Well, actually, FJY, See-Saw, Saeko Chiba, Kalafina... These are all different types of vocals, more or less :D Maybe, Yuki takes THIS for a factor to relocate her attention?
I don't think that FJY is gonig to end... the most of the japanese composers are in several projects at time, and Yuki is very diligent (o eso nos ha demostrado) with all her work...
Hm... FJY or See-Saw??
I have to listen all song the song to say anything ^^
what is that?! :omgwtf: that "Fiction Junction YUUKA with vocalist Yuuka 2003-2006"
they released album july 2007.... i hope that... 2003-2006 thing is just because Yuki always forgets to update her site ^^; she should let us to it for her ;)