my review :
- the main theme: Chiaki's voice gives me the chills. I think her voice fits so much. That lovely koto (???shamisen?? help) and Chiaki and cello. brilliant x2. then lovely strings. intermittent cello then strings+koto. Ending with Chiaki + atmospheric sounds. The leitmotif is so good, so Japanese (?) and can be abused in so many great ways which Kajiura took advantage of. and gladly so. This reminds me of Hokuto no Ken; the main theme is at that level which in my book says a lot.
- to destroy the evil: evil Chiaki haha. strings drums dominate and then lovely flute filled with emotion. blends so well. you take a break with easygoing strings of the leitmotif. Then tokyo konsei hits. If anyone's reading my posts, in recent years, Kajiura used Tokyo konsei terribly. It was really bad and I stressed it so many times. I have to say I didn't mind this one. Though I admit, it could be improved (or taken out altogether).
-brace up and run! : Kajiura toys with emotions on this one. love it. you're calm, confident, then hurried then calm again. I like the length of the fast part actually; it added character to the piece (plus that subtle guitar!!)
- survive and get the blade, boy : hands down my fav rendition of the leitmotif. lovely drums and tense strings. leitmotif with flute. that flute is love love. what is great here is one simple thing : THE WHOLE TRACK SEEMS TO TELL A STORY. It has parts that develop very well and makes one whole experience in the end. simply love it.
- voices from the past: this is also so good. so relaxing, haunting.
Despite being 5 tracks, I give this ost 9/10 ! ! There is thought, real sweat as to what emotions to pour in each track albeit with one leitmotif :)