Complain about all!

I hate being sick, and it seems like I am all the time. Now the weather's getting colder, and I already have a head cold. Great. Better get my flu shot soon, even though I hate needles. I've almost gotten sick due to migraines lately. Ugh, I just want to stay in bed all winter.
Same here. For four-three days I experienced almost every symptom of a cold, one at once. It's too cold on the morning and too hot on the afternoon.

Seems that I'm on the way to recover though.
I'm excited, worried, nervous, and desperately wishing for tomorrow to come and not to come at the same time.
apparently the professor has already graded our papers but naturally my grade isn't showing up :leaf:
I want to know how I did but at the same time I don't want to know how terrible it was....:spotlight::faint:
^I am sure you did fine.

Gosh darn it I was feeling so well, aside from the stuffy nose. But headache is back. I think I will go to bed now (it is 1 a.m. here)
@aki best of luck!

@Liana_Ilia ouch. I hope a proper night's sleep does the trick!

I'm supposed to be having a meeting with some people at work about my job day after tomorrow...except they haven't told me where the meeting actually is. "I sent you a letter so you should have got it by now." Eh, nope. Sorry. I've heard nothing. :desksweat: I wish they'd get themselves organised...this thing has been going on for AGES. I just want to go back to work and not need to worry about it any more.
^well, that didn't work, really. Cold is worse, head too. Plus had nightmares and did not fall asleep until almost 2 a.m. And I think my stomach is hurting because of the salsa I had last night. It is the best salsa ever (from a place called Stone Corral) but there were a lot of onions in it, which don't agree with me.
Sorry for double post but things are falling apart all around me. My brother will be moved out soon, as in the end of next month probably, just to the next town over, but I hate driving on the freeway that it takes to get there. (Can't take another way around.) So I will barely see him, and I barely see my cousin now, and now I think it's going to be like a couple of times a year, since she made it pretty clear last night she did not want me around, even just for a little while. Aaaaaaaaahhhhh! I am going to throw things. Plus my back has been hurting a lot even though I am doing therapy and still am not feeling great. So a bit down right now. And I see my cousin on Sat for the church festival, she will be helping me out, but I don't know what to even say to her anymore. I am so nervous my stomach hurts. We used to be so close and we live only 2 mins away from each other. I just don't know anymore... sorry, had to get this out somewhere. I hope I will be fine, not sure though. We'll see if I survive Sat. :uh..:
Gah I hate my mind sometimes. I have it easy compared to a lot of others but somehow or other my mind always finds something to torture me about.
^Yeah, if u've read previous posts, I anguish about things that I don't think are even there, or it is but I can't do anything about it. And that hurts even more, like what I'm going through with my cousin. Ugh... I just want to be able to not be awkward with her, I think it will be... then I don't feel good since I am nervous or anxious about it. *sigh* Just want to throw things sometimes. :stupidtable:
For the first time in 2 years I had a redness on part of the scar from surgery, saw a doctor today, didn't have a fever but I'm on antibiotics and not feeling great.
Aw! Sorry Kuga!!

I had an MRI of my brain yesterday.... I may be having seizures or something but they want to make sure it isn't anything highly dangerous...
*Hugs for Kuga and TK* Yuck, I hope you feel better everyone. It seems everyone's getting sick, or has something going on and I shouldn't complain as much.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so please think of sunshine and nice weather because it's our longest day of our church festival. Keep sending good mojo. heh
Thank you all! *hugs back aki and Liana Still waiting for results... :rain: they have me logging headaches, so far I have had five days in a row. A confusion spell yesterday... yep... scared/excited for test results.

@Liana, I hope for good weather!
Successfully managed to stress my boss out... hope she's okay. :spotlight:

And my performance evaluation... ... I don't really know anymore. Dammit, what I need is totally unrealistic and yet I NEED it so badly it makes me upset when I don't get it.
TK: Headaches suck, have them every day. (Might try Botox actually, since that's supposed to help. But not sure since me and medications (well, new ones) don't work well usually. So we'll see, just sick of having migraines. Luckily getting something that help with them today.)

Still has a nasty cold, felt all right last night, except for the raging headache of course. But dinner helped somewhat. Now it's cold but nice, of course, after the festival. heh It was pretty nice but it rained a bit on Sat, and stormed at night for the take down. Oh well, still made a lot of money though! Nearly half more than last year. (The complaint was of course it's sunny now lol) Going to have to go through sweaters and put them in my closet, even though I don't have much room already. Also had weird dreams last night, again, this time there was someone or something chasing me, I don't remember what though, luckily.
^Liana, aww, I'm sorry! I hate headaches... and I've had bad reactions to medicines lately, making me suicidal. It's a terrible feeling :hide:

Aww!! And with the dream, I have lots of nightmares :rain: and when I have the seizure/confusion spell or whatever, I always see things but I rarely remember what and when I do it makes no sense.