD of a concert for me. ill be remembering this show for years to come!!! if you attended like me from this forum be grateful you were able to make it because you may just never get another chance to see them again in your lifetime because tomorrow is NEVER Guaranteed. just my 2 cents folks.
I just wish I could've made it.

And yes, there's the Kalafina Spring Acoustic lives. I really want to go to that too but it's not going to happen.