Kajiura Family Media Appearances



   ⇒水樹奈々SP/濃厚アニソン カウントダウン/小野大輔SP/アニソン カウントダウンONE/田村ゆかり SP
    藍井エイル SP/Kalafina SP/FLOW SP/アニメテーマソング2015~嫁と駆け抜けた日々 冬・春編/
◎07/29(水)24:30~07/30(木)06:00   ⇒アニソン カウントダウンONE/濃厚アニソン カウントダウン/田村ゆかり SP/藍井エイル SP
    Kalafina SP/FLOW SP/アニメテーマソング2015~嫁と駆け抜けた日々 冬・春編

Do we really need them PV compilations though.
problem is she is only producing Kalafina, she isnt part of the group (unlike FJ), so they cant appear together, and when it happens its never published (like the Hong Kong Kalafina concert). The reason why Kalafina are in Sony, is because she wanted to use them for KnK themes.
Slightly more details now at http://www.nhk.or.jp/j-melo/nhkworld/english/broadcast/index.html

July 26, Sun. 15:10 – 15:40 (UTC) and later times
J-Music Now



Color Pointe, w-inds., Yuki Kajiura
Exclusive comments
Aldious, Gesu No Kiwami Otome, Ai Kawashima, NMB48, RYO the SKYWALKER, Sandaime J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE, SEKAI NO OWARI, Shiggy Jr., Shonan No Kaze, Superfly, Sumire Uesaka, YKIKI BEAT, Yuzu, Whiteberry
Dave Spector, SCANDAL, ☆Taku Takahashi, Koki Hanamizakura, Yoshitaka Mouri (Associate Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts)
1. "In Love With The Music" / w-inds.
2. "Stamp!" / SCANDAL
I saw it on FB and now I can't find it.

It's only 6 minutes long, and has some pretty basic questions. They showed Kalafina's message to Kajiura, and they mentioned how they work with her.
Unfortunately the video appeared on my wall, so it won't show up in my browsing history. I thought it was posted in the Kalafina group, but nope.

was there anything about HtA or Yk vol 12 ?

Nope. IIRC, they asked her what's the most important thing about soundtracks, about her work with Kalafina, and how she works with singers in general.
I really liked how Kajiura talked about how the way music affects scenes, it's really interesting to me. For example, if someone is meeting an old friend and they're happy music in the background, it's saying "I'm so happy to see them again". Is there's nostalgic music, maybe "wow they've changed, I haven't seen this person in so long", and if there's funny music it could be saying "wow I haven't seen this person in a while and it's really awkward". It's very fascinating.

As for Kalafina's message, lol they didn't have enough time to do Keikos hair properly, they just put two feathers in her hair and said "no one will really notice"

And they play Stone Cold but don't show Fiction Junction? Wow rip off (but I guess it was only a short interview).
Short but I really enjoyed watching Kalafina relaying the message to YK.
And seeing YK embarrassed made me kind of embarrassed too idontknowwhy


I'm happy seeing you happy. ☺

Edit: Streams Tudou / Youtube
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NACK5 「Onitamashi」guest appearance
・Date: 2015.08.11(Tue)
・broadcasting time: 20:00 to 23:00~ JST


08.08 (Sat) 「LISANI!Vol.22」Kalafina×Aimer (Special Talk)
08.12 (Wed) 「WHAT’S IN? Sept. Issue」Interview

8月15日(土)フジテレビ夏の恒例イベント「お台場夢大陸 めざましライブ」にKalafina / 藍井エイル出演決定!!
8月15日(土)フジテレビ夏の恒例イベント「お台場夢大陸 めざましライブ」にKalafina / 藍井エイル出演決定!!

開場:18:00 / 開演:19:00
会場:夢大陸オマツリランド内「SUMMER GATE スタジアム」


札幌芸術の森 アニソン野外ライヴ「アニフォレ」

<マチ★アソビ presents 「唄の降る夜」コンサート>
2015年9月26日(土) 開場 18:00/開演 18:30
徳島県文化の森総合公園内 「野外劇場」
Oh man, too much media/guest appearances lately. I know it’s a part of SME's marketing strategy but the way they prioritize a single over a long-awaited album pisses me off. Haha!XD

リスアニ!最新号発売中:Kalafina×Aimerによる初の対談を掲載!『Fate/stay night[UBW]』で邂逅を果たした両者の魅力を掘り下げます。番頭M #LisAni





『ラブライブ!The School Idol Movie』μ'sスペシャル・インタビュー!

デュラララ!!×2 転

アイドルマスター シンデレラガールズ/早見沙織/TrySail/Ray/Kalafina×Aimer/ClariS/綾野ましろ/May'n

…and more!
I think they should be fine as long as they take care. For a vocal group who has been singing 5+ years, their voices are still in pretty good condition compared to other groups/singers who have been around for that period of time or longer. Of course, there may be some damage already but well, it happens. But yeah considering their relative popularity lately, they should sing a bit less if they want to sing for a long time. And maybe get a vocal trainer or two... the face Wakana makes when she strains makes me feel bad for her :( would help with Hikaru's recent issues too.
Guess seeing them in late October might be a good move on my part, it's not the first show so they've got a little time to warm up, yet they shouldn't yet be as tired as they might be by the end of the tour, ala Consolation Special Final.

I just hope that the new songs are good or it'll waste half the set.