Kajiura twitter session?

Well I think because it's so meaningless she doesn't want us to know it :XD:

according to yuki_n, Yuki is thinking of doing another twitter event, this time as theme will be the release of the KnK collection http://canta-per-me.net/discography/knk-collection

http://twitter.com/#!/Fion0806/statuses ... 972484608b
そうか〜、以前works for soundtrackを出した時は質問イベントとかやらせて頂いたけれど、もうすぐ空の境界音楽集が出るんですよね。さすがに質問はそう何度もやっても、そんなに聞きたい事もないでしょうし……

:sohappy: :sohappy:

My questions:

1. why she didnt put titles in the first place
2. How did she decided to use Kalafina for some of the Kajiurago
3. might as well ask about Maya at this point, since Kalafina are connected with KnK in a way :psst:
since Kalafina are connected with KnK in a way

One could definitely say so, considering they were gathered for KnK in the first place. :ohoho:

thanks for the news :sohappy: (*goes off to ponder the questions*)
... although I have yet to translate what she answered to my previous ones :...: :XD:
I have everything logged in the interviews page (everything else was deleted, even the twitter page where the event took place)

george1234 said:
3. might as well ask about Maya at this point, since Kalafina are connected with KnK in a way :psst:
What's with this question? I don't understand it. Is this "where is Maya"?
Its not a question. Its a thought of asking her about it. I will think of the question later. It would posssibly be "Why Maya is no more with Kalafina?, her vocals were beautiful".
^Need answer!! :touched:
(but perhaps that's taboo and she have to ask permission to Sony...)
「空の境界音楽集、みんなで一緒に聞こう回on twitter」、やりたいというお声も頂けたので、では開催致しましょうか(^^)。やっぱり週末が良いでしょうかね、発売日翌週とすると、3/12か13辺りかな?

ごめんなさい、私の書き方が悪くて一部誤解を与えてしまったかもしれませんが、あくまで「on twitter」で、皆で本当にどこかに集まって聞く訳ではなく、同じ時間に皆それぞれの場所でCD playをスタートさせ、それぞれの感想を勝手に呟くだけ、というゆる〜い「会」です(^^;)。

The twitter event will probably take place at 12 or 13 March (1 week from the collection's release.
It will be on March 12th or 13th. Will be a bit more special this time: everyone will press "Play" on their CD players at the same time and writing down their thoughts on Twitter. More details to be decided later on.


「空の境界音楽集、みんなで一緒に聞こう回on twitter」、やりたいというお声も頂けたので、では開催致しましょうか(^^)。やっぱり週末が良いでしょうかね、発売日翌週とすると、3/12か13辺りかな?

ごめんなさい、私の書き方が悪くて一部誤解を与えてしまったかもしれませんが、あくまで「on twitter」で、皆で本当にどこかに集まって聞く訳ではなく、同じ時間に皆それぞれの場所でCD playをスタートさせ、それぞれの感想を勝手に呟くだけ、というゆる〜い「会」です(^^;)。


Sorry George, I pressed "Submit", then page was down for me, and when it came back I saw your post... too lazy to edit~
[double post, sorry]

Hey Yuki_n do we have any news as to when the new twitter event will tak place and what kind of quiestion can we ask ? - limited to Kera no Kyoukai or we can ask about Kalafina too ?

george1234 said:
What happens if the CD hasnt arrived to someone who has preordered it (so he wont be able to press play) ? :ayashii:

Like me :uh..:

Ok, so now I have to think about what to question...
Kajiura-san, why did you cut the first part of M41+42? It's the best song for the whole series, who cares if the first part is nearly identical to M01? lol

george1234 said:
1. why she didnt put titles in the first place

I think she mentioned that already in some interview, because the theme of the anime and the soundtrack is "emptiness" ("kara no kyokai" = boundary of emptiness).

「空の境界音楽集いっせいのせでみんなで聞こうon twitter」3/13 (日) 21時〜開催します。当日梶浦は@FJukatsuのアカウントから発言しますのでご参加の方はフォローお願いします。ハッシュタグ #karaon

The important information is there for everyone to recognize:

March 13th (Sunday)
21:00 (Japanese time: UTC+9)
Hashtag #karaon
Please follow @FJukatsu (an alternative account she has), she will use that for the twitter event to keep @Fion0806 clean for those who are not interested.

In case you're curious, Ukatsu means:
迂闊 うかつ (adj-na,n) (uk) carelessness; stupidity
She often calls herself FictionJunction UKATSU when she does something "careless/stupid" :XD: