Complain about all!


aki said:
school starts tomorrow :blood:
I have to wake up 6 hours earlier than I have been :imdead:

me too~ though my school starts last Tuesday :uh..:

it is kinda crazy since i have to wake up at 5 am and my go-to-bed time can't be earlier than 1 am due to my routinity in holiday~
(felicita + holiday = nocturnal)
Good luck minna. I start too and it's 3 days a week, so there will be plenty of homework.

Now I'm having that feeling left out feeling again. I really hate feeling this way. And a headache today that won't go away no matter what. ugh
aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo why why why she had so much to live for she wanted to get married why couldnt you left them together!!!! they were perfect im hate crying so much i cant stop crying it might take a few damn days!! i just finished angel beats episode 10 so yeah........
About half of one of my molars broke off while I was eating my dinner.

Quite painful now to even drink water...

Dentist visit soon... :blood: The dentist filling had better be good.
^ ouch.

Froze a bit queuing for merchandise outside Zepp Tokyo (it was actually about 10 C and shady and not too much wind). I think that there were about 3 people at Zepp Tokyo that spoke English, and I was again the only one who didn't speak Japanese (like all the other concerts I've been to in Japan). Must learn the language.
They used inscense at church today which smelly things tend to give me a headache. It gave me a bit of one and I can still smell it a bit.

Also I think I got bit by a spider on my neck the other night and the sore has swelled. hmm
I wonder how a lizard fell into our honey bottle.

I also wonder why I had to be the 1st person to lift the honey bottle's lid a few hours later.

casarina26 said:
I wonder how a lizard fell into our honey bottle.

I also wonder why I had to be the 1st person to lift the honey bottle's lid a few hours later.

:omg: Did it survive?? :comeback:

A few hours later...of course it didnt :orz:

casarina26 said:
I wonder how a lizard fell into our honey bottle.

I also wonder why I had to be the 1st person to lift the honey bottle's lid a few hours later.

one answer. FATE :sparkleguy:
our Japanese Club's event will be held on February 3th.
almost 2 weeks left....
and i am :imdead: due to event's (plus 2 pre-events') preparations :blood:
always go home at afternoon (or even night), and still make some decorations at night. (since i am in Decoration section). and i can't get enough sleep~
huuuweeeeeeeeee~ :cry:
My nose has been going going going. Stupid allergies. I need to find out what I'm allergic to, but I don't go in for the test until the end of the month. Grr.
^Yeah, and they're probably going to say I'm allergic to dust and pollen. Who isn't? lol

Okay, I put off cleaning too long.
I really really wish I could go to Japan this year for the Live Vol 10. *sigh* If I get a job in the next few days and save up maybe, but I still doubt it since I would want to spend too much in Japan.

Not having the best of days. Feeling crappy and back is really sore. I wish for one day without pain.