Go Shiina & (notsomuch) Yuki Kajiura to compose for Kimetsu no Yaiba

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... By FictionJunction they mean Yuki Kajiura the same way it was FictionJunction featuring YUUKA back in 2004, or the girls YK performs live with + LiSa ?

With this naming it seems like a permanent thing and that makes me worry as LiSA's songs are infamous for her screaming :/
Oh yeah it finally seems that "FictionJunction feat. LiSA" is the new name for LiSA under the project. Maybe we'll have at least additionnal vocals from other singers ? We'll see in 6-7 hours.
New single when ???
@Justisamuel : But FJ is Flying Dog while LISA is Sony, this is what's also weird, so guess they dont mean the group FJ. On the other hand, why wasnt it "FictionJunction feat. AIMER", but just Aimer ?

2019.04.13 Sat
【Works】梶浦由記のソロプロジェクトFictionJuncionがFictionJuncion feat. LiSAとしてLiSAさんをヴォーカリストに迎え、鬼滅の刃のエンディングテーマを担当する事が決定いたしました!
TVアニメ「鬼滅の刃」エンディングテーマは、本編劇判を椎名 豪さんと共に担当する梶浦由記が、FictionJunction feat. LiSA としてLiSAさんを初めてヴォーカリスに迎えた楽曲、「from the edge」となります!
この出会いは、アニメスタッフ側からの「一人のアーティストがオープニング・ エンディング両方を歌うことで、映像作品としての完成度や統一感を高め、特別な作品にしたい」「本編の劇伴を担当する梶浦由記と、オープニングテーマを担当するLiSAとで、作品の為の楽曲を制作してほしい」という熱烈なオファーで実現しました!


TVアニメ「鬼滅の刃」エンディングテーマは、本編劇伴を担当する梶浦由記がFictionJunction feat. LiSAとしてLiSAを初めてヴォーカリストに迎えた楽曲「from the edge」となります!

from the edge FictionJunction feat. LiSA




TVアニメ「鬼滅の刃」に、LiSAとしてオープニングテーマ「紅蓮華」を担当させていただけるだけでなく、FictionJunction feat. LiSAとして、エンディングテーマ「from the edge」を歌わせていただけることになりました。
I like LiSA now uwu

For real tho, are we gonna hear some fj members cause if LiSA without putting FJ I'd understand if that's the case(And just credit Kajiura). It might be on how like Sawano features his singers. hmm
We'll see in a few hours. I'm excited :ayashii:
It might be on how like Sawano features his singers.

FictionJunction was there loooong before [nZk] hehe, I always think that Sawano tries to take the same way as Kajiura did, like not only being a BGM composer, but also having a personal project which would perform in his Animes, doing both OP/ED and their instrumental arranges, doing a lot of collaborations... and thus being a popular composer lol.
Both of them hold 7/8 Newtype Awards for the Best Music since its creation, for example.
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So with my poor japanese skills, I can understand that Yuki Kajiura wanted to create a song that would resonate in the characters as a voice to move forward, on a way they can't see. And LiSA says that it was very important to sing for Yuki Kajiura, so she really did her best
( 一生懸命 = with all one's might ). Correct me if I'm wrong.
^ I dont get how this kind of logic equals to LiSA, it could be any other singer Kajiura likes. I think its more like that now Kalafina is gone SACRA is asking her to create a song or two for some of their other artists. The difference between the previous FJ girls and LiSA is that all the previous ones (Yuuka, W, Ke, Ka, Asuka) were when they started with YK in the beginning of their career, while LiSA has a pretty big fanbase of her own already, so i dont know how they would think of her collab with YK and vise versa. Also Yuki now has to beat all LiSA's previous songs for her own song to stand out. Lets hope it doesnt turn out to be some mainstream song, originally composed for some future Kalafina album that never came to be.
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They had been featured in the same animus for many times it's about time they collab anyway :tea:

Can't wait for "I hEAr KalaFIna on THe SOng/KaLaFINa woULD FIt the SOng" comments :ohoho:

Oh god I like the song :sohappy: And I hear Yuriko and Kajiura on chorus!
Typical Kajiura arrangement and melody but I'm more surprised at LiSA. Lower register LiSA is best LiSA :knife:
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Sounds so comforting and familiar, aside from LiSA’s voice, I can’t help but like it. But I think Yuki can crank out songs like this in her sleep. Maybe the full version will have some additional parts that make it more special. That Fion (?) part at the end sounds more prominent in the mix and less processed than usual. So if the song is produced by Yuki, the instruments are played by the FBM, and it at least features some FJ backing vocals, then it gets the FJ name? So Aimer was just missing the backing vocals maybe. Also, those Aimer songs sounded different in some ways from previous Yuki songs, whereas this new one sounds like she’s trying to recall her past work, so maybe that’s part of the FJ brand name.
The ending is Fion, it doesn't sound like Chiaki at all lol and that style of singing in Kajiura songs are all done by Kajiura/Fion
Not exactly hating the song but maan Lisa's voice is as annoying as aimer or maybe even more.
We are drifting so far apart ritchan. :(
Focusing on hating vocalists but not hating on this particular generic YK sounding song with me.
My guess is that if Yuki thinks the anime studio and fans want another Kalafina sounding song, she can give them yet another variation on that. But if she wants to write something different, she can do that too. I don’t think songs like Moonlight Melody and the Sayuri one really sound like Kalafina/FJ either. I also have to put myself in the anti-LiSA camp. For one thing, typing her name is too much trouble with having to press the shift key so much.