Kalafina LIVE 2012 “to the beginning”

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From Kalafina Blog

KalafinaワンマンLive「Kalafina LIVE 2012 “to the beginning” 」の開催が決定致しました!!
開場 / 開演:16:15- / 17:00-
・キョードー東京 0570-064-708 http://kyodotokyo.com
・チケットぴあ 0570-02-9999(Pコード: 160-756)http://t.pia.jp/
・ローソンチケット 0570-08-4003(Lコード: 77394)http://l-tike.com/
・イープラス http://eplus.jp/
※0570で始まる番号は一部携帯電話・PHS全機種・CA TV接続電話・IP電話からはご利用頂けません。

お問い合わせ:キョードー東京 0570-064-7081
I'll go back to Asia this July... I wonder that will anyone be able to help me finding a ticket and go to the live..TT___TT. (Have just asked some Thai friends studying in Tokyo but I don't know whether they can help me finding a ticket....) Should be one of my best chance to drop by in Japan for their live...(even I prefer YK live...but the time isn't matched with my schedule....so Kalafina's live is ok...)
@Kagaribi no Hanabira - have you considered asking an inbound tourist company (which you may have to contact through your own travel agent), like http://www.knt.co.jp/ to arrange tickets? You have the Kalafina concert details including dates of ticket sales and a bit of time on your side.

This is what my travel agent in Australia did to get me Animelo Summer Live tickets last year, and it worked out much better than I could have hoped for.
;A; Me threeeee! (Still wants to hear "To the beginning" ... that one video that kind of previewed the song live made the song too quiet to hear)

a friend of mine may have already got me a ticket.. anyone else going? a CMP meeting should be nice.... :sparkleguy:
I'll be in Tokyo the weekend of 7-8 July then back in mid-late August for Animelo Summer Live and hopefully YK Live #9... let me know if you will be around in Tokyo at either of those times.


Pamphlet is so cheap... I wonder whether I should buy it.... m :uh..:

Nice design this time, eh? I kinda like the tshirts if not for the price :uh..:
"Member individual interviews" = niney's on the hook for another pamphlet :nosebleed:
Hi, new user, old lurker, new fan (of Kalafina), long time fan of Kajiura Yuki ^^
Long story short, Kalafina blew my mind when I saw them at AFA in KL. So I'm flying in to Tokyo to watch the 7/16 concert. Anybody else from this board going?