Kalafina 「into the world / Märchen」20th single (Release April 5, 2017)

I've no idea what Marchen is supposed to be. 3 bridges in succession and then a 4th one near the end. Why not, I guess? Doubt I'll ever listen to it again.

Why is Wakana so loud in Haru wo matsu compared to K&H? At least she seems to be to me. I guess it's not a standard melody for Kajiura so props to her buuuut... ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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I already loved into the world, but now it makes me appreciate the live version even more.
Märchen is the kind of Kalafina song I like, so I won't be objective. I especially love the part after the flute solo, but in general it kinda creates a dark but elegant and badass (? atmosphere... I'll probably listen to it a lot <3.
The surprise for me is Haru wo matsu. Keiko's voice was unexpected, but welcomed. I love the melody, the melancholy, the way they sing, everything <3 I really hope we get a live version of this (and then cry a lot I guess).
Thank you, @Kenta!
Into the world I like the power in this song, its kind of epic too.

Marchen is really nice, cool that its all upbeat and not with some weird cooldown like some other songs. The flute at the bridge reminds of naostalgia flute melody a little, not sure if it fits the song yet, but it does give a unique touch as its unusual for this kind of songs.
Haru wo Matsu reminds a bit of Hitomi no Chikara , nice and sweet <3

EDIT since i forgot about the itW instrumental lol: similar feeling as the vocals ver, unlike some other songs like sprinter, this isnt one that the instrumental can feel like an OST track. but its still nice :)
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I actually love every part of this single. I already adored Into the World from the live performances so that was a given, and Marchen's clips were great, so I had an idea about it, but I'm happy with it. Haru wo Matsu though? I adore it. It's a gorgeous song and I'm really happy with it.

Good job girls.
I've been listening to the single for a loooooot of time in a loop and totally enjoyed it.
Into the world: This is epic. Not epic in a Red Moon sense (?), but in a hopeful, joyful way. I think it could be a better ending to FotW album than FotW itself. I adore Far on the Water, but Into the World is just more powerful, moving. The last "iiiiiiiiiiiiinto the woooooorld" sounds heavenly ♥ I already listened to the live versions thousands of time before the single release, but today I was still amazed by how beautiful it is ♥ :plz:
Marchen: Marchen was everything I was expecting and more. Marchen is a song from the Kalafina I do really love. First thing that came to my mind after finishing it was In every nothing and Tsuioku had a child. A precious child ♥ I loved the structure, and the flute and pretty much everything. Happens to me with this song the same thing that happens with Tsuioku, its melody is so catching that makes me to put it on repeat forever. 11/10 Perfection :dote:And I want an instrumental as well! If I recall correctly, the Zaregoto edition of the single had it? I hope so :comeback:
Haru wo Matsu: As someone already said, this is the perfect song perfect to listen before going to bed. It's calming, relaxing, nostalgic but hopeful. The piano melody is kinda simple, and even if there's no armonies, each of the girls voices shine by themselves. Wow, Keiko has such an versatile voice. At some points I couldn't believe it was her, she sounds so sweet. And Wakana, don't get me started on Wakana. This song made me remember why I love her so much :plz: One of the biggest issues I had with her "new" voice is that sometimes seems so flat, not so emotional as before (I still love it, tho). But here is PERFECT, sounds much more lively, emotional, powerful, once again is the wakana that makes me cry :cry: Specially on the second half of the song, it's GORGEOUS.

So, overall, while this single doesn't have anything really new or ground-breaking, was by far their best since KnGnN. For me it was like a comeback single. Having 3 totally different songs,representing all of their strenghts, felt like "hey, this is the very best Kalafina again! We still have so much to give! From now on, we'll be even better"" :listen:

Ooops, sorry, I wrote more than I wanted, this single made me so happy I needed to sare my happiness :touched: Also, when writing this I was listening to ItW intrumental and I'm about to cry. Please, please, if you didn't yet, give it a listen, it's GORGEOUS.:imdead:

Kinda offtopic, but when I registered it took me a lot of time to finf out where the download links were "hidden". I saw everyone commenting "thanks for sharing" and I was like "but there's no link here" :confu:
She does sound a little bit louder, at least on the vinyl version, just listened to it actually.

And I said that Zinnia about listening to it before bed. I might do that tonight actually. heh Anyone seen the Marchen Instr. yet?
Finally got home, so here's my review:

into the world- This song gives me the same vibe as Alleluia, except that Alleluia is still better. Nevertheless, I still really do like this song, it's definetely one of the best A-sides Kalafina has put out in recent years. This would've been a much better closing song for Far on the Water than the actual Far on the Water song lol.
The string instrumental and the Kajiurago in the bridge is kinda generic, and Wakana's voice sounds a bit too frail at times (what else is new?), but those are my only real complaints, the rest is great :) The chorus is incredibly catchy, not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Marchen- That beat though. :dote:
Still think Keiko should have sung more of the verses than Hikaru, (her voice is much better suited to it, I mean...her solo verse near the end is just :love: . I love how she goes up on 'soko ni atte') but Hikaru works just as well. I liked the bridge (Hikaru's straining was prettty obvious though) but not that weird guitar solo, it seemed out of place.
I think I'm just happy to finally hear more Keiko solos hehehe.
All in all, good song. After a few more listens, I definetely think I'd rank this above In Every Nothing.

Haru wo Matsu- Still can't think of the title of this song without thinking of the first line in Serenato, but anywayssss this song was alright. Keiko's solo at the beginning was lovely (barring that somewhat shaky opening 'ame ga') , it's refreshing hearing her go up in her higher range every once in a while.
I didn't like Hikaru's phrasing in her verses though. Wakana's 'Hikari wa' in the second verse was also kinda weird.
The song was really formulaic but at least the melody was original for once haha. Pretty sure I like it more than Mahiru.
Tl;dr, it was nice but kinda boring.

into the world (instrumental)- Loving those string chord progressions. :) Some parts almost sound like a traditional classical music string quartet haha. Not much to say here, but it's very nice. Definitely better than that terribly boring instrumental of Blaze lol.

Like others have been saying, this is definetely a breath of fresh air from the recent onslaught of crappy anisongs.

Into the world and Marchen are great, Haru wo Matsu is pretty but kinda forgettable, and the into the world instrumental is just lovely.
It's not perfect, but it's still pretty damn good. Definitely pleased overall :)
Marchen: It's a cool song, though it doesn't quite match the quality of past B-sides like tsuioku/IEN/koibito. I definitely see myself listening to the instrumental much more than the vocal version.

into the world: I don't really care much for it since RHH-type themes have long overstayed their welcome in Kalafina. My bias aside, it's objectively a good song, just not my cup of tea anymore.

Haru wo matsu: Good job Wakana. Better luck next time Hikaru. Decent, but the song is kind of a snoozefest though, as grunty mentioned. It doesn't grab me like Kaori's kobore sou na tsuki does.

This single gets a B from me.
Fuckkkkkk "into the world" instrumentalllllllllll yessss

I raelly really really really love the bridge of "into the world"... I swear that's my favourite part of the whole song. I love how KEIKO did her lead lines in this song, both at the second set of verses and the "maiasa kimino tabi wa hajimaru" and I love how it transitions to WAKANA being lead at "sekai wa hajimaru tooku e..."...... What a beautiful blend.

Marchen is great, really great and powerful lines from KEIKO. (Lmao I'm giving her too much love. Is she the only reason I listened to this single?)

OK Kalafina's piano ballads are turning into a FictionJunction YUUKA kinda deal. This feel-good shit sounds like "Yasashii uta" again, which I hated. ^_^; I miss "Gloria" ^_^; At least "Mahiru" made you feel like you lost the love of your life and now you're reminiscing about the sunlight from that beautiful midday when you fell in love.
into the world: somehow sounds sort of like a blend of far into the water + ring your bell with sprinklings of gogatsu no mahou here and there. But I like it, it's very uplifting. A great song to drive to on the freeway. I love the strings more than all three of those aforementioned songs, though, so the instrumental version is fantastic for me.

marchen: the angrier, better version of in everything nothing, hahahahaha. The first verse or so sounded nearly identical to in every nothing but the rest of the song with super aggro Keiko and Hikaru was amazing. I love it.

haru wo matsu: i love, love, looooooooove the melody to this one. And whilst they maybe their voices aren't so 'polished' here, they've gone for a more raw and emotional sound, I think, which gives the song sort of an intimate feel. Kind of like they're singing it to you right in front of you. I get the feeling this song will sound even better live.
ok I agree with Atlas that the bridge opening with Keiko in itw is probably the best part of the whole single.

the instrumental to itw in my opinion is very bland without the voices... I usually enjoy the instrumentals a lot, e.g. lacrimosa, sprinter etc. but not this one too much.

haru wo matsu: I thought Wakana was good here. but yeah the song is a bit.. too calm :D

I like into the world.
Rekishi Hiwa Historia themes have always been my taste. I don't really care if they've done this formula 9999 times. I'll still bite.

Märchen IS EPIC!! UGHHHHH. I was on the train when I listened to the album for the first time and lost it in public. KEIKO'S BRUDGE KEIKO'S BRIDGE KEIKOS BRIDGE. After hearing the bridge I can totally accept why she didn't get put on main vocal for the whole song. Hikaru suited the main bit and Keiko cuts through really nicely in the bridge.
Not sure if I make sense but don't care XD

Haru wo Matsu - I feel FictionJuntion YUUKA nostalgia!!!! Keiko opening UGHHH YES. The melody had some fresh intervals in there that Kajiura don't usually use so that was refreshing!


P.s. I hope I'm not the only one but I can ALREADY see a märchen Kala-dansu in my head. Those bridges are pretty much SCREAMING FOR KALA-DANSU. I NEED IT.
Into the world - happy and bright. I like it but it's not my favourite type of song. It's much more better than fow. I really want to see MV! The powerful bridge with Keiko is so epic!

Marchen - I like this rhythm! The flute was so lovely. This bridge...... I love it!!! Even my husband who doesn't prefer Kalafina said that it was amazing! It was breathtaking. I'm happy that Kajiura made such wonderful song.

Haru wo matsu - is really pretty. Like a cute flower. I love Wakana lines - so emotional.

It's a great single! The best since 2014. I hope for a lot sold copies. If the number would be big we can hope for big 10th anniversary live.
I think that they will do the live regardless of the copies sold. I think the chances of it selling well are limited, since the Zaregoto OVA isnt widely known, and these release delays dont really help either.
Into the world: I really liked at the first hearing, It's a song that brings positivity!! It's not an "epic" ballad, but it's really enjoyable and of this studio version I was really impressed by the last "into the world", oh my so so aulic *^*

Marchen: This song is the LIFE, is the PERFECTION, is the DARK & TRAGIC side that I always loved of Kalafina!! The second part of the song with the kajiurago part gave me chills!! The overlap of voices was simply perfect!!

Haru wo matsu: No sufficient words for describing how beautiful and sweet is this song!! I simply love the start made by Keechan!! Her soft tone here is so perfect, like the tone she used in "Yasashii Uta" <3 Then Hicchan's interpretation of her verses made me cry and the last part made by my lovely Wacchan *cried again

I'll listen for sure this single in loop for the next days :love::love: I can't wait also for having live versions of Marchen and Haru wo matsu too kyaaa :plz:
How is Marchen tragic, dark or angry? I even looked at the lyrics section and nope, not getting it. (Then again, the lyrics were only short size.)

It’s been a while since my last post but I just felt the urge to say something after listening to the new single. Thanks to @Kenta!

This is finally something that reminds me again of why I became a :fan: of Kajiura-san and Kalafina in the first place. After their last A-side that was really something I needed to be reminded of. (blaze was to me what believe is to @Seasonreaper)

But let’s go into the review:

into the world: This song has been around for quite a while now so I’m happy that the studio version got finally released. I always liked the RHH ending themes and this one is no exception. I really love the verses and the first half of the chorus. However, the second half features this Kajiura-trademark key change which we already heard 201467 times by now and to me it somehow feels out of place here, but maybe that’s just me. Also, the bridge is for the most part rather uninteresting (excluding Keiko’s solo). These two points are for me the deciding factors which prevent this song from being truly great. In the end it’s not as good as Symphonia but it’s pretty close to far on the water and clearly better than yume no daichi.

Märchen: After having listened to the TV-Version over and over again I was really anticipating the full version and HOLY CRAP!!:omg:

Traditional song structure completely thrown out the window: Check!
Unusual time signature: Check!
Akagi Rie-san flute completely escalating: Check!
Jr. on BASS: Check!
Overall badassery from the girls and everyone involved: Check!

Result: PERFECTION™:nosebleed:

No seriously, to me this is their best song since tsuioku. There is not a single thing to complain about. Kajiura-san finally managed to deliver top quality again.

haru wo matsu: Ahh, this song is so nice!:shy: Singing and piano only like in mahiru but better. The composition really sounds fresh and the piano arrangement is simply beautiful and makes me want to play the piano right now. I agree that there is a hint of yasashii uta in here. Singing wise, this is also a step up from mahiru. Keiko really impresses me on the second verse (not that I'm surprised of course) and Wakana’s delivery in the chorus is simply wonderful. Hikaru is really good as well. The fact that there is no harmonization in here doesn’t even bother me that much.

Best single since KnGnN.
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Am I the only one hearing a hint of Hikaru's voice pre-vocal trouble from "basho ni mo" on with her first solo on Haru wo Matsu? Hopefully it's a sign of Hikaru starting to get better.
Into the world: wakana's voice sounds overprocessed at times. Still liked this song. Sato's drum is as loud as usual. Apparently according to him following the song dynamic is to play the drum really loud on the final chorus.
Marchen: lmao so fucking random
Haru wo matsu: zzzz. The melody on "kono mama zutto..." sounds like a piano piece i couldn't place atm. Agree with grunty, W is louder than K&H.

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