CPM Project for Yuki Kajiura Birthday 2011.

What should we do for Yuki's b-day? (between the collages choose only 1)

  • Happy Birthday in our own language.

    Votes: 8 27.6%
  • Map with memeber locations.

    Votes: 5 17.2%
  • Collage.

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • Collage with anime version of CPMe Members.

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • Collage with real photos of CPMe Members.

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • Collage with favourite things (headphones?).

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • All (1 collage, Map, HB in languages).

    Votes: 13 44.8%

  • Total voters
May I join the project :sohappy: ? I can add Vietnamese :XD: (it's my mother language after all)
Yay~ So the final conclusion is?

- Happy Birthday in our own language


- is map included?
- anime version of CPMe Member?
dont know yet, we need first to make a list of the participants, will everyone do him/her self and then put them all together, in addtion will they be coulored by pensil or we will need to ask people (Kera) to photoshop-coulor them ?

the happy birthday in many languages in not an issue since its can be done really fast.

about the map will it be stative or interactive (of the will need a programmer's help (shin?).

I will put a poll.


I made it so that you can choose either between

-Happy Birthday in our own language.
-Map with member locations.
-All (1 collage, Map, HB in languages).

and 1 collage.
-Collage with real photos of CPMe Members.
-Collage with anime version of CPMe Members.
-Collage with favourite things (headphones?).

You have 2 votes.
Em, it will look strange....
I like the anime idea BUT I admit I can't draw... I guess i'll go with whatever decision... anime or real face. :XD:
I can't draw at all so I voted for the collage with real faces. But I also like the idea with a map and HB
I got a question with the map

I tought it was more country related not exact localization. Like X countries with Yuki fans not a memeber localization service.
I have a question.
Who would draw the anime version of CPMe members, should this option win?
My option is the everyone should draw his /her own face. This way it will be more personal.

But it depends on what the majority will want.
i don't think it would be too weird to have mix of photos and anime, it just shows how people see themselves/want to be seen and makes it easier to get more participants

some people really hate showing real pictures of themselves, while some hate drawing and would much rather just upload a photo
Actually I like idea of the collage of favorite things too. I would have to find a pic with a cat and a violin. hehe
Eh I'm a crappy artist in the drawing department. I would have to take a picture of my face then trace my face if it was to be a drawing so I might as well post a picture. I guess it can be user choice, those who want to post a pic can those who want to post a drawing can.

george1234 said:
My option is the everyone should draw his /her own face. This way it will be more personal.

But it depends on what the majority will want.
good idea. .i think those who knows how to draw will draw themselves in anime version