Bowl of Yuki-shaped cereal
I could find no appropriate thread so I'm making a new one here :)
I saw a nice dialog between Kajiura sensei and Kaida san today on Twitter starting from this twitt:
(she said "konno~" for "hey~")
....... I also want a hug from Kajiura sensei!!!!!!!!!
I could find no appropriate thread so I'm making a new one here :)
I saw a nice dialog between Kajiura sensei and Kaida san today on Twitter starting from this twitt:
PS: Kajiura san's album pictures are very nice! They have a kind and feminine huggy feeling in them. I want to be hugged~ Also, I want iiko iiko♡ (getting patted on the head)yurikokaida said:追伸。アルバムの梶浦さんの写真がとても綺麗なんですよ!優しく、包み込む感じで女性的です。抱かれたいわ〜。後、いい子いい子してもらいたい♡
hey~ you want to be hugged, right? (*゚ー゚*) You could have told me earlier today, I'd have done iiko iiko to you~wFion0806 said:@yurikokaida えっ姉さん抱かれたいなんてそんな……(*゚ー゚*)ポッ もっと早く言ってくれれば今日イイコイイコしたのに〜w
I was too shy to say it... anyway, being patted on the head is my weak spotyurikokaida said:@Fion0806 恥ずかしくて言えなかったんです。。なんだか私、いい子いい子されるのに弱いんです
Okay, next time let's all do iiko iiko to you, together with the band members and singers! (/≧∇)/(〃▽〃)\(∇≦\)~~Fion0806 said:@yurikokaida じゃあ今度バンドメンズ歌姫総出でよってたかってイイコイイコしましょう!(/≧∇)/(〃▽〃)\(∇≦\)~~キャァ♪
Wa~i wa~i ♡ but I might get pretty shy...yurikokaida said:@Fion0806 わ〜いわ〜い♡でも結構照れるかも。。
Hey~, mrs shy~♪next time I'll do iiko iiko to you even if you don't want it. teeheehee♪((((  ̄ρ ̄)//...((((ノ*^▽^)ノnoooFion0806 said:@yurikokaida こんの〜、照れ屋さんめ〜♪今度嫌でもイイコイイコしちゃう。エヘヘヘ♪((((  ̄ρ ̄)//...((((ノ*^▽^)ノイヤーン♪
(she said "konno~" for "hey~")
Since I'm not getting used to it... when you said "konno~", was it about Konno san~?yurikokaida said:@Fion0806 慣れてないもので。。「こんの〜」って今野さんの意味もあるのですか〜?
...no... it's not it's not!! I can't even address master Konno without a honorific~~!!Fion0806 said:@yurikokaida ……いえ…ないですないです!今野師匠を呼び捨てになんて私には無理すぎです〜〜!!
....... I also want a hug from Kajiura sensei!!!!!!!!!