Kalafina disbandment

They delayed the announcement probably cause SC afraid it might affect Wakana solo debut. Now that Kalafina is officially disbanded by SC, maybe its possible for Keiko to get the Kalafina trademark.
YK also hinted at something in that webpage post, I can't remember the exact wording so I'll paraphrase-translate as "it's not like K&H and I are saying goodbye forever, maybe our paths will cross again at some point in the future". Which of course could mean nothing at all.
I saw that translation as well, but felt the opposite at that time. Like they'll keep connection and any collaboration can be arranged, but have no plan in the near future. (It's just one point in the future.) The same way as when she said that she'll keep See-Saw as their playground. (And how long it took for a reunion...) But I may be wrong, it can be interpreted in that way as well.

I saw Hikaru's Twitter as well. It did sound like they're releasing a new project together. But I only read the English one. Did the Japanese she wrote exactly state the same? (Just want to make sure since sometimes, Hikaru's English tweets are quite confusing and I guess that she faced some difficulty in translating her words to English from time to time.

TBH, even it's a news of disbandment, I feel that it's a good news, considering what has happened for a year after the hiatus and members leaving, and many announcement released after the official disbandment.
I genuinely believe that WAKANA wasn’t part of that message because of legal issues regarding Spacecraft contract about her appearing alongside of or being affiliated with YK and H and K (similar to how HIKARU wasn’t allowed to stand “next” to K and W during Angel gate’s YKLvol4 performance, or how YK was never allowed to be on screen of any Kalafina live releases - kagayaku live sob). I am in no way a law expert so please feel free to correct me on my law-related comments.

Kalafina saw their imminent end when YK told them in private that she plans to leave SC. K was probably the first to adamantly say “without YK there’s no Kalafina so I’m out”. (This SC drama got so big that even Kaori decided to leave so it must’ve been some intense stuff.)

With just H and W left, SC themselves never intended to keep the group running as a duo. They just kept the name going to continue monetizing off products such as the 10th anni BD/DVD, the 10th anni movie, and the 10 year best album.

Between the two remaining singers, they perhaps only had intentions to boost the popularity of one instead of both as solo artists. W jumped at this opportunity as she’s always wanted to go solo, as she started out as a solo act (FJ WAKANA, WAKANA in Pandora hearts etc). H, not having that experience and starting her career as Kalafina, was not as sure that she would be cut out to be a solo artist just yet. So she was essentially silently banished by SC. Keeping her active as a blogger just so she would have an active role as a Kalafina “member”.

It took H a long time to finally decide leaving SC because of her indecisivity in all this. But after speaking with K and YK, she made up her mind to cut ties and took an enormous step away from her legacy as a Kalafina member. She had the full support from everyone around her but the binding limitations of the contract prevents her from association with any former members of Kalafina including YK and K so long as “Kalafina” was still an active unit.

The timing of the announcement of the disbandment and the release of W’s debut album are startlingly close to one another (1 week? Lol). In doing so, #Kalafina was too trending on Twitter, and perhaps gave light to WAKANA, the only remaining vocalist from Kalafina that is still active.

K was silent this whole time most probably because of her nature as not wanting to show her soft and vulnerable side. You can tell by how hard she tried to not cry in the final moments of the 10th anni live and just turned around and vanished into the stage without looking back. She knows she will be so broken if she did what H did and started a Twitter.

W is focusing on her solo career is riding the wave towards stardom! I do not believe there’s bad blood between her and H and K and YK. She just simply made a career choice that benefited her, which is in no way a sign of disrespect to YK. If YK wanted the best for W, she would set aside her differences with the company and wish W the best.

H and K will surely resurface one day. And when they do, we all better be prepared for it.
I saw that translation as well, but felt the opposite at that time. Like they'll keep connection and any collaboration can be arranged, but have no plan in the near future. (It's just one point in the future.) The same way as when she said that she'll keep See-Saw as their playground. (And how long it took for a reunion...) But I may be wrong, it can be interpreted in that way as well.

I saw Hikaru's Twitter as well. It did sound like they're releasing a new project together. But I only read the English one. Did the Japanese she wrote exactly state the same? (Just want to make sure since sometimes, Hikaru's English tweets are quite confusing and I guess that she faced some difficulty in translating her words to English from time to time.

TBH, even it's a news of disbandment, I feel that it's a good news, considering what has happened for a year after the hiatus and members leaving, and many announcement released after the official disbandment.

Based on what I remember of the japanese tweet, it's almost exactly the same. The exact translation would differ a bit but it's essentially the same.

@Atlas Star the reason why Kajiura couldn't make any appearance with Kalafina was simply because they were under different music label. Kalafina was under SME, but even though Kajiura was their producer as an artist/performer she was under Flying Dog/Victor Entertainment. The appearance of Kajiura could be negotiated between the labels (see below) but why goes for such hassle for 1 song. Just cut it from the setlist since it's only performed once on their final Red Moon concert and no legal action needed to be taken. Same goes for YKL4. As "Hikaru" she's not really binded under any contract (since technically Kalafina is Wakana, Keiko, and Hikaru - 3 individuals as 1 group) but she couldn't stand together with all FictionJunction members because she's not a part of FJ and isn't actually under FlyingDog/Victor like the rest of FictionJunction members. She especially couldn't stand near her Kalafina companion because it'd give the allusion that Kalafina as the group Kalafina was there. By standing separately they're making the point that they weren't there as Kalafina. They were there as Wakana, Keiko, Hikaru - 3 separate individuals.

Which was why whenever YK wanted to do YKL, her staff would scold her for making such difficult setlists because as a composer and producer her works are distributed under different music labels while as performer she's under Victor/Flying Dog. Works with copyright like musical works have several rights tied to it, such as performing rights and distribution rights. It must be difficult for them to get the permission for performing songs initially weren't released under Victor and release the live version of said songs. Victor doesn't have the distribution right of songs not initially released under their label. There must be some sort of negotiations between the labels involved but I imagine the profit would be shared based on the amount of songs performed.

Call me a sucker for drama but tbh I really think the bridge between them is burned down, or at the very least strained. When there's only 1 member remain or only 1 member leaving, usually there's still some sort of hard feelings between the members. This kind of thing happens quite often in Kpop and most of them could throw away years of "friendship" and working together just like that. While the Kalafina members might seem that they're still in contact with each other, There's no guarantee that they're still as close or there's no hard feeling between them as Miss Wakana herself remained silent and even Miss Hikaru wouldn't really want to talk about Kalafina prior to the disbandment news.

Omg i want to change my username too. How.
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In some interviews last year, Wakana always appreciated her time in Kalafina and praised the music created by Kajiura-san.
She also talked about wanting to take the challenge of singing songs that were not composed by Kajiura-san, she is do it now.
She referred to Kalafina last year, I think now she should only focus on her solo career.
I could not blame her if she does not want (or can not) to refer to the end of Kalafina now, her solo album will released next week ...