Kalafina at AnimagiC 2012 Germany


Wolfychi said:
This has nothing to do with Kalafina or Yuki Kajiura Stuff, but Kanako Ito is coming to animagic too!

It was amazing to see Kanaka Ito at Animelo Summer Live - hope that you all enjoy her also.
Minna-san, I bought my ticket! :sohappy:
And my number is 2012040300031, so it's definitely not a number of people coming xDD

2LinaElric Yes, just like HimeWakana said =) I bought my ticket this way. I had some problems with postal code, but Animagic admins helped me, they are very nice guys *_* So don't be afraid to ask them, if something =3
Minna-san, I bought my ticket!
And my number is 2012040300031, so it's definitely not a number of people coming xDD

Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I so so happy for you and excited for the event :sohappy: :sohappy:
I would like to see all of you :shy:

I had some problems with postal code, but Animagic admins helped me, they are very nice guys *_* So don't be afraid to ask them, if something =3

Ok thanks a lot for the informations *W*
caaaaan't wait anymoooree~ :wai:

I hope they are going to sing manten and to the beginning too. XD
caaaaan't wait anymoooree~
I hope they are going to sing manten and to the beginning too. XD
me too me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hope for To the beginning and Manten!
But "to the beginning" is more probably because is a song for an anime!
The more I think about it, the more I think, "Germany's not that far...and the £100 or so for the air fare wouldn't be much of a price to pay considering how often Kala are likely to visit Europe..." I've never been to a con outside of the UK though, and although I've wanted to visit Germany for a long time I don't speak a word of the language! :uh..:

I hope whoever IS able to go has an awesome time!

@Wolfychi: nice sig pic BTW...only just noticed it. Where's it from???

Martin said:
I've never been to a con outside of the UK though, and although I've wanted to visit Germany for a long time I don't speak a word of the language! :uh..:

Why don't you dare it? Make your dream come true, if you have a choice!
I'm in Bonn all three days and I'm not the only german cpm-member who will be there..
This will be the seventh time that I take part in this convention. I'm not omniscient, but I would feel honored to help everyone of you (especially those who come from far away), if you need any help or something.

It has been noted several times, and I'm absolutely interested too in meeting all cpm-users, who will be there.

Nobelly wrote :Why don't you dare it? Make your dream come true, if you have a choice!
I'm in Bonn all three days and I'm not the only german cpm-member who will be there..
This will be the seventh time that I take part in this convention. I'm not omniscient, but I would feel honored to help everyone of you (especially those who come from far away), if you need any help or something.

It has been noted several times, and I'm absolutely interested too in meeting all cpm-users, who will be there.

I totally agree with you!! I don't speak German , but with English I think I can handle *____* Anyway also I'll be there for all three days :shy: :shy: :shy: We must find a way to meet and recognize us :sohappy: :sohappy:
Re: Re:

It's doable in theory I guess...ordering the tickets for the flight is straightforward enough, and all the German people I've met have been really pleasant and helpful, and fluent in English too. I'm not sure if I could pull off organising a trip like this, but it's certainly tempting, not least because UK cons aren't really on the same scale as the US and elsewhere (I did get to see Halko Momoi once though).

AYYX said:
Martin said:
@Wolfychi: nice sig pic BTW...only just noticed it. Where's it from???
Just to help Wolfychi out here: http://doomfest.deviantart.com/art/Kalafina-252773821 :innocent:

Enjoy! :w00t:
Wow, what a lovely piece of artwork. Thanks for the link! :V:
It's doable in theory I guess...ordering the tickets for the flight is straightforward enough, and all the German people I've met have been really pleasant and helpful, and fluent in English too. I'm not sure if I could pull off organising a trip like this, but it's certainly tempting, not least because UK cons aren't really on the same scale as the US and elsewhere (I did get to see Halko Momoi once though).
Gambatte gambatte!!!!