Kalafina at Animax Musix Yokohoma 22 November 2014


This turned up in my email earlier (and I have my concert ticket, flights and accommodation booked already):

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 ★ANIMAX MUSIX★ メルマガ No.12 8月22日配信 

■■第5弾!「ANIMAX MUSIX 2014 YOKOHAMA」追加アーティスト発表!■■
ANIMAX MUSIXメルマガ会員のみなさん、こんにちは!

「ANIMAX MUSIX 2014 YOKOHAMA」の第5弾追加アーティストの発表です!



2009年よりLive 活動を本格化させ、2013年には4thアルバム『Consolation』を受けた




■■「ANIMAX MUSIX 2014 YOKOHAMA」アニメイトTV特別先行予約受付中!■■
本日より「ANIMAX MUSIX 2014 YOKOHAMA」のアニメイトTV特別先行予約を開始しました。


※「ANIMAX MUSIX 2015 OSAKA」の先行予約は後日発表致します。

■■ANIMAX MUSIX公式twitter&facebookもぜひご覧ください!■■
ANIMAX MUSIXでは、公式twitterやfacebookも開設しています。ぜひ、チェックしてください!

公式twitter: www.twitter.com/animaxmusixjp もしくは @animaxmusixjp
公式facebook: www.facebook.com/animaxmusix


横浜公演:ANIMAX MUSIX 2014 YOKOHAMA supported by スカパー!

日 程 :2014年11月22日(土) 開場12:30 開演13:30

詳しくはANIMAX MUSIX Webサイトをご覧ください。

小林竜之、JAM Project、鈴村健一、南條愛乃、春奈るな、May’n、やなぎなぎ、and more


【料  金】・指定席:8,700円(税込)


【主  催】株式会社アニマックスブロードキャスト・ジャパン

【協  賛】(50音順)

【イベントについてのお問い合わせ】ホットスタッフプロモーション 03-5720-9999

Won't bother with voting since my choice wouldn't make it anyway. I'm pretty sure they'll cover another famous YK track, just like Anna ni Issho Datta no ni in 2010 and nowhere in 2011, plus a random song for the collaboration song.

On side note, no more Kalafina x Nakagawa Shoko plz.
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^ Hehehe... how about Kalafina x Nagi Yanagi singing "Uninstall" or the "Crossroads" song - without a recorded vocal backing track?
if I were to vote I'd vote colorful for solo cover(but I'm pretty sure they won't sing it) plus I'm too lazy to vote. I have a feeling that they'll cover one of these : Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru, Akatsuki no Kuruma, Honoo no Tobira, or Kimi ga Ita Monogatari. I'm leaning to Kimi ga Ita. With FJ covered it and the BD that'll come out soon, I'm somehow sure the Japanese would want to see the Kalafina version.
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I prefer that they don't choose any Yuki Kaijura song actually for the fan selection. It is way too predictable, unless the fans are that desperate for it. lol, It would be amusing if they sang a song by Masaki Endou, Yoffy, Granrodeo.
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as kyuu-chan and I pondered the other day on chat, what if Kalafina covered an Orange Range song *flees*

But seriously I'd be all for a Kalafina cover of the Water is Wide, or a Keiko-led cover of Myself from Full Moon wo Sagashite. And I think they wouldn't make Ai wa Kurayami no Naka de from Detective Conan sound too bad either...*continues imagining*
I voted and will continue voting for 残酷な天使のテーゼ lol i want them to cover it so bad >.< but it'll probably be another YK song, like everyone else said.
^ remember also that Ray and ELISA will be there if you want to vote for them collaborating with Kalafina on some song.
When will they announce the song selection? Usually they announce it first, right?
Do you mean the categories, like last year they had a "time travel" section and one earlier year they had a "Gundam" section? Otherwise one only discovers the songs when they are performed.
It's the second one (as in the songs, not the categories). So we won't know until they perform it. Thanks for the answer!
Last act announced (Sega Hard Girls or セガ・ハード・ガールズ ):


There still could be some secret guest not revealed until they appear on the day.