[CPM project] Kalafina 10th anniv physical message book > COMPLETED <

こんいちは、みんなさん! I've been a longtime lurker here and I just joined to submit my Kalafina artwork for this fanbook. I'm rushing to get it done and will submit it tomorrow (the 13th).

Three quick questions: One, do I PM my note and art to George or send it to his e-mail (which I do not know the address)? Two, are the messages and the art going to be side-by-side or in different sections of the book? I would like to know, because I want to explain my artwork, but it will not make sense in the letter if it is presented separately from the art. And three, should I write the note in English or Japanese?

Crap, I forgot about this... I will write my message tomorrow and send it. (I will write myself a note lol) I am writing in English, since I do not know Japanese. They have read several English songs now, and sung of course. But I am sure there will be a translator.
I sent mine in! I ended up writing my message in Japanese. ^_^ And here is my drawing for anyone who wants to see it:


I hope they like it! :)
I and Zinnia still have some works to do (for the year-by-year series of pictures)...I'll upload all pictures together in one place and I'll send the download link as well as the order of pictures to George via PM.

I've finished 2 from 3 pages and need to paint the last one tonight...hope we can finish them by the deadline Orz.
Hi hi hi! Nice to see you or long time no see!

George-san, sanding MS Word file just now, even it's only text message for Kalafina girls...
Yoroshiku ne!

Thank you for Smiley for counted me for this book project!
Finish my works....:TdT:. I may send them a bit late cuz I haven't got files from Zinnia yet and it's already super late night in Thailand....I'll wake up late for sure...TT. Will be back in the morning then...(and I guess that it'd be late night for George and those in Western world..lol.)
Wow, nice pic! I wish I had had time to draw something... or the ability that some of you have. *sigh*

Sent mine, last minute I know. Let me know when you get it, thanks!
I updated the submission log on page 1

all have sent except
- Hadi_sama
- weebalicious

and me (george1234) but i ll include my message in the final archive

Kagaribi no Hanabira
please check your pm as some of the files you sent are still in photoshop format.
I know it's a bit late to bring this up, but how are we going to implement the map project I mentioned earlier? My idea was to have tacks pointing to the countries where we live, though for geographically larger countries (such as the US, Australia, etc.), it would be better if it pointed more to the region where we live. And all of that aside, which map are we going to use?


EDIT: Was looking at maps, and found this one. The only bad things about it are that it doesn't split up part of Sudan into South Sudan, and also cuts off Antarctica, but what do you guys think?
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