TK: Headaches suck, have them every day. (Might try Botox actually, since that's supposed to help. But not sure since me and medications (well, new ones) don't work well usually. So we'll see, just sick of having migraines. Luckily getting something that help with them today.)
Still has a nasty cold, felt all right last night, except for the raging headache of course. But dinner helped somewhat. Now it's cold but nice, of course, after the festival. heh It was pretty nice but it rained a bit on Sat, and stormed at night for the take down. Oh well, still made a lot of money though! Nearly half more than last year. (The complaint was of course it's sunny now lol) Going to have to go through sweaters and put them in my closet, even though I don't have much room already. Also had weird dreams last night, again, this time there was someone or something chasing me, I don't remember what though, luckily.