Kalafina Best album

Thank you so much Hatou! That stuff about the sour apple is funny. I just had an apple today, but it was not like that. I actually don't think of them when I listen to the song, for some reason. I think of a calm scenery, like waves hitting the sandy beach. That's just me. I love her little faces. She has played with Kalafina before, but was it just for Anime Boston, or for others too? She played the keyboard at the end. :love:

Oh, and I found this video today, it has Maya in it right? Since it's the Sprinter outfits, which I have not seen on stage until now. Wow. (Miss those type of dresses.) There are four of them on stage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yJioIk-T8U
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She has played with Kalafina before, but was it just for Anime Boston, or for others too? She played the keyboard at the end. :love:

And also, she played the keyboard the first time they performed Kagayaku... in the last Red Moon concert. Unfortunately, it was left out of the blu ray release.

Oh, and I found this video today, it has Maya in it right? Since it's the Sprinter outfits, which I have not seen on stage until now. Wow. (Miss those type of dresses.) There are four of them on stage. ARIA - Kalafina (Live ver.) [Sub. Español/Romanji]

That's from the YKLive 02 opening act. There's also a recoding of Kizuato, with Maya and Hikaru singing the kajiurago.
Wow, that's a really comprehensive translation! It's late at night now, so I'll leave it there for now. Loads of interesting little details though...
Hikaru-chan in the PV is so sexy and cool〜〜ヾ(≧∇≦)〃!

I am so in agreement with this. :dote: I loved the Magia PV.

I'm glad she mentioned Maya in the sprinter bit! I'm used to Kalafina as just the three of them, but I prefer the studio recording of sprinter to the live versions of it. Speaking of which, how was she only in sprinter, but not ARIA if it was the same single? Weren't they made around the same time?:confu:
Thank you so much for the detailed translation @Hatouchan! Now I really feel like re-listening to all tracks one by one.

Well, for the time being, I will keep making music until my soul burns out. When that happens, the plan is to become a good for nothing who plays online games. (´ー`)┌

I LOL-ed at this. Oh Kajiura-san~ :XD:
Me too. I can't imagine her playing MMOs to be honest.

I wonder what she plays/would play? My bet is on FFXIV.
Thanks Hatouchan! I especially enjoy her comment about 'signal', that 'might or might not happen conversation with Wakana' is really funny for me :XD: plus that one about Manten 'it's not like I play on Kalafina lives' :XD: I follow the twitter event as well, but the only part that really stuck in my head is how she said Hikaru's really 'eroi'(?)/sexy in Magia PV lol.
Thanks Hatouchan! I especially enjoy her comment about 'signal', that 'might or might not happen conversation with Wakana' is really funny for me :XD: plus that one about Manten 'it's not like I play on Kalafina lives' :XD: I follow the twitter event as well, but the only part that really stuck in my head is how she said Hikaru's really 'eroi'(?)/sexy in Magia PV lol.
She said erokakkoii which is a combination of eroi + Kakkoii. Where eroi is erotic. XD

I spared you guys the jp explanation and just put sexy and cool in though. Figured sexy fit more.
Thanks so much Hatou-chan!!

I LOLed at the aluminium foil part! Does it even have a taste ? XD i dont think an unripe apple has a taste like it :XD:
Okay...after a proper night's sleep, I can finally comment on the twitter thing. I really appreciate @Hatouchan going to so much trouble for this (especially with the little in-jokes and puns, like the Manten kanji reading).

I agree with her on Aria - to me it's 'Hikaru's song' - powerful and perfect. Hikaru shines in that one. I like the way she describes her voice too. Hikaru does have that bright, bell-like clarity to her voice...while Wakana I think has a violin-like sweetness and tension. The way she does that marvellous vocal bit in the middle of 'Ongaku' wasn't lost on the person who wrote that song either, it seems!

The notion that she writes her song lyrics in cafes powered by CAFFEINE amuses me. A lot. :ohoho: I have this fantastic mental image in my head now.

Re: the Maya 'thing'. I hope that's settled it for everyone. I'm certainly more comfortable with that now that YK herself has smoothed things over.

As for Manten...I KNEW there was something about that tune. A key change! *facepalms* I'm annoyed at myself for realising what it was that nagged at me about that. Yeah...I can imagine it must be challenging for them to perform, in a similar way to snow falling...
It's okay~ It's not like I perform at Kalafina lives (´ー`)┌
looool! It's not the first time I've read about a songwriter recording a tune, then wondering, "how am I going to recreate this live?" Oops. :XD:
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Hahaha, and speaking about that, doesn't "Manten" has the same melody as "let the stars fall down" that was performed in vol. #9's Shibuko-Special LIVE? :ayashii:
Someone hasnt listened to the soundtrack :psst:

Haha the only soundtracks of Kajiura-san's that I have listened to are that of the Mai-HiME/Otome series, the Madoka series and the more recent Hanako to An. Other than that, beyond FJ's and some of Kalafina's songs I have not listened to her other works. Any particular ones that you can recommend to me? :innocent:

Actually what I meant when I mentioned "let the stars fall down" alongside "Manten" was that Kajiura-san has also performed that challenging song LIVE before, since she said "It's okay~ It's not like I perform at Kalafina lives (´ー`)┌ " :ohoho:
I recommend the tsubasa future soundscapes, the xenosaga 2 3 soundtracks noir and madlax, hack sign and luminality velveteen rabbit kara no kyoukai and the madoka magica ones and the one for petite cossette the fatee zero ones are cool too
I knew about the key change of manten and let the stars fall down, stars is a bit higher, although there are some parts that are in the same key, she just had to change the composition of it to fit Kalafina's voice, that's what I think anyways.