Kalafina in AniUta KITAKYUSHU 2011

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If you ask my opinion..I think Kalafina's and also FictionJunction's (with 4 vocal bases) perf. style are sth. that are easily to fail..because they aren't based only on the individual perf. quality, but also on the harmonization (well..AniMax's Oblivious is a very good example for this case.) It's the same reason that why ensemble music is so difficult when comparing with solo or orchestra (with has so many instruments that some individual failures may not effect the whole perf. that much..)

I can't surely say that FJ do better than Kalafina coz someone has mentioned that we don't have much enough "obviously non(or little)-post processed" of FJ lives.. But even we would have many enough FJ lives and find that the result is the same as Kalafina, I still ok with it. I accepted the info that Grunty pointed out, but for me, I don't hope much for all or even majority of good performance.. Only there are some good performances that I can see that "even there're some post-processing, they really did so well in that perf." It's ok for me.. Well..even it means that it's so risky to pay so much money to see their live at once because that one can be really failed... :uh..: . IMO..I should say that Kalafina is not a good live performer, but it doesn't affect my appreciation for their music...:).
Reaching the studio quality on stage is one of the biggest merits assigned to a musician, it's even worth mentioning in encyclopedias. And I suppose it wouldn't be such a big merit if it was easy and common all around. While the utahimes' voices are great, they're not exactly a bunch of Monserrat Cabalier clones for you. :tea: That's why I don't feel like complaining usually. What I like to hear live is not the exact studio quality (thats what the studio recording is for :XD: ), but some variations, arrangement tweaks and extensions. That's what can make a live song stand its own ground and be memorised together with the original. As to handling perfectly ALL of the harmonies and transitions... I surely appreciate them, but I don't quite DEMAND them.
Still, it's a case of pure YMMV and really not worth holywarring over. Opinions tend to differ, and grunty will be grunty. Admit it, that's part of his appeal. :sparkleguy: :ohoho: :XD:
> but some variations, arrangement tweaks and extensions.

That has nothing to do with the point of them not being able to actually sing the songs live.
grunty said:
I haven't watched the Mon-TV version of LisAni, but from the Sakana-chan version I would definitely say there was NO HORRIBLE FAIL FROM ANY ARTIST. (Check Minorin on LisAni and ANIMELO2010 live stream and it's definitely not the same quality.)

From my experiences of attending concerts, Minorin is good enough as a live performer. Not perfect of course, but not bad either.
Honestly, I don't have any unreal/unnatural feeling with her LisAni performance video, because―pretty simple reason― she usually sings like that.
I think you missed the point - I mentioned those two because one was horrible (the live stream of animelo2010) and one wasn't (at least not because of her vocals.)