「Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025」15th January Tokyo Garden Theater (NO KAJIURA INVOLVEMENT)

the lack of comment from Wakana is SO interesting to me

I really hope this is just a one-off event rather than the start of a new Kalafina. Kalafina without Kajiura’s music isn’t Kalafina. full stop. based off the girls’ solo works I don’t particularly want to hear any “Kalafina” songs written by other composers

with how messy the disbandment was I suppose it should come as no surprise that a reunion is also being handled poorly
. Kalafina without Kajiura’s music isn’t Kalafina. full stop. based off the girls’ solo works I don’t particularly want to hear any “Kalafina” songs written by other composers.

THIS 💯. Even the Tanimura ones were snorefest (which had OK from Kajiura)
I'm probably the only one who isn't all that shook up about Kajiura not being involved in future Kalafina projects.

A producer is not the artist. 2NE1 without Teddy Park is still 2NE1. Kalafina without Yuki Kajiura is still Kalafina. It's a very similar situation as these groups feel a lot alike - the group having only the one producer up until they disbanded (there are very small exceptions in 2NE1 but you get the idea, back in the day, Teddy Park was almost synonymous with 2NE1's music).

As much as I love Kajiura-san's music, I'm glad I can continue to listen to Keiko, Hikaru and Wakana together again. My biggest regret in life is not attending a Kalafina concert in person, and this news suddenly lets me have the opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine. Kalafina was how I got into Kajiura-san's music, and call me a Kala-stan or whatever, Kajiura hasn't really created anything impressive since Kalafina disbanded in 2018. Even towards the end of their tenure (pun completely intended with 10-year), I could see Kajiura running out of ideas for Kalafina. No new "studio" album released after FotW was the biggest indicator. But I still listened because I love their voices, individually and together. The best thing to come out of their later years was by far the Christmas album, which highlighted their vocals much more in a way that previous albums didn't.

It'd be nice if Kajiura could relinquish control over Kalafina (well guess she doesn't have a choice now). Kajiura always had a specific view in mind for how she used each member and what song an part they'd fit more at singing - at best, we got songs like Red Moon, destination unknown and Magia. At worst, when she pigeonholed each member to their own part, pretty much plateauing any growth they could have had as a vocalist, we have songs like blaze, believe and heavenly blue. Even now she still pigeonholes Yuriko Kaida and Keiko.

I'd prefer Kalafina to go the route of having multiple composers with their own ideas of how to utilise each member's voice. Wakana, Hikaru and Keiko write their own songs now, and I'd love to see them try their own Kalafina song. Switch the harmonies around so it isn't always Keiko on low harmony, Hikaru on middle and Wakana on high. The only time I've seen Wakana do low harmony is love come down and elemental.
I think not having a studio album after FotW was because of the disbandment rather than running out of ideas lol we still got a few songs after that album and to me there are really good. And I think is just a matter of personal taste because I do think Yuki is still making music as great as before. I do agree that I wish she let Keiko lead more songs, that has been something that always bothered me as well as Yuriko with FJ.
I was waiting for this moment since they announced their disband, so I'm really excited about their return, even is only one concert and nothing more. :cheer:

Unfortunately ,there is a lot of drama around their reunion. I don't understand why Keiko and Hikaru didn't communicate it to Kajiura, considering they went to FSN concert and they are listed in her Asia Tour. Maybe their relationship is strictly business-related? I just hope they can have a chat and sort out for the good of all. Maybe in the next days we have a new Kajiura statement saying that all was a misunderstanding and it's all OK. I said Kajiura statement because her tweet had a lot repercution (the numbers keep increasing). Despite everything, I really appreciate Kajiura sincerity, it must be very difficult to be excluded from your own creation...

About me, I don't have big problems with a new music composer for Kalafina (when everything is resolved), it could be really interesting if they have several composers, even they can include Kajiura in the future. :plz:

Until now, I have supported Kajiura and Wakana's careers (I don't follow Keiko and Hikaru's solo careers), so I want to continue doing it in the future.
Sadly, the concert annuncement is a bit late for me, I'm not sure if I can be able to travel to Japan so soon :vortex:
Okay but here's me being messy again: why did Kajiura actually write that Kalafina has decided to step away from her as their producer now? She always says that whenever they're performing Kalafina songs in YKL that it's not Kalafina even though 2 of 3 Kalafina members were present. It's Kalafina cover. Hikaru is a freelance artist. Keiko might have some sort of co-operation between her management and FJS but she's not an artist under FJS/Highway Star. Back in end of 2017 or early 2018 when she left Spacecraft she actually said that she will no longer serve as Kalafina's producer and she left Kalafina's future to the members and the agency. I know it's her disappointment speaking because it seemed that Keiko and Hikaru didn't say anything to her, but... lady you're no longer their producer since 2018.

Like Kowz said, they could've handled this better had they informed her and even though she is still not gonna be invited to be their producer/involved in any capacity, it's about being ethical and having good manner of asking for "the parent's" permission even though the parent, in a way, is no longer present. But in a business setting, the way Kajiura penned her letter she made it seem like they're stepping out of their contract even though actually they have little to no obligation towards her. With how petty Japanese business system is and how Japanese tend to avoid topics that are not comfortable to them, this is not surprising but idk putting the blame on Keiko and Hikaru to me seems quite unfair because to me it's supposed to be their manager's duty. Like some news article really made a big deal out of this and they blasted Hikaru's and Keiko's announcement. If it turns out to be an only special one time thing then ngl Kajiura will look as very petty to me.
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But then the group disappeared and with it all the opportunities to be produced by someone else. Then, this happens and it hits her like a bucket of cold water (presumably).

Btw, she tweeted again and she seems more calm:

I know this is a bit of a long shot, but...there is no way that Kalafina will not be able to sing her past songs just because one producer leaves, and I personally don't want that to happen at all.

I am sure that Kalafina will deliver wonderful harmonies at the live concert in January, and I hope that you will give a big cheer and applause to her songs as well as to the musicians who support the sound on stage. Again, I wish you all the best.

And Wakana posted finally something on her personal instagram but nothing interesting...
KeHi still don't follow Wa...
So how big is this controversy? Is there really that much outrage circulating or is it just toxic fans on social media doing the most?
somehow i feel spacecraft probably want to replace Kalafina with new girls instead, hence this maybe just a desperate attempt by Keiko, Wakana and Hikaru to prevent that from happening.
^ that would be far better (or even hire those girls who pretended to sing like Kalafina, domt remember the name) than making Kajiura and the trio have so bad terms with each other, now even every FJ activity is on the air, at least until we see how Kajiura reacts in terms of actions.
This broke my heart for Kajiura. Such joy to hear the announcement only to be heartbroken by how the delivery was done and how Yuki Kajiura wasn’t even informed.

Just sad all around.
Just scrolled through some posts and all of the members' comments, the situation seems a bit weird... to me. Either way, there are 3 months until the concert, things can still be altered and added. Hopefully, there will be a confirmation soon regarding the confrontation (not so sure if this word is appropriate) and the smouldering bad-blood thing. Fully support Kajiura <3
Might I say, Kalafina was (and probably still is) Kajiura's most successful project to date. They may not have reached the highs that See-Saw and FJ Yuuka did, but Kalafina was very consistent, and their total output (in terms of songs released) is far more than either of the duos.

With her current collabs, the only one to be a runaway success was the completely mediocre Homura with Lisa, because of KnY's popularity. But a single hit can't sustain in the long run. Kalafina's nonstop activities for 10 years and (likely) the consistency of the income from album/single sales and royalties for live performances is probably very very lucrative. Hikaru hasn't had consistent work in a few years but she probably doesn't need to work with her earnings from Kalafina.

Kalafina goes on tour so much often than other bands and always have accompanying BDs/DVDs with those lives too. I can think of another artist who was as busy with live activities as Kalafina was in those 10 years. Never mind a "medium sized" group that performed at the Budokan 4 times.
I am glad Kajiura seems less mad about the announcement, which I would have been too. And I am sorry she won't be involved but I hope she is still able to attend or at least cheers them on and does not kick Keiko out of FJ. I always felt bad for Wakana singing a cover all by herself. While Keiko and Hikaru sang together multiple times. So this is amazing it's even happening. I am thrilled for them. Especially because they probably haven't seen each other in so long too.
I'm quite sure Wakana and HIkaru / Keiko are in constant contact. Due to business, they don't make it public. I'm also sure this wasn't Wakana's idea. I think her management is looking for some way to boost her fading career. Then when it seemed like it was set, they leaked it to the press before The trio had a chance to talk with YK. Every thing has probably been smoothed over now. Still, Looks like YK will have nothing to do with Kalafina anymore. (I believe she was mostly done with it after the Red and Blue albums, but Sony pressured her for more.)

I am curious though, of the trio doing maybe a single or some thing more on their own, using their own songs, without using the Kalafina brand. I would prefer that much more.
Kalafina goes on tour so much often than other bands and always have accompanying BDs/DVDs with those lives too. I can think of another artist who was as busy with live activities as Kalafina was in those 10 years. Never mind a "medium sized" group that performed at the Budokan 4 times.
How about Nana Mizuki, LiSA, May'n ?
How about Nana Mizuki, LiSA, May'n ?
may'n is probably on the same level as Kalafina, maybe even slightly lower but Mizuki Nana and LiSA are far bigger names in the industry than Kalafina. Mizuki Nana is literally a popular seiyuu and LiSA has been popular since Girls Dead Monster. Like their album sales don't even compare.