Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2010 ~progressive + ~

well with what we can see.... :XD:

cami nellei.....
cami nellei......


cami nellei i saeya
inella i lor saeya
a nellai
mentai adora
aye aye maye iyaye
ilora di vista hora
imeyo alossa

aye aye maye iyaye

ilora di vista hora
imeyo alossa

(camaliyama camalidista
camaliyama camalidista
camaliyama camalidista
amalie camaliye)

Kerahna said:
cami nellei.....
cami nellei......

cami nellei i saeya
inella i lor saeya
a nellai
mentai adora
aye aye maye iyaye
ilora di vista hora
imeyo alossa

aye aye maye iyaye

ilora di vista hora
imeyo alossa
I've listened to Mezame live once more and I think it is
cami nettei.....
cami nettei......

cami nettei i saeya
inetta i lor saeya
a nettai
mentai adora
aye aye maye iyaye
itora di vista hora
imeye alossa

aye aye maye iyaye
itora di vista hora
imeye alossa
Not difficult to mistake an l and a t with that image size... :p And I'm sure we'd all agree there's definitely no "nellei" in either the CD version or performance there... BUT OH WELL... I'll probably be singing what I remembered anyways, not the "official" one. :P
grunty said:
And I'm sure we'd all agree there's definitely no "nellei" in either the CD version or performance there... BUT OH WELL... I'll probably be singing what I remembered anyways, not the "official" one. :P

Hm, I was also surprised with the nellei word.. because i dont remember hearing it.
So you think they printed on the T-shirt different lyrics that the ones Yuki wrote for the song ?

george1234 said:
The ones Kerahna posted are from the Tshirt, and these are official.
I also took them from the t-shirt but I used this one

Then I listened to Mezame for several times and I think they pronounce t not l :uh..:
I'm not sure if they're shipping overseas, but I'm willing to help if somebody wants to order there and needs a japanese address etc.

All these goods seem to be limited editions, i.e. they're not going to reproduce them once they're sold out. These in the shop should be kind of "left overs" from the concerts.
And maybe they'll add the newest Kalafina T-Shirt, if it isn't sold out by then, after the progressive lives are over (because they were selling a different one from the one on the site).
yeah it must be T, i'm blind and deaf!!!

mini!!! thanks so much for the offer~ I will trouble you soon (maybe once the progressive goods show up)~~~~
I find it interesting that the site lists the t-shirts as "Special Japanese Seal T-Shirt." I wonder why don't they say Kajiuran.

And is the position of the lyrics supposed to look like a printing error? As if the font on the back isn't hard enough to read already...