Kalafina 「into the world / Märchen」20th single (Release April 5, 2017)

A new song? I'm excited now. And I loove having both instrumentals available. This might be better than expected (I hope I don't end up regretting saying that).
What's up with these faces. They look like they just came back from a funeral (Wakana a bit less so) :uh..:

EDIT: I showed it to my fiancé and his comment was "their own funeral and they're ghosts now?" :punched:

perhaps they thought that because the oceans cover the majority of the Earth's surface there's a good chance the girls can be into the water when they are into the world :XD:
If you look at the first line of "into the world", it's explained better, though I like your point of view :XD:
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Haru wo Matsu.... Waiting for Spring....

Interesting title. It reminds me of Kimi wo Matsu by Aimer
In fact I had to think a bit to remember whether that was Serenato or Sandpiper :XD:

EDIT: (Just to avoid the double post because it's a different thing really)
Yesterday I was discussing this article with my brother. Today the single cover was made public.
It's a coincidence for sure (books generally don't have the author's face on the cover like CDs do, plus Kalafina do wear frilly dresses quite often, plus "into the world" does talk about a journey to the sea), but ... yeah. :XD:
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LE B looks the nicest overall, aside from the shinyness of the lighting. Nothing really that great though.

I'm looking forward to the new song though, wasn't really expecting a b-side as well so that's a nice surprise. I'm expecting a ballad, but hey Yasashii Uta was amazing so maybe it'll be great. Their b-sides are still the best stuff they're releasing these days so all things considered it should be good, plus I like both Into the World and Marchen, so this could be the most consistent single in a long time.
They need to change WAKANA's look. That shit didn't work for FOTW live. Let her hair down!

I agree about their faces being too shiny. Too many conflicting elements.., if they're gonna have that ocean background, then why have elements like solid shadows (indoor studio photo shoot) behind them?? One or the other! Too bland IMO... I miss the covers back in the days full of detailing in both the outfit, hairdressing, and scenery. "Fairytale" is Amongst my favourites, because of the forest and their veils...
Yaaay, new song! When I read the title, instantly though of Haru wa Kogane, I'm almost sure this will be a ballad. Anyway, both A-sides sound pretty good, so this is probably going to be the best single in a while. It's also nice we're getting both instrumentals, even if in different editions.

About the cover, I'll try not to complain that much, since I agree pretty much with everything said above. It looks cheap, crappy and seems like some 5-min photoshopping done by a 12 years old. Also, not only the desing is atrocious, but God, make up and dresses make me want to take my eyes off. I know the "dewy" skin look is popular on Korea, not sure in Japan, but holy cow, it's way too overdone here. They look like they've been sweating for hours. Their skin looks greasy and sticky. It's sad because they would look stunning otherwise.
About the dresses I have mixed feelings. I like the overall desing, but the execution is horrible. It's like they tried to emulate a haute couture dress with Aliexpress' materials.

I seriously don't know who on Earth is the one who makes the covers recently, but please, STOP HIM. What will be next? A photo edited in Blingee? I don't want to know anymore, tbh
Okay the girls are beautiful as always, but for once I actually dislike the cover (I liked blaze minus the red text, but overall it was fine). It just seems so plain and the blend between the girls and the water just doesn't flow well (pun intended). Its like someone found photoshop for the first time and put some water on top. I do love the anime version though.. but its hard to go wrong with a close up of a character
^ MS Paint doesnt have layers and transparency of this type, so maybe they used Gimp :XD:

even the shades around them (that shouldnt be normally existing since they are supposedly in the sea) are badly cropped, an amateur could do a better job at this.
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@Aelarion actually their budget is too small for their popularity, the covers and PVs are always lazy or low quality. Even sayuri and Aimer, who are newer artists get decent PVs and covers which are obviously having bigger budget thrown into their making (they got better websites too). The only thing i can think of is that they are investing the money on the many live performances instead (that ironically result into worsening the girls' voices) , which the afformenthioned 2 artists dont have to this extend.

As a person not living in Japan i would prefer only one tour per year and better covers/PVs instead.

Kalafina in 2016 did 3 tours: 1) far on the water's tour continuation from 2015 ( in Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Shanghai), (all more than 15 lives for sure - too lazy to count) 2) "Kalafina with Strings" Spring Premium, (3 lives), 3) Arena lives (4 lives), 4)" Kalafina with Strings Christmas Premium LIVE 2016" for promotion of winter album. (12 lives)

+ numerous others small lives, like Tanimura's concert collab, anime events, single promo mini lives.

2016 had to be their busiest lives year, since they released nothing other than blaze and half of the christmas album, when it comes to new songs.
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Well, lives are most likely how Kalafina makes money. When you sell records, most of the money goes back to the record company. The artists and those who contribute to the music itself only get a very small percentage of the profits. If you sell a lot of records, then the artist doesn't need so many live activities since they have enough revenue from single/album sales to sustain themselves.

When an artist plays live, they keep most of the profits, not the record company since Kalafina are the ones performing. If you notice, the years when they have a lot of live performances are when they don't release that much stuff (minus the usual album tours). Because they're not busy recording in the studio, they have the time to devote to live activities.
Which is why Kalafina's CDs/DVDs and merchandise tend to go for premium price and thus significantly dent my bank account every time I buy their products. Kind of sad to think that they're barely getting any of that money. :/
Not any more premium than other Japanese artists.
the more reason why @grunty's point is valid. why would you say their products have premium price when you only spend your money on them (because then you wouldn't know any other artists to compare) lmao

Japan is one of the rare countries where physical releases still sell really well, compared to other countries where almost 90% of the artists' sales come from digital sales simply because this kind of marketing (having 3 members means at least 3 covers, 3 release editions, and tbh each release has different contents actually make it a little more worth the money because at least you get new material, not only different member photo on the booklet back lol)

I actually liked Wakana's hair like that but maybe that's just me
i agree that those covers looked really bad and so does their shiny faces (which is somehow popular in Kpop scene so maybe it's intentional to make them looked like that/influenced by that? Wakana looked so much like a Korean in those covers imo)
Keiko looked laughably blank and bad in the vinyl cover why
Keiko's dress collar is too high why
after Natsu no Asa, Haru wo Matsu...next releases will have Aki no xxx and Fuyu no xxx