I have reached Yuki nirvana
AH HA! I was right!
Thanks Kazado.
I wanted to hear it again.
Thanks Kazado.
I wanted to hear it again.
Kizuato said:It allowed me to realise that Kalafina isn't PERFECT.
So you sign in the forums JUST to say that?toinyumi said:if they can't sing, then you can't hear
haha, it is JUST A JOKE to be...isn't it?
you better use some words to stay a better personality
critical of their voices when they're young
it is just as same as critical of how a 3-year-old boy walking fast
Kazado said:Is this the thread of Kyrie/voyagers illegal audio? XD ?zkh4yjtmluk
NHK「MUSIC JAPAN 新世紀アニソンSP2 完全版」が再び! (2010.2.27)
2月13日にオンエアとなり、大好評だったNHK「MUSIC JAPAN 新世紀アニソンSP2 完全版」。
3月1日(月)午前0:55~2:24(*2月28日 深夜24:55~オンエア、という事です。)
hyuga said:lol I kinda like grunty's severe criticism.
btw I'm Japanese and went to several concerts of Kalafina (FJ as well).
I think wakana and hikaru are very delicate/sensitive in some way, unlike keiko, kaori or yuriko. when they're in good mental and physical conditions, their performances are superb. but in unusual situations like TV shows, they tend to fail to show their talents.
well then I would like to mention the singings on MJ ANISONG.
actually hikaru's extreme nervousness caused me to laugh. I was like "what happened to this poor little girl? why her voice is trembling like an earthquake?!"
hehe, anyhow I can remember the other event hikaru sung ARIA splendidly in solo. so touching experience.![]()