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But then, Yuuka is no longer with FJ.
Two times, Yuki said the new FJ songs that will be released are destination and eternal blue.

Eh, maybe, Yuuka has returned to FJ again lol
Yeah...if you say so. The thing I'm peeved about is that your throwing around unsubstantiated claims and fake statistics. Sooo a recording in someone's pocket really determines the quality of a performance??? Also you must consider that fictionjunction had a live band, ear pieces, and alot more musical support than most of Kalafina's lives. It was perfection to say the least. Overall fictionjunction did sound immensely better than the past Kalafina lives I went to. But like I said Kalafina was thrown in a tiny club and had background tracks rather than a live band. Also, I wouldn't give all the thanks to you considering you weren't there physically. But if you feel like being a reporter then by all means whatever fills that void of not going.

Yuriko...was SOOOOO Impeccable!!!!! I'm so glad that Yuki gave her some of Wakana's parts during the live to save Wakana's energy. Personally, Kaori and Yuriko were astounding the entire concert. Wakana had some weak parts and didn't hold her notes as long as I've seen in past lives. As usual sometimes Keiko got drowned out by the music so her low parts were difficult to hear. It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. If you missed it...tis a shame. The Magical Girl Madoka songs were so beautiful and had some amazing parts to compensate for Eri Itoh's lines. Their English was amazing during the songs and didn't have that awkwardness seen in their older lives.

I sang every song I could and jumped and moved my arms till I felt numb. This camera guy kept recording me it was so awkward :XD: I love how the front row people just sat and gawked at them. I just wanted to switch with them and utilize that seat for its true worth. I have to say the best fans were near the center and you could tell by who was moving around.

I sacrificed alot to witness this momentous occasion and it was worth the sunburn, the money, and all the waiting just to spend a fraction of my life with them. To the supposed "fans" who claim their performances are "earcancer", all I can say is that in truth your opinions hold no value since...ahem you've never been to a live nor made the sacrifices to go to one. Maybe you should rethink what you really are in the grander scheme of things. A fan? No. A hater? yes. But I guess I should think you for not attending again! Thank you so much!!! Your presence would have lessened the experience for everyone and its not fair to those who truly appreciate the talent and dedication these performers possess. This isn't directed toward anyone in particular but if you feel like I'm speaking to you then..I guess yes it is intended for you!

I would have liked to have met some other cpm members but tis okay. Our quartet was all I needed this trip :dote:
^ lol your sunburn? yours doesn't compare to mine :ohoho: :XD:
both of my hands were fried to the max by the sun and now they hurt so bad thanks to the waving of the glowstick like a madman :XD:
and now my whole body aches from all the dancing i did :uh..:

lol the guy filming was random :XD:
he filmed my cousin & i during weird moments hahahaha

i think our section was the best! we were all waving glowsticks and rockin' out! :sparkleguy: :ohoho:
I wish I had a glowstick. Alas, I don't have one.
I should have bought a small light saber at the Bestbuy this afternoon :XD:

Also, I couldn't stand up and dance along with the songs because one staff, if not, someone from the press, kept scolding the dude next to me every time he stood up and danced with the song :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:

So, I only danced on my chair, tapping feet and hands, while feeling jealous at those people who could stand up, dance and wave the glowstick without getting warned by the staff/the press person. :XD:

However, during the last two songs, when everyone in my section stood up, I, finally, could stand up and dance, too. Hahahahaha
Awww crystalpink thats not fair. I would have done so anyway. It was our right as attendees to dance, sing along, and play the woooh game the entire time.

salvanos said:
Sooo a recording in someone's pocket really determines the quality of a performance???

Sadly its not only one recording in a guy's pocket but also numerous performances of Kalafina on japanese TV shows and of lives outside of Japan. All these might not be determining the quality of the vocalists but can give you a (false?) idea of their real performance, which will remain such until the said person attends a live him/her self to hear with his/her own ears.
Sis Puella Magica and Credens Justitiam were MAGICAL~

Sis Puella has a short violin intro, and a new bridge, while Credens Justitiam starts slower and softer than the original, and also has new kajiurago.

Oh and BTW, there were like 6 cameras recording the whole thing.

Personally, Kaori and Yuriko were astounding the entire concert. Wakana had some weak parts and didn't hold her notes as long as I've seen in past lives.

And this.
^ Np :sparkleguy:

salvanos said:
Awww crystalpink thats not fair. I would have done so anyway. It was our right as attendees to dance, sing along, and play the woooh game the entire time.
Yea, I should have just done it.
At worse, I will get rebuked by the staff so many times like what happened to the dude next to me :XD:

Kowz said:
Oh and BTW, there were like 6 cameras recording the whole thing.
Oh, 6 cameras? Wow that's a lot.
I didn't count how many cameras were around, but I waved at two of them when they were shooting me :XD:
Aww, so you really couldn't record anything, although I am sure there is someone out there who managed something, like at AB.

I was going to ask how Credens and stone cold were. (sc would be so awesome live I think) :dote: Thank you so much for reporting. And wow, nimsaj you got a guitar pic? How lucky!

I think ninetales was just meaning that they do make mistakes in lives. which would be understandable for me since I would get so nervous. And in AB they did stress that they were really nervous. I am so sad I didn't get to see them this live since it sounds so amazing. And the battle is to the strong? Wow. I was also wondering about the beginning of the end, since it has such few lines, unless they added more.

Agree with most of what salvanos said. Incidentally, yes, my bad, it was not Canta Per Me, but Salvanos. :XD: Sorry, I was very tired in my last post, hehe. I had wanted to say more. So, to continue!

@Those who lament sound quality:

You need to remember that studio recordings (having been someone who used to record in recording studios as a humble technician) are meant to achieve sound quality "perfection". There are very, VERY picky, picky sound engineers and producers there with their ridiculously expensive equipment, so of course they're going to want to make the most of it, lol. Hence, singers/musicians will keep doing as many takes as desired till this "perfection" is deemed to have been reached.

You CAN'T reach this kind of "perfection" in a live experience. Studios are controlled environments, whereas in a live venue there is often no control of several factors, i.e. those terribly abused loud speakers, ha, the size of the venue, whether it was enclosed or open, the sound engineer's goofs, the equipment set up, etc. etc. As a performer you absolutely have no control over many things, so you do your best, even if sometimes you're not at your best. And if in cases of repeat/ongoing performances, sometimes you've got your good days, your awesome days, and your blah days. It's never going to be the same all the time. Besides, if you've never performed in front of so many people, who are you to judge? It is NOT easy.

So, I commend the girls and the band for singing with their hearts as best as they can and I don't judge them for any mistakes, even when it's hard not to notice sometimes. The point is I go there to EXPERIENCE the music, to be one with it.

Also, it was so wonderful to watch Yuki sama and the band members, too. I've always loved how expressive Yuki-sama is when she's playing, how much Korenaga-san and Jr-san have a blast, how soulful Konno-san plays violin, and how Sato-san rocks those drums (I wish I could have heard more intricacies of those drums).

I too wish I had a glow stick!! I clapped my hands, waved my arms, and screamed instead. :dote: (Not as loud as the guy behind me, omg, it's like he had a megaphone, lol.) They were sooo adorable! And beautiful! And yes, Yuriko and Kaori were on the ball. They had an awesome day. =D

I also would have liked to have met some other CPM members, here, but hopefully next time (I hope there's a next time!)
Re: Re:

il0vesunfl0wers said:
Besides, if you've never performed in front of so many people, who are you to judge? It is NOT easy.

I wasn't going to take part in this discussion, but I just feel like mentioning this is just an excuse. Should a teacher perform her tasks below average, her students will complain, and almost nobody will think "Do you know how difficult it is to be in front of so many people and pass your knowledge to them?". For me, this happens for every job in the world, and a singer is no exception. I don't know where you all got this "perfection" business, but whatever.

And well, I have performed in front of many people (with far worse equipment), so I think I can judge them, alright ;X
And well, I have performed in front of many people (with far worse equipment), so I think I can judge them, alright ;X

No one and Nobody in the world has the right to pass judgement down on anyone...
"Judgement" pass down by people is what society calls an opinion :ayashii:
Judgement is left for one and only one entity, which is called GOD :dote:
Oh my...
Let's just say I used the same word used previously. And seriously, you got my point so let's stop whining over semantics.
Oh my...
Let's just say I used the same word used previously. And seriously, you got my point so let's stop whining over semantics.
I don't whine :ayashii:
I'm simply RECTIFYING your error :dote:
I'm sorry for my dreadful sin.

I'm going to the church right now, so I can talk with the priest as to how I committed an unforgivable sin in the internet because I just replied someone with the same exact word she used, and it was obviously on purpose but someone seems to want to interpret it as he wishes.
Well, I guess I'll give up on my argument here and just keep my logic to myself from now on, lest I end up getting snarky too~ Aside from just mentioning that Studio Magix is pretty widely used in recordings, judging by the difference between Manten studio live and original. But then again, that's Kala, which is completely different from FJ...right?

Anyway, I gotta say that this is one of the best live setlists EVER in terms of Korechan - 9 solos, almost half the amount of songs. Even though he didn't do his Salva Nos solo, I still wish I could've heard it all :imdead:


And also, I'm sorry if I gave the impression of trying to be a "reporter", but by all means, please don't thank me for the setlist. I was simply keeping an eye on Twitter to find out about the songs...

KP-X said:
I'm sorry for my dreadful sin.

I'm going to the church right now, so I can talk with the priest as to how I committed an unforgivable sin in the internet because I just replied someone with the same exact word she used, and it was obviously on purpose but someone seems to want to interpret it as he wishes.

Good Boy KP-X :sparkleguy:
Seek atonement before it seeks you and end up like Berserker (Lancelot) from Fate/Zero :omg:

@Ninetales: OMG <3 How did Kaori and Yuriko sound???
I think most of us know how Wac-chan and Kei-chan sound from their Kala lives soo i'm pretty interested in how Kaori and Yuri-nee san performed :D? could you provide a short analysis??? *arigatou* :chuu: