Give a reason why the member does has or no boy/girlfriend?

Raffa has none cos the girls all go after his long-lost smexy Spanish tennis-playing cousin :plot: :plot:

Cerise said:
Raffa has none cos the girls all go after his long-lost smexy Spanish tennis-playing cousin :plot: :plot:


Cerise also has none cos she is too absorbed in pining after the smexy Raffa alternative. :knife:
^ Spiri has many cos she's so pretty~ :shy:

(hey, you gotta admit the other Raffa is quite a man :psst: but truthfully I prefer Federer :nosebleed: )

Cerise still has none cos she is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too busy pining after handsome tennis players. :XD:

Cerise said:
(hey, you gotta admit the other Raffa is quite a man :psst: but truthfully I prefer Federer :nosebleed: ) love for magical alien cats that grant wishes? :psst:
Re: Re:

^ K has many, actually - flight attendants the world over have been forced into joined his harem. :plot:

Special_K said: love for magical alien cats that grant wishes? :psst:

Truth be told, I love kitties but Kyubey looks more like an alien bunny-squirrel hybrid than a cat to me :ohoho:
murrue has a lot of boyfriends because she lives in blue clouds (lol I almost typed clowns xD) :P
Rion has many girl/boy?friends (sorry...I can't tell your gender :desksweat:) from the other keys on Yuki's Keyboard :touched:
Cerise has no boyfriend because she does not know Im special and would think I have girlfriends... :omg:

*looking in my undies* nope, still got that "extra" Daichi would love to play with

Rion said:

*looking in my undies* nope, still got that "extra" Daichi would love to play with

:fwa: :fwa: :fwa:
:vortex: :vortex: :vortex:

I am so confused right now :@_@: so you're a guy... :confu:

murrue has many many because she has such a beautiful smile! :shy: :nosebleed:
Gah :omg: okay... :ohoho:

Rion has many because I'm sure he is very handsome and attractive and charming despite the confusion :shy:
So don't be sad and :spotlight: anymore 'kay~ :sohappy: