Hello! :D

one more devil? I wonder if the two of you will fight and who will win then :plot:
Welcome, Neko! Feel free to have fun, go crazy, dance Aikoi and/or Zuiyon Dance, stalk and be stalked, cosplay Kalafina, form an antiroyalist coalition against a certain Quing and mrhfffmmmm (*mufled, gagged, bricked, thrown into a sack and dumped from the bridge :imdead:*)
:sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sparkleguy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
Am I late ?:question:


Welcome neko! I hope you'll have good time in CPM. (CPM is a strange place and CPMers are it's weird inhabitants :ohoho: :ohoho: :ohoho: )
@palawa: hiyaa palawa~nice to meet u! and i love this place cuz of its wierd inhabitants!! :ohoho: :sohappy: