dear: rion

  • Thread starter Thread starter naoise
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Will naoise win

  • YES, naoise will win

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NO, naoise will win

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • THIS POLL IS BIASED, but naoise will still win

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kerahna will win

    Votes: 10 100.0%

  • Total voters
Lass uns Händchen haltend über eine grüne Wiese laufen, uns Hand in Hand in die wundervoll duftenden Blumen legen und der Sonne bei ihrem ewig wiederkehrenden Tod zusehen :love:
Kerahna said:
I think it means something like this:
Let us run over a green meadow,while we hold hands. let put us hand in hand into the wonderful smelling flowers and watch the sun in its eternally recurring death
children?!?!?!?!?!? you mean thoose ennoying things i kick every morning?
but not this stupid little brats :XD:
I mean the cute little one you would get :plot:

like this :wai:
Rion said:
but not this stupid little brats :XD:
I mean the cute little one you would get :plot:

like this :wai:
I am not going to give birth to them!
Rion said:
then I'll do it :love:
you just have to... you know what I mean :bow:

no! you take birth control pills first!

and Z, no, but i have 3 nephews.... that's worse