Complain about all!

^I hope you feel better! I thought I was getting a cold, I think it's just sinouses. lol @vinegar. My grandma used to say that cured everything, and I mean everything.

Only complaint today: wanted to get my hair done on Sat but now have to work, it's only 3 hours but still. My hair is a mess right now. (I am getting it done tomorrow, yay!)
Edit: Oh, also went through all the Yuki related stuff I want that's coming out and I won't be able to get it all, since it's so expensive. And I'm mad that I have to wait until January for the 1st ost of SAO.
Why the hell haven't I got any good marks even though I study all day (except for when I eat and sleep) and every day???? :uh..:
Why??? WHY!!!!! :orz:
Is having major stomach problems at the moment, which sucks since I'm having tacos for dinner, my favorite food. *sigh* Hope it goes away soon.
F*CK YOU MICROSOFT!!!! :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo: :voodoo:

My computer is practically USELESS because it lags for unknown reason randomly once I updated to Window (h)8, and will be like that untill they decide to release the win update to fix it

Also they have removed the "Glass" effect from aero and now the desktop looks kind of like XP >_>, also the "Start" Metro they advertised so much is practically useless for people that dont have touch screen or Surface tablets. :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:
:uh..: :voodoo: :stupidtable: :spotlight: :cry: -me today. Had kind of a bad day at work. They think I am incapable of doing things just because I asked once if I could sit down because of my back, which I explained to him about in the interview. But I still wish I did not have this problem in the first place, and I can be stronger. *sigh*
Looks like I passed my sickness onto my brother and guess who's been getting the dark accusing glares all this evening? :uh..: :hide: :touched:
It's amazing how a certain someone defend the utahimes singing ability so much when there are some old members around, but at the same time really doubting their ability in youtube comments.
So fricken mad about Attack of the Show (the show I watched every day) ending soon. Not sure if it's tonight, but I will cry if it is. Also, this job is going to knock me out. Why isn't it the end of next week yet?
Do not want to go to work today, there is a bus tour coming. *sigh* I better down some caffeine beforehand. It will be a long day.
^Good luck!

I wish it was Friday tomorrow. Had an okay day though, since I did not have to deal with the tour. still have a few things I need to finish before Christmas and I wonder if I can do it. Also so sad that I won't have Attack of the Show to watch anymore. *sigh* It hasn't sunk in yet. Also I hope this dog does not keep barking through the night.
^Good luck!

I think I am most definately getting a cold. The rough of my mouth is burning. Yuck, I don't want to be sick for Christmas.
My laptop feels like it's dying soon... :cry:

Had it since 2008... Now it keeps going all "blue screen" and I have to press on the switich button because it keeps hanging for over 30mins... :uh..:

May have to shelve all plans for widening my FJ-Kala collection until after Chinese New Year (Feb 2013) to save up for a new laptop now... :blood: