Get Your Questions Answered by Kalafina at Our Global TV Program on NHK World!

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Get Your Questions Answered by Kalafina at Our Global TV Program on NHK World!

The program will be on air on January 15th (Friday), so save the date for it! You can check what time it will be aired in your country here.

So, please send what you wan to ask to them! If your questions are selected, they will answer the questions during the program!

Please fill in the mandatory forms below and write questions to Kalafina
*The deadline is : November 30th, 23:59(JST)
*Multiple answers are allowed, but it doesn’t mean high winning rate.
*Please write in English and we will translate it into Japanese. Messages are welcomed as well!
*Attach the picture of YOU. It will be aired if selected.
Already submitted mine :)
Wow, this is awesome! I hope at least one person from here gets their question answered.

I'd submit, but I'm not really comfortable sending a picture of me... :...:
Does the picture have to be of us, or can it just be a profile picture? I'm not really comfortable sending a picture of me...
Submitted mine :)
1. When you get to sing for a new project (eg. Madoka Magica) do you imagine how you want your song to be, or you leave that to Kajiura-san ?
2. to Wakana: Considering that Dinosaurs and Sharks are scary for most people do you have love for other kind of animal like insects too ? :)
3. To Wakana and Keiko: Do you enjoy singing most as Kalafina or as FictionJunction ?
4. What do you think if you were given the chance to decide the plot and setting of your songs PVs (promotional videos) ?
5. Does Kajiura Yuki keep giving you the lyrics underlined with different colours as we once saw in a sprinter recording photo ?
6. How does it feel like to be inside the recording chamber ?
7. What do you think of the possibility Kalafina welcoming new vocalists inside it ?
8. Which do you like more: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy, umami ?
I guess the chance is extremly low to get picked.
I think they will prefer japanese people's questions.