Kajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOUR FJ/YK LIVE vol.#6


george1234 said:
Because Yuki denied her suggestion to name one of the album songs "Shark" :ohoho:
Lol :XD:
That would be awesome if Wakana wrote a song about sharks :plot:
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Alphard Sokaina said:
george1234 said:
Because Yuki denied her suggestion to name one of the album songs "Shark" :ohoho:
Lol :XD:
That would be awesome if Wakana wrote a song about sharks :plot:
:ohoho: :ohoho:

Omg, what would a song about sharks be like... she'll probably name all kinds of different ones for starters. lol

I agree that it would be nice to hear new ones, but I'm happy with whatever Yuki decides to share. I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't heard ALL the music or anime she composed for. It would be great to hear from those.

So what if we've heard the same songs from the DVD's or CD's? Other people might not have, and would enjoy to see/hear them in Lives. There are fans who like to come to more than one and would appreciate a recording of something they attended. We're just jealous of them, that's all! =P

I don't think Yuki's as much concerned about making money than she is about sharing her music. Why else would she prefer to do Lives? Performing and interacting with an audience is far more rewarding.

By the time blog entries and news reach us, things have already occurred behind the scenes, like she might have put together a new collection of songs for FJ or Kalafina. The songs take time to produce and be recorded, and be edited during post-production.

While her singers are out there recording music videos and promoting the music, as a producer, Yuki has to do some networking besides composing and working with her own people. Maybe there's an anime project she just can't resist working on despite turning it down before, but finally agrees to do it if the timing is right. Or she could just write inserts at least.

I also agree that considering how many albums come out in a year WHILE touring is a big accomplishment! Here in the US, an artist could produce only one album in a year, make a few videos, possibly go on a tour, definitely go on talk shows and interviews.

That would be nice if they could come to the west, like California! But I think their focus is in Asia makes sense. Build a strong and loyal fan base locally first before expanding.

Sooo, they key here is to be patient, people! =)
While new songs would be nice, I'm content listening to Yuki's current works with a few new ones here and there.

:sohappy: :dote: :nosebleed: :shy:
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il0vesunfl0wers said:
So what if we've heard the same songs from the DVD's or CD's?
The problem with the DVDs is that if she includes number of performances of the same songs in more than one DVDs (like it happened with vol2 and vol 4 part II), when you buy the DVD that has new performances of song + performances of the same songs, is like paying only for the new song performances, especially if there are no new arrangements to the old song ones, which means waist of money.

il0vesunfl0wers said:
I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't heard ALL the music [...] she composed.

That's for sure... Madlax unreleased tracks, PH Melody fast ver, the 2-3 Tokyo Revelations new bgm etc + http://canta-per-me.net/upcoming-works/ (check "Unreleased meterial)

george1234 said:
Because Yuki denied her suggestion to name one of the album songs "Shark" :ohoho:

Heh I can totally imagine Wakana singing "Shark" :ayashii: Playful tone, semi-fast tempo, Jaws theme intro... :XD:
Re: Re:

george1234 said:
il0vesunfl0wers said:
So what if we've heard the same songs from the DVD's or CD's?
The problem with the DVDs is that if she includes number of performances of the same songs in more than one DVDs (like it happened with vol2 and vol 4 part II), when you buy the DVD that has new performances of song + performances of the same songs, is like paying only for the new song performances, especially if there are no new arrangements to the old song ones, which means waist of money.

I understand that, but then the thing is that they're recording the entire live concert, and it so happened that in the Everlasting Songs there are a few that were already part of vol. 2, so it can't be helped. I think a lot of concerts have popular songs that are brought back again and again, but yes, if they want to do that, it would be nice if they repeat something else now and then, lol.

I did notice that when Keiko sang "Houseki" in vol. 4, in some ways I think she sang it better there, so there are little nuances here and there to compare performances. But for Yume no Tsubasa, I liked the vol. 2 version more. Ah well. Hopefully the future ones will have more songs we have yet to hear. =)

I say Yuki and Wakana should sit down and work on an album about sharks! :XD:
they just added another date for sendai:
開催日:2010年5月23日(日) 会場:Zepp Sendai (New!) 
So, this has probably already been asked but my brain doesn't want to pull the data out of long term storage...I seem to remember something about a DVD for this one...was that an official announcement from Yuki or VE or fan speculation?
[thanks to gilsa for finding]

More info about the YK vol 6 concerts (guest vocals and musicians)

LIVE Infomation
来る5月、6月のKajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOURの

追加メンバー(FictionJunction/Yuki Kajiura)
5月16日(日)なんばHatch / Guest Flutist:赤木りえ
5月30日(日)横浜BLITZ / Guest Vocal:伊東えり
6月 6日(日)名古屋DIAMOND HALL / Featuring Vocal:YUUKA
6月13日(日)JCB HALL / Guest Vocal:笠原由里

Support Musician (FictionJunction/Yuki Kajiura & Kalafina)
Violin:今野均、Manipuretor:大平佳男、Keyboard:櫻田泰啓(Kalafina, Only)

Translation (using google translate and fixing some names)

LIVE Infomation
Coming in May, in June of Kajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOUR
Members and support members decided to add!

Additional members (FictionJunction / Yuki Kajiura)
May 16 (Sunday) Namba Hatch / Guest Flutist: Rie Akagi
May 30 (Sun) Yokohama BLITZ / Guest Vocal: Itou Eri
June 6 (Sun) Nagoya DIAMOND HALL / Featuring Vocal: YUUKA
June 13 (Sun) JCB HALL / Guest Vocal: Kasahara Yuri

Support Musician (FictionJunction / Yuki Kajiura & Kalafina)
Guitar: 一 Korenaga Koichi, Bass: Takahashi "Jr" Tomoharu, Drums: 一 Sato Kyoichi
Violin: Konno Hitoshi, Manipuretor: Oohira Yoshio, Keyboard: Sakurada Yasuhiro (Kalafina, Only)

Rie Akagi :sohappy: :sohappy:

and Yuri Kasahara :nosebleed: and more Yuuka :dote:
I guess the FictionJunction parts will be the same on every concert with only the guest vocal section (instrumental tracks on flutist? lol) being different, which makes me wonder...

If we get a DVD will it be just JCBHall... I sure would like more Eri on DVD...
wow the return of eri is such a great surprise! <3 and yuri kasahara too and it must be our first time seeing rie akagi live with yukiiiii :shy:
I want a DVD or CD for this tour, a mix! Yuri Kasahara and flaute~
Himitsu uses an awesome flaute part, and the lovely paradise regained ^^ And voyagers used a unknown flaute (from original song?)... :confu:
And what means that "featuring vocal"?! ·_·

I hate this kind of live, if I can't hear........ ¬_¬
OH GOSH they should include all the guest parts into the DVD (if it's released) :XD: