Dream Port 2008 single details

:comeback: YUUUKAAAAAA
but she is sooo cute on teh live :love:
OMG there is a real part Yuki x Revo singing :ghost: so good ! :twitch:
"lead voice : Kajiura Yuki " :sohappy: Yuki is singing, Yuki is singing :sohappy:
At the end, when Yuki says "arigatoo" she's got a very high pitched voice ! not as in teh interviews >_<
Yeah, Yuki sings :)
nice souns of her.

Anybody has ripped the video or the sound?
Or, I'll do it myself... but later :P
maha_gnosis said:
Yeah, Yuki sings :)
nice souns of her.

Anybody has ripped the video or the sound?
Or, I'll do it myself... but later :P

I have video on my computer. I will upload it, if i have time.
ahhh thank you for all the links jin and tinba ^_^
i'm just starting to listen to sand dream now :3
so goooood
The single arrives today . It hears it now.
It is excellent!

Lyrics are put.



傷跡も癒せずに僕等は 何を待つのだろう
Good times for blend もう一度と廻ると信じていたい

砂の海で水に焦がれ 爪を剥いでも祈りは井戸の底
キミの名は幻想 儚なき調べ 唇が触れる程に遠離る

鳴り止まない胸の鼓動 あと一つだけ丘を越え
砂に祈りを埋めても この手を伸ばすから どうか
fly me……

足跡も残さずに僕等は 何処へ行くのだろう
Good-bye dear friend もう一度会えると信じていたい

砂の海が暮れ行く頃 全ての叫びが目指す輝き
キミの名は幻想 遙かな調べ 唇に歌を一つ灯して

震えるのは夜の共鳴 孤独は声を凍らせる
月に叫びが届くなら この身を捧ぐから どうか
fly me……

全ての音がいつか 消え失せた静寂の中で
僕たちは震えながら 愛の歌を歌い出す

風を超えて 遠い岸辺へ心は行けるのだろう

砂を超えて 遠い岸辺で僕等は出会うだろう
tinba said:
here for the video.
(all credits go to grunty, i've done nothing except uploading it)

ah thank you Grunty and Tinba XD
I was about to ask how to rip the video myself :P

But... anybody knows?
atu said:
The single arrives today . It hears it now.
It is excellent!

Lyrics are put.



傷跡も癒せずに僕等は 何を待つのだろう
Good times for blend もう一度と廻ると信じていたい

砂の海で水に焦がれ 爪を剥いでも祈りは井戸の底
キミの名は幻想 儚なき調べ 唇が触れる程に遠離る

鳴り止まない胸の鼓動 あと一つだけ丘を越え
砂に祈りを埋めても この手を伸ばすから どうか
fly me……

足跡も残さずに僕等は 何処へ行くのだろう
Good-bye dear friend もう一度会えると信じていたい

砂の海が暮れ行く頃 全ての叫びが目指す輝き
キミの名は幻想 遙かな調べ 唇に歌を一つ灯して

震えるのは夜の共鳴 孤独は声を凍らせる
月に叫びが届くなら この身を捧ぐから どうか
fly me……

全ての音がいつか 消え失せた静寂の中で
僕たちは震えながら 愛の歌を歌い出す

風を超えて 遠い岸辺へ心は行けるのだろう

砂を超えて 遠い岸辺で僕等は出会うだろう

Nyuuu... thank you for the lyrics :3 ....*still waiting for the CD >.<*

sajin live is sooooooooooooo much better than the studio one. 0_0 WAKANA sounds far better live and the bridge is soooooo weak in the studio version. The only thing better in the studio version is the last minute, since they could do what they wanted with the lalas, rather than hoping the audience would sing a long.

As for sand dream, I think it has too little vocals, while the whole thing sounds too much like My-Otome. It also lacks any sort of climax - it seems to be just playing on repeat...