Thank you for the download link.
I'll finish this post when I finally listen to the full version.
Bear in mind my opinions will be shaped by the fact I actually stopped to pay attention to these. And I'm tired, so I won't be the fantastically and amazingly articulate personification of perfection and beauty that you are clearly accustomed to. No colours for this post because Kalafina is
serious ******* business.
Eden: Eh, it's okay! I kind of like it, but it could do with being a bit shorter, since it doesn't feel like there's anything interesting keeping me from pressing the skip button. The way they sing sounds nice, and the layering is kind of cool, plus I like how happy it actually sounds. Maybe my sixth favourite.
sandpiper: I really, really like how this sounds, and I love the rhythm, and I love how the instruments sound together. I think it's got a really good feel, and I adore it. But the bridges are so long; I can't like it! It just seems like it's been extended for the sake of it being extended. It kind of makes me thing of a song you'd dance around a fire and burn witches to, idk bro.
magia: They didn't do anything extreme to ruin how much I love this song and how much I love singing along and listening to it.
But even this gets boring to me when I'm focusing only on the song and not doing anything else, as well. I think I have some kind of music-ADD, or something. Hah!
九月: Ahhh, I love this! I love the piano, and I love the singing in it, and I love how there's flute, and I love the melody, and I think those are those timpani drum things in the background and I love those and-- and I just
love it. Ahhh, I love it. I didn't expect to like it this much, but I really do. Favourite song! Favourite!
in your eyes: I actually like how Hikaru sounds in this, but with what everyone else is saying, I feel like the odd one out, since the general consensus seems to be "omg no i hate hikaru in this song she sings like shitty pooface", or whatever. Still, I didn't think I'd like it from the sample, since the chorus hasn't grown on me yet, but ahhshfjkshafjkashfka I do really like it. This will probably end up my second to fourth favourite new song, depending on the rest of them and whether they can WOW me with a spontaneous bellydance or something.
hi, Keiko.

Ahah, this is a song where I don't mind the long bridges, since they're fun to listen to, like that weird Arabian sitar... thing.
destination unknown: I like how Hikaru sounds like her balls have dropped, which is a sound I like on her. The deeper, the better. As long as they don't hit the ocean floor and get crushed by the pressure because I assume that they would not enjoy that. It seems like they could've stole a bit of the bridge from "sandpiper" and added it to this, though, since the transition from stanza to chorus is a li--keiko--ttle odd and quick and it means it sounds a little repetitive. But I guess "sandpiper" is just a fat shit and likes to eat up all the bridges itself like a silly troll who won't share its toys.
I AM DISAPPOINT, SANDPIPER (╯ಠ益ಠ)╯︵ ┻━┻(`Д´ノ )ノ (°□°╯)╯ sit in the naughty corner because i am supernanny
neverending: It's called "neverending", but it's one of the shorter ones on the CD. But I like it, mostly because Keiko gets to stop sitting down doing jack shit and be allowed to finally sing a solo.
ことのは: It's like two minutes, why would anyone have suicidal inclinations after listening to it. What a melodramatic thing to say. You know who would never have said that? Jesus Christ. And do you know why he would not have said that? Because he was a manly badass and had great testicular fortitude. You didn't see Jesus complaining when he was dragging that cross up to crucify himself on, did you? No.
Learn from Jesus Christ and grow a pair.
magnolia: This doesn't sound like it should be called "magnolia". It sounds like it should be called either "keiko's final stanza of the album" or "wakana's song #241". Produced by: Dubstep. And what was that weird moan in the background at 5:00? Or was that me just going "omg is this song still happening".
Also, I mourn the constantly diminishing Keiko solos. Seriously. I walk around with a veil on and everything. I go the whole way and don't pussy out.
輝く空の静寂には: I hack into the Pentagon to this song. And I leave it playing when I leave to go to college because it brings all the bitches to the yard. MILKSHAKE. NOT. REQUIRED.
胸の行方: What is this balls that I am listening to. This is like the estranged love child of Lunar: Silver Star Story and Lion King, lowered 18 octaves because Keiko is classy enough to bring people down to her level. Vocal level. Yeah-heeaaah. The chorus, though, llllllllmao. This is what it sounds like when Kajiura Yuki is on weed. It's her way of saying, "MUFASA NEVER DIED, IT WAS A NAZI CONSPIRACY, HE LIVES ON AFTER EDEN, HEIL MUFASA, UBER KAISER MUFASA".
snow falling: This should have been called "neverending" instead because that is how it feels. And snow didn't even fall when I was listening to it, what's with that. That's false advertising and it makes me want to slit my wrists with a protractor.
God what is with the instruments in this song. They don't fit and they sound so random just playing at the same time as each other, like Kajiura just put instruments names in a hat and then burnt the hat and just went with whatever. Why is there the same instruments over and over again, it's so generic and boring and repetitive to just have instruments in every song. Who even needs instruments. You know who doesn't need instruments to make a song?
I don't. And probably Jesus didn't either but we don't know about that because all we hear about him is how he was a prophet badass with a beard.
And what's with Kalafina people having voices, anyway? I hate their voices. All of them. Wakana sounds like she's got socks in her throat and has been kicked in the balls and Hikaru has a voice that sounds like knives being inserted into my frontal cortex and Keiko's voice has dropped through the centre of the Earth because it's so deep why doesn't she just voice a male protagonist already because she's such a MAN.
You know what, Kalafina should just not sing. It should just have no instruments as well. This song would be so much better if there was just like silence because that would be postmodern and creative and totally be making a statement and I could fuckin' roll with
symphonia: You know, I think they should have typo'd this as "symphobia". I'd have lol'd. Not a lot, but I need all the laughs I can get out of this oppressive album that will forever chase me with how bad it obviously is, Kajiura is crap, she's stuck in a metaphorical bog of uncreativity, my eardrums went supernova, makes me want to pull my eyelashes out with a toenail clipper and circumcise myself using inventive methods that include the numerous sharp objects surrounding me etc. etc.