FJC Live "Best 20" Part 2 - March 5, 2016



2016/03/05、中野サンプラザにてFJC会員さま限定ライブ「FJC会員が選ぶもう一度聞きたいBEST20 Part2」を行ないます。今まで演奏して来た曲の中から「もう一度聞きたい」曲を投票して頂いてセットリストを決めるシステム。投票方法などは会報をお待ち下さい。


There is an FJC live and they are doing the setlist based on the top 20 as voted. It'll be the second time they do this.

The means of voting will be made known to members in the next fanclub mail. Unlike the first time, there will be less talking, more singing. And they will try to sing all 20 songs voted into the top 20.

George note: This is the older live of this style:
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Seeing as FJC members are the ones who will listen to it as the setlist they have chosen, that seems reasonable.
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Just to note that their is a second ticket draw closing 20th January 2016:

「FictionJunction CLUB」会報vol.28を12月26日(土)に発送いたしました◆ ・会報vol.28 ・~FictionJunction CLUB会員限定~ 「FJC会員が選ぶ"もう一度聴きたいBEST20 Part2"」のご案内 (エントリー期間:2016年1月16日(土)12:00~1月20日(水)23:59

FictionJunction CLUB会員限定
「FJC会員が選ぶ“もう一度聴きたいBEST20 Part2”」
Yuki Kajiura LIVE・Kalafina LIVEで演奏された全曲をリストから、あなたのもう一度聴きたいあの曲をリクエストしてください!

FictionJunction YUUKA楽曲一覧PDF

Here’s the list of songs (PDF) that have been played in Yuki Kajiura LIVES, FJYUUKA, covers, OSTs and Kalafina LIVEs (that means there’s no Interlude2, Mahiru & Samidare on the list lol), so request the songs you want to hear once again for BEST20 Part2.

FC members shall vote 3 songs only per music list;

※first place – 3 pts.
※second place – 2 pts.
※third place – 1 pt.

haha...Have fun! XD
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Ooo There's a Kalafina list too. I wonder what will get picked. This is like some kind of census, an interesting one
^It's not gonna be a true popularity vote though. People are gonna vote based on rarity too. I may like ARIA and Kizuato and what not, but I sure as hell am not going to vote for those since Kalafina performs lives so very often.
Producer goods list is out:
T-shirts ("dry type", same material used for running/cycling T-shirts)
Towel, wrist band, card holder, squeeze bottle, ticket poach, utahime produce clip set.
Backpacks are made to order, they will be delivered later at a location inside Japan, more details on this TBA.
Is anyone planning to go? I have some requests :stars:
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I'm still intrigued to see what the setlist is. Sadly I've seen things like this before, the more popular ones will likely win out because they're popular. I suspect it'll be pretty basic stuff with maybe a couple uncommons.
Anyone with common sense will vote for rarer songs, not commonly performed songs like salva nos or contractor. I... want to believe in my fellow members.

I personally voted for tasogare (because I really need to hear this again, but on hindsight, I don't think I want to make Keiko sing that in her current condition. Kaori pls...), I talk to the rain and sis puella magica because she just keeps performing credens justitiam.

I think Anna ni issho will be an easy contender. And it's true that it's a rare song. Kalafina won't perform it if it's not a special occasion. Additionally, lirica seems like it might be a popular choice too.
Will Yuuka be part of the live? Because there is a list for her songs, but I thought she wasn't going
Please vote for Vanity if you are a member. I only saw the 2008 performance, I want to know how the song changed if they sing it now. Would like to see Open Your Hearts again too.
I hope they will vote for rarer songs as well. My personal hopes are for vanity, contractor and progressive. We haven't gotten a recorded live of vanity and progressive since 2008 and 2011 (counting the one on the 5th anni live selectons) respectively, and contractor is just a badass song in itself (especially that Keiko part :stars:)

Ring your song and Anna ni issho datta no ni would be nice as well, though I wonder who would do Anna ni issho. Would FictionJunction cover it, or Kalafina like at the Animax live? Including the English section would be nice as well.
I'm doubting we'll even get a recording of this live anyway, honestly. Unless it's already confirmed and I've missed the announcement.

Sandpiper, lirica, serenato, Sis Puella Magica!, Vanity, Fiction and Main Theme of Petit Cossette would be my choices across the whole board.
I'm sure Kalafina will do Anna ni Issho Datta no ni's cover if the song if choosen, since they've sang it at YK Vol #10 too, not only at Animax
Voting is over. It ended in Jan. Can't have the setlist undecided two days before the live, can we? They have to rehearse and prepare!

I think it's very unlikely that they do a video release too, but would definitely love to have it if the members have good taste. Please have good taste. If Ongaku gets voted in I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry. I think I'll just request for it to have a video release in the feedback form, no matter how unlikely.

Contractor is not exactly a rare song. I've heard it in vol #10 and vol #12, but it really is an epic song to listen to live.
Blah, "I want to hear it again". Gimme "All new all never performed before" special live. She has tons of songs yet she'd perform those same songs over and over again. Save for some See-Saw songs from YKL12 (which imo has the best setlists of all YKL), ship of fools, and some Kala b-sides, most of the songs have been performed over and over again and have made their way into DVD and/or Live CD. I'm sorry for being a party pooper again but what can I say.
Why would they not do a video? It's free money for them. I don't understand.