chat room logs

07:42:44 ‹TK› akatsuki no kurana is one of my all time favorite so gs
07:42:48 * #badnewskirby quit (timeout)
07:42:54 ‹Verthand› sleeping time
07:42:56 ‹Verthand› :bye:
07:43:09 ‹TK› :bye:
07:43:10 * kajiuran8294 joins My room
07:43:15 ‹aki› :bye: verth
07:43:24 ‹aki› good luck actualy getting some sleep lol
07:43:41 ‹aki› akatsuki no kurana...akatsuki no Kerahna? :psst:
07:43:59 * Verthand quit (timeout)
07:44:25 * kajiuran8294 quit (timeout)
07:44:34 ‹Kugayama› akatsuki no butterfly
07:44:38 * TK quit (timeout)
07:44:41 ‹Kugayama› akatsuki no shark?
07:44:46 ‹TK› lolol
07:45:17 ‹TK› akatsuki shi Naruto :stars:
00:45:44 * Ksatria Baja Hitam turns TK into KT
00:45:52 ‹Corpse Princess› welp I must go. equal message me on facebook. you must do it first :listen:
00:45:54 ‹volacu› i cant get enough of this song :D
00:46:17 ‹volacu› cya hime chan ^^
00:46:36 * TK changes nickname to KT
00:46:42 ‹=› ok
00:47:31 ‹volacu› gonna get some cabbage :3
00:48:00 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› :glasses:
00:48:18 ‹KT› :faint:
00:48:28 ‹Corpse Princess› bye everyone :bye:
00:48:57 ‹KT› :bye:
00:49:16 ‹volacu› ^^
00:49:40 * Corpse Princess quit (timeout)
00:49:44 * volacu 's thoughts.. this is my chance!
00:49:51 * volacu changes nickname to TK
00:49:54 * KT uses equal as a pillow
00:50:05 ‹=› :omg:
00:50:13 ‹KT› :omgz::omgz::omgz::omgz:
00:50:17 ‹KT› :omg::omg::omg::omg:
00:50:29 * KT changes nickname to volacu
00:50:37 ‹volacu› :knife::knife::knife::knife:
00:50:39 ‹=› :@_@:
00:50:50 ‹TK› :omgz::omgz::omgz::omgz:
00:50:56 ‹TK› :omg::omg::omg::omg:
00:51:12 * TK changes nickname to volaju
00:51:23 ‹volacu› :plot::plot::plot::plot:
00:51:31 ‹volaju› volaju dark green.. volacu light green
00:51:58 * volacu changes nickname to TK
00:52:09 * volaju changes nickname to ßlack Sword
00:52:09 ‹TK› :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:
00:52:20 ‹ßlack Sword› ß
00:52:26 ‹ßlack Sword› :cheer::cheer::cheer::cheer:
00:53:01 * TK changes nickname to Waihong
00:53:08 ‹ßlack Sword› lololol
00:53:08 ‹Waihong› :punched::punched::punched::punched::punched: baka king
00:53:30 ‹ßlack Sword› tk = waihong???
00:53:35 * waihong changes nickname to waihong
19:23:26 * kajiuran7087 changes nickname to vareteonastolenlaptop
19:25:29 * kajiuran5656 joins My room
19:26:46 * kajiuran5656 quit (timeout)
19:27:25 * kajiuran5503 joins My room
19:27:46 * kajiuran7310 quit
19:28:17 * kajiuran5503 changes nickname to Pufoshenia
19:29:33 * kajiuran8920 joins My room
19:30:30 ‹Kugayama› hi varete
19:30:37 * kajiuran8920 quit (timeout)
19:31:20 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› hello, kuga-san
19:31:30 ‹Kugayama› welcome back!
19:32:43 ‹Kugayama› how are things?
19:33:25 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› still having techincal problems
19:33:32 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› <-pointsat name
19:33:35 ‹Equal› :ayashii:
19:33:35 ‹Kugayama› sorry to hear
19:33:49 ‹Kugayama› I've never really owned a laptop
19:34:29 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› howdo people usethis without a'sanightmare
19:34:38 ‹Kugayama› I know...
19:34:52 ‹Kugayama› does it have a pad in front of the keyboard?
19:35:02 ‹Kugayama› I hate trying to select text like that
19:35:17 ‹Kugayama› usually you can plug any old usb mouse into a laptop and use that
19:35:20 ‹Equal› it needs lots and lots of practice
19:35:33 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› i don'tuse usbmouse
19:35:35 ‹Equal› that develop overtime
19:35:47 ‹Equal› having a mouse is better than no mouse
19:35:51 ‹Equal› :XD:
19:36:24 ‹Kugayama› I'm trying to configure my pc to be able to use my mobile phone for internet, not that there is much wrong with my landline internet (12 Mbit/s down, 2 Mbit/s up)
19:37:25 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› ....
19:37:38 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› 15kb down atmosthere
19:37:46 ‹Kugayama› wow
19:38:25 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› <-using mobile interneton laptop
19:38:41 ‹Kugayama› and I thought downloading 17 GB videos was slow
19:38:46 * kajiuran6138 joins My room
19:39:02 ‹Kugayama› I can just use my mobile phone's browser with cpm
19:39:40 * kajiuran6138 quit (timeout)
19:40:07 ‹Kugayama› brb, making coffee
19:41:47 * Ksatria Baja Hitam quit (timeout)
19:43:26 * Ksatria Baja Hitam quit (timeout)
19:43:52 ‹vareteonastolenlaptop› gottagivetisback, seeyou guys
19:44:05 * vareteonastolenlaptop quit
19:44:08 ‹Kugayama› ok, thanks for dropping by
19:44:13 ‹Kugayama› missed
02:23:01 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› 2 days ago
02:23:18 ‹Kugayama› what, KBH?
02:23:24 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› i got a dream where i was in the Battle Royale island with Keiko Hikaru and Wakana
02:23:28 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› and i have to protect them
02:23:34 ‹IB› :swt::swt:
02:23:41 ‹Kugayama› wow
02:23:42 ‹IB› that is both an awesome and scary dream
02:23:47 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› but me and and wakana got seperated with Keiko and Hikaru
02:24:03 ‹Kugayama› post it in the forum...
02:24:27 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› :comeback: Keiko Hikaru
02:27:08 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› fotunately i didnt need to see them got hurt
02:27:22 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› just seperated with Keiko and Hikaru when we were running
02:27:26 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› :spotlight:
02:27:38 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› :comeback:
02:30:15 ‹IB› quite the dream :ghost:
02:40:34 * Kugayama waits for the write-up
02:41:23 ‹IB› :XD:
We need a Dream thread :XD:

I have interesting nightmares every night
19:10:16 ‹Kugayama› on now
19:10:25 * Ksatria Baja Hitam quit (timeout)
19:10:36 ‹phila› starting **
19:10:36 ‹Kugayama› Kalafina are on
19:10:49 ‹Kugayama› H, K, W
19:11:18 ‹Jesshiryu› :spotlight:
19:11:48 ‹phila› damn they are all so good xDD
19:11:54 ‹satriyo (terebi)› they are there! :love:
19:12:08 ‹Kugayama› quite a few Australian comments
19:12:09 * Jesshiryu quit (timeout)
19:12:14 ‹phila› whereeee? xD
19:12:19 ‹phila› ah! HERE!!! *___*
19:12:28 ‹Kugayama› BENI and Kalafina
19:12:30 ‹phila› :love:
19:12:45 * satriyo (terebi) quit (timeout)
19:14:07 ‹Kugayama› 338 entries
19:14:24 ‹phila› that's a lot! **
19:14:26 ‹Jesshiryu› aaa.... someone save the video:cry:
19:14:39 * kajiuran9308 joins My room
19:15:42 * Verthand quit (timeout)
19:16:00 ‹phila› that guy xDD
19:16:02 ‹phila› WOW xDDDDD
19:17:38 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› back
19:17:39 * kajiuran9308 quit (timeout)
19:17:41 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› kalafia streaming
19:17:46 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› where :omg:
19:17:47 ‹phila› hai KBH ^^
19:17:59 ‹Kugayama›
19:18:02 ‹phila›
19:18:36 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› did i missed it ?
19:18:38 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› :cry:
19:18:44 ‹phila› not much ^^
19:20:14 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› oh
19:20:17 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› just saw them
19:20:42 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› they intervew kala for a short and switc to footage of african family
19:22:27 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› someone is recording this ?
19:22:51 ‹phila› Verth-kun will/might record it
19:23:00 ‹Kugayama› Verthand's family
19:23:04 ‹Kugayama› Anime songs
19:23:28 ‹Kugayama› Spirited Away Ed, Cruel Angel's Thesis
19:23:35 ‹phila› no karaoke, pff xDDDD
19:23:44 ‹Kugayama› Kala Songs
19:23:48 ‹Kugayama› phila!
19:23:50 ‹phila› dafuq my face xDDDDDDDD
19:23:51 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› phila
19:24:07 ‹Kugayama› acgHarmonia
19:24:18 ‹phila› cpm is awesome :cheer:
19:24:31 ‹phila› 2 entrice so fare :plot:
19:24:37 ‹phila› *far
19:25:16 ‹Jesshiryu› :...:
19:25:18 ‹Kugayama› Keiko praised you
19:25:27 ‹satriyo (terebi)› keiko praised phila!
19:25:38 ‹phila› I can die now happily :hearts::hearts:
19:25:40 ‹Kugayama› Kalafina performance
19:26:00 ‹Kugayama› Kimino Ginno Niwa
19:26:07 ‹phila› live **
19:27:25 * kajiuran3814 joins My room
19:27:40 ‹Jesshiryu› what? how... ? is this live could make us contact directly to them?
19:28:00 ‹Kugayama› it would be pre-recorded
19:28:14 * Ksatria Baja Hitam quit (timeout)
19:28:15 ‹phila› no I mean performance xD
19:28:19 ‹Kugayama› to make it fit in the allotted time
19:28:26 ‹phila› without studio mixing xD
19:28:32 * kajiuran3814 quit (timeout)
19:28:37 ‹Kugayama› Kalafina's performance sounds live on the programme
19:30:16 ‹phila› guitar girl **
19:30:19 * kajiuran1536 joins My room
19:30:25 ‹Kugayama› Indonesia, by Keiko: So many people sang in chorus with us
19:30:48 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› thats not entirelt tue :<
19:30:52 ‹satriyo (terebi)› "the most vibrant scene" lol :...:
19:31:01 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› almost no one sing the chorus
19:31:06 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› they just..... Scream
19:31:10 ‹phila› xDDD
19:31:19 ‹kajiuran1536› I'm working from home today
19:31:22 ‹Jesshiryu› why she lied... u.u
19:31:22 ‹kajiuran1536› :ohoho:
19:31:42 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› lol, Keiko made that up
19:31:56 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› poor Keiko with the Keikotard incident in afaid :cry:
19:32:12 * kajiuran1536 changes nickname to Black Sword
19:32:21 * kajiuran6812 joins My room
19:32:27 ‹Jesshiryu› :voodoo:
19:32:43 ‹Kugayama› hi Black Sword, phila is the proud owner of compliments from Keiko
19:33:09 ‹Black Sword› :omgz:
19:33:10 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› i wonder how she feel when she have to answer that
19:33:15 ‹phila› I need a die-happy-onion :love:
19:33:37 ‹Black Sword› :plz:
19:33:39 ‹phila› hai blakcy
19:33:41 ‹Black Sword› tell me more
19:33:43 ‹Black Sword› :plz:
19:33:44 ‹phila› *blacky
19:34:09 ‹phila› who's that xDDD
19:34:11 ‹Black Sword› :hi: kuga
19:38:10 * Jesshiryu quit (timeout)
19:39:17 ‹Kugayama› song from Kaze Tachinu - Hikoukigumo
19:39:41 * Ksatria Baja Hitam imagine if someone commented about the incident in afaid
19:39:44 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› in the video
19:39:57 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› but hopefully no one will ruin the interview
19:40:12 ‹Kugayama› one of those songs that makes you cry because it's so beautiful
19:40:30 ‹phila› ^+1
19:40:51 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› who is the female host
19:40:54 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› with blond dyed hair
19:40:58 * kajiuran5761 joins My room
19:41:14 ‹phila› Beni?
19:41:19 ‹phila› I'm nost sure
19:41:41 ‹Kugayama› yes, BENI
19:42:47 * kajiuran4274 joins My room
19:44:57 * kajiuran1438 joins My room
19:45:16 ‹phila› flamenka is awesome **
19:45:23 ‹Kugayama› hehehe
19:45:33 * kajiuran6812 quit (timeout)
19:45:58 * kajiuran4274 changes nickname to Megy
19:46:12 ‹Megy› :tea:
19:46:15 ‹Kugayama› hi Megy, congratulate phila
19:46:43 * kajiuran1438 quit (timeout)
19:46:46 ‹Megy› hey kuga
19:46:46 ‹Kugayama› Hikaru
19:47:11 ‹Megy› ^ :confu:
19:47:13 * kajiuran6812 quit (timeout)
19:47:34 ‹phila› hey Megy ^^
19:47:43 ‹Kugayama› phila's video appeared on "We love Japanese songs" and Keiko praised it
19:47:59 ‹Megy› hey phila~
19:48:06 ‹Megy› ohh, congrats :dote:
19:48:11 ‹Megy› im so happy for you
19:48:12 * Ksatria Baja Hitam quit (timeout)
19:48:15 * kajiuran6812 quit (timeout)
19:48:32 ‹phila› it's because you guys voted for me :love:
19:48:40 * Black Sword gives phila chocolate cake :love:
19:48:50 ‹Black Sword› Megy-chan :sohappy:
19:48:52 ‹Megy› what did she say?
19:48:57 ‹Kugayama› you are the only 3 part self-harmony shown
19:49:01 ‹Megy› Blackie-kun :sohappy:
19:49:20 ‹Black Sword› Is the video up anywhere?
19:49:27 ‹Black Sword› I want to listen to our phila-utahime :plz:
19:49:57 ‹Kugayama› phila's video is up, check the thread on CPM forum
19:50:31 ‹Kugayama› hopefully someone can capture the "We love Japanese songs" programme and make it available
19:50:42 ‹phila› these kids are so cuuuute :hearts:
19:51:34 ‹Megy› :TdT:
19:51:37 ‹phila› @ blacky: ... ng=en+1132
19:52:43 ‹phila› and acgharmonia's performance ^^
19:52:43 ‹phila› ... ng=en+1196
19:53:02 * satriyo (terebi) pats the kongo kids
19:53:17 ‹satriyo (terebi)› hi megy
19:53:29 ‹Black Sword› phila-utahime's face is revealed! :stars:
19:53:55 ‹Megy› sattie
19:54:24 ‹phila› you never saw me? oo
19:54:28 * kajiuran5371 joins My room
19:55:30 ‹phila› there is a final results? xDDDDDDDD
19:55:31 * kajiuran5371 quit (timeout)
19:55:43 ‹Black Sword› I never saw you before :spotlight:
19:55:48 * Kugayama quit (timeout)
19:55:54 ‹Black Sword› Does that mean everyone alreadyknows how you look like? :spotlight:
19:56:30 ‹Megy› final results? lol
19:56:58 ‹phila› I thought they will just show the videos xDD
19:57:18 ‹Black Sword› phila, you're cute
19:57:20 ‹Black Sword› :love:
19:57:31 ‹phila› yeeeeeah the children :love::love:
19:57:39 ‹Megy› wow, then cheering for phila-chan :cheer:
19:57:48 ‹phila› I can eat them alive, they're so cuuute :love:
19:59:44 ‹Black Sword› :omg:
19:59:46 ‹Black Sword› cannibal phila!
19:59:48 ‹Black Sword› :omg:
20:00:26 ‹Ksatria Baja Hitam› phila eating human is not cannibal she is only canibal if phile eats another phila
20:00:26 ‹satriyo (terebi)› flamenka won the grandprix
20:00:41 ‹satriyo (terebi)› end of show
20:00:43 * satriyo (terebi) changes nickname to satriyo
20:00:51 ‹Megy› :XD:
20:00:57 ‹phila› :XD:
20:02:27 ‹satriyo› the most interesting part was phila being acknowledged by kalafina
20:02:51 ‹Black Sword› Everything Verty loves is an eroge :psst:
20:03:07 ‹=› :psst:
20:03:12 ‹Verthand›
20:03:19 ‹Verthand› looks like its a good one
20:03:31 ‹Verthand› reading some reviews of it too...
20:03:38 ‹=› :goodjob:
20:05:46 ‹d-chan› np : seventh heaven :love:
20:07:33 ‹Black Sword› Wait :swt:
20:07:40 ‹Black Sword› If everything Verty loves is an eroge :swt:
20:07:50 ‹Black Sword› Then we're an eroge! :omg:
20:08:04 ‹Verthand› yup u didnt know that? :ghost:
20:08:04 ‹runie@work› :XD:
20:08:30 ‹Black Sword› :vortex:
20:08:34 ‹arq(school)› :XD:
20:08:44 ‹d-chan› :omgz:
20:09:31 ‹Verthand› but this one is a complicated one... have been playing this for over 5 years and still couldnt find the good ending :TdT:
20:09:53 ‹Verthand› kera's route is especially hard since she only shows up in special times
A second funny Kera log!

01:53:52 ‹Knight› she bussy in hospital
01:54:02 ‹Knight› taking care of ppl getting shots in downtown detroit
01:54:05 ‹george1234› while the rest of us are just "some people from the internet"
01:54:14 ‹george1234› yes I know
01:54:44 ‹Knight› Kera: "finally my job today is done :sohappy:
01:54:50 ‹Knight› outside: Bang !!
01:54:56 ‹Knight› Kera: :uh..:
02:25:21 ‹TK› woah... ak
02:25:22 ‹blackie's wallet› well, it took the rest of the class 3 hours lol
02:25:26 ‹TK› stupid i
02:25:32 * blackie's wallet changes nickname to ak
02:25:35 ‹TK› woah...
02:25:38 * ak chases after the i
02:25:50 * Equal quit (timeout)
02:25:55 * Black Sword changes nickname to i
02:25:59 * i runs away :ohoho:
02:26:08 ‹ak› noooo i come back!
02:26:11 * TK changes nickname to facepalm
02:26:12 ‹i› i free, free, freeeee
02:26:13 ‹ak› :comeback:
02:26:16 ‹i› :sohappy:
02:26:22 * facepalm facepalms the facepalm
02:26:45 * i bumps into ak :omgz:
02:26:49 * kajiuran2193 joins My room
02:26:53 ‹ak› :plot:
02:27:00 * ak captures the i
02:27:01 ‹facepalm› iak?
02:27:03 * ak changes nickname to aki
02:27:18 * facepalm changes nickname to TK
02:27:18 * aki changes nickname to iak
02:27:20 ‹iak› :omgz:
02:27:38 * TK changes nickname to facepalm
02:27:40 * kajiuran2193 quit (timeout)
02:27:49 * facepalm facepalms the facepalms who facepalms the facepalm
02:28:09 * iak gets stuck in the facepalm :ouch:
02:28:12 ‹facepalm› wait..facepalm? is that correct?
02:28:14 ‹facepalm› :vortex:
02:28:23 * facepalm changes nickname to faceplant
02:28:33 * faceplant faceplants into faceplant
02:28:40 ‹faceplant› :imdead:
02:28:52 * faceplant changes nickname to KT
And we have another episode of the mahou shoujo assasin waifu megy lol. But this time with a little amusement before the start :psst: /me flees

Enjoy episode 6! :goodjob:

05:36:54 ‹kajiuran6777› :white:
05:37:02 ‹kajiuran6777› There was a spider crawling on my shirt :hide:
05:37:14 ‹Kugayama› wormbook?
05:37:19 ‹arq› :white:
05:37:21 ‹TK› EEEKS!!!
05:37:26 ‹Megy› :omg:
05:37:27 * kajiuran6777 changes nickname to Black Sword
05:37:30 * TK smacks 4777
05:37:40 ‹Black Sword› I have no idea where it came from but it scared the crap out of me
05:37:45 * TK smacks and paws at black sword
05:37:46 ‹arq› blackie :sohappy:
05:37:48 ‹Black Sword› I blew it off, but now I don't know where it landed :hide:
05:37:49 ‹Kugayama› hi Black Sword
05:38:02 ‹Megy› Blackie-kun :sohappy:
05:38:08 ‹TK› better than coyotes :hide:
05:38:11 ‹Megy› oh my blackie, youre such a girl :psst:
05:38:15 * Megy flees
05:38:52 ‹TK› :XD:
05:39:00 ‹Black Sword› arqie :sohappy:
05:39:03 ‹Black Sword› Kuga-sama :bow:
05:39:09 ‹Black Sword› Megy-chan :sohappy::knife
05:39:15 * Black Sword puts a spider on Megy's shoulder
05:39:27 ‹Megy› :vortex:
05:39:29 ‹Megy› :imdead:
05:39:58 ‹TK› Megy! :listen: spiders are dangerous creatures!
05:40:04 ‹Black Sword› Well, since Megy's here, it's time for....
05:40:09 ‹Black Sword› ASSASSIN MAHOU SHOUJO MEGY!
05:40:14 * Black Sword puts on the OP
05:40:17 ‹Megy› i know tk
05:40:35 ‹TK› coyotes are scarier
05:40:49 ‹Black Sword› When last we saw our brave heroine she was....
05:40:50 ‹Megy› no they arent
05:41:02 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :vortex: I can't flyyyyyyyyyyy
05:41:11 ‹TK› are too. they like possessed worlves
05:41:24 ‹Black Sword› ...falling from a building to her inevitable doom! But suddenly... something flies across the screen and catches Megy before she hits the ground!
05:41:46 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :omgz: I'm saved, but who... :omgz: but you're...?!
05:41:52 ‹Black Sword› Megy's savior is revealed to be...
05:42:01 ‹Megy› yeah, but spiders :hide:
05:42:04 ‹Black Sword› IB: :hero: Megy-san, I've come to rescue you! :hero:
05:42:19 ‹Megy› LOL
05:42:27 ‹arq› :XD:
05:42:29 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :omg: When did you become a mahou shoujo, birdie?! :omg:
05:42:33 * Kugayama thought that a giant spider was going to rescue Megy
05:42:43 ‹Black Sword› (Megy is calling IB birdie, not me,)
05:42:56 ‹Megy› looooooooool kuga
05:43:00 ‹Black Sword› IB: Oh, you remember when that building fell on Fergie's head a couple episodes ago? :innocent:
05:43:05 ‹Megy› that wouldnt be a rescue but a murder then :XD:
05:43:06 ‹TK› but coyotes... :hide: :hide:
05:43:22 ‹Black Sword› Megy: Yeah, I do. Wait, you don't mean--:omgz:
05:43:30 ‹Black Sword› IB: yeah, I was inside :spotlight:
05:43:37 ‹Black Sword› Megy: But then that means :uh..:
05:43:37 ‹arq› *arq is staying out of this blackie already broke the fourth wall
05:43:46 ‹Black Sword› Megy: Ugh, flashback sequences :uh..:
05:44:02 ‹Black Sword› Flashback to the battle between Megy and Fergie, right before the building fell!
05:44:25 ‹Black Sword› IB: Official Kalafina Keiko wig! :sohappy: Wait... :confu: Why is the building shaking?
05:44:28 ‹Black Sword› IB looks outside
05:44:43 ‹Black Sword› IB: :omg: THE BUILDING IS FALLING :omg:
05:45:08 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Say
05:45:14 ‹Black Sword› IB: :omgz: Wait, you're real? :omgz:
05:45:34 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: yes, yes, but shouldn't you make a wish? I mean, otherwise the building will fall :plot:
05:45:51 ‹Black Sword› IB: :swt: :swt: :swt: um, um, um :omg: WE'RE FALLING!
05:45:56 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: :tea: any time now
05:46:11 ‹Black Sword› IB: I WISH I COULD FLY AWAY FROM THIIIIIIIS :vortex:
05:46:22 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Sure. :plot:
05:46:23 ‹Megy› official keiko wig :XD:
05:47:29 ‹Black Sword› Transformation sequences follows as IB transforms into a mahou shoujo version of Haruna Luna's sora wa takaku kaze wa utau dress!
05:47:45 ‹Black Sword› IB: And that's the story. :innocent: Now I'm an official mahou shoujo! :hero:
05:47:55 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :desksweat: Birdie :knife:
05:47:59 ‹Black Sword› IB: Yes Megy-san?
05:48:26 ‹Black Sword› Megy: BAD BIRDIE! BAD! :listen: IB: :omgz: But but but... I didn't want my Keiko wig to get damaged :plz:
05:48:48 ‹Black Sword› Megy: Not that! I'm mad you didn't get me one! :anger:
05:49:07 ‹Megy› :desksweat: :XD: :XD: :XD:
05:49:44 ‹Black Sword› IB: :touched: I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyy Megy: Yeah, well-- IB, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GO-
05:50:14 ‹Black Sword› Unfortunately, due to her tears, IB stopped paying attention and flew herself and Megy into an office building! Confused office workers stare at the girls
05:50:24 ‹Black Sword› Office workers :confu: :confu: :confu:
05:50:47 ‹Black Sword› Megy: ....Birdie... :knife:
05:50:54 ‹Black Sword› IB: :white: Yes, Megy-san?
05:51:27 ‹Black Sword› Megy: We're going to have a little talk. :knife: About how I really don't want to be seen in a mahou shoujo outfit and how you should pay attention when you fly
05:51:35 ‹Black Sword› Megy: But first....
05:51:51 ‹Black Sword› Megy takes a deep breath and channels all of her Keiko fangirlism into a single Keiko imitation moment!
05:52:07 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :idol:
05:52:28 ‹Black Sword› The office workers are overwhelmed by the power of Megy's imitation! :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:
05:52:43 ‹Black Sword› Megy: and now it's time for.... retreeeeeeat! :cry:
05:53:00 ‹Black Sword› Megy grabs IB by the collar and runs out while the office workers are too busy being overwhelmed!
05:53:23 ‹Black Sword› Later, at Megy's house....
05:53:45 ‹Black Sword› IB: :ouch: Megy: What did you learn? :listen: IB: To pay attention where I'm going when I'm flying :ouch:
05:54:25 ‹Black Sword› Megy: Good. So, what else can you do besides fly? IB: :hero: I can... :confu: I can... :confu: ....uh oh :white:
05:54:53 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :desksweat: I have a horrible feeling I know what's coming but... what uh oh?
05:55:12 ‹Black Sword› IB: Um... it's maybe possible I.... can only fly? :innocent:
05:55:15 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :...:
05:55:50 ‹Black Sword› Megy: So you have no combat abilities? :...: IB: Um, I can drop stuff! Yeah, like bombs and stuff, like that other magical girl! :goodjob:
05:56:36 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :uh..: um, that other magical girl, she had a place to hold all those bombs and stuff. You don't. IB: ...I can fly you places! :idol:
05:57:46 ‹Black Sword› Megy: ....well, at least I don't have to worry about getting thrown off buildings anymore. :...: Oy, twerp. Where are you? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: :tea: Megy: Stop eating my food. :knife:
05:58:38 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: What do you want? Megy: An explanation. Why is Birdie pretty much an airplane without an in-flight movie? IB: :omgz: But, um, wait! You could watch movies on my table- Megy: :knife:
05:58:52 ‹Black Sword› IB: ...right, no in-flight movie :hide:
05:59:18 ‹Megy› lol
05:59:22 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: Like that other show, your wish reflects your powers. You wished to protect everyone, so you were given combat powers to make that possible. Your friend wanted to fly, so...
05:59:49 ‹Black Sword› Megy: ...Birdie. The next time you see an evil little twerp granting wishes, may a better wish :...:
06:00:20 ‹Black Sword› Suddenly, the window breaks!
06:01:20 ‹Black Sword› IB: Um, Megy-san :hide: Isn't that Verthand's shoe? :hide:
06:01:24 ‹Black Sword› Megy: What? :omgz:
06:01:39 ‹Black Sword› Someone has thrown Verty's shoe throw Megy's window and a note is attached!
06:01:56 ‹Black Sword› I have your husbando. Come alone to the park. -
06:02:37 ‹Megy› lool blackie, you managed to make that one very subtle :XD:
06:02:58 ‹Black Sword› Megy: :desksweat: great. My husbando got kidnapped by the leader of the Black-Eyed Peas, Birdie is an airplane without an in-flight movie and can't fight, and I'm stuck in this anime. What else can go wrong?
06:03:28 ‹Black Sword› /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\: the food you were making before you went to rescue the igo baby dragon burned your kitchen.
06:03:38 ‹Black Sword› Megy: ...I need a new job :uh..:
06:03:40 ‹Black Sword› episode end

LOL blackie you are awesome

05:44:25 ‹Black Sword› IB: Official Kalafina Keiko wig! :sohappy: Wait... :confu: Why is the building shaking?
IB was buying the wig so she could cosplay as Keiko cosplaying Homura wasn't she :psst:
05:46:11 ‹Black Sword› IB: I WISH I COULD FLY AWAY FROM THIIIIIIIS :vortex:
sis puella magica :hypno:
OMFG I'M INVOLVED TOO :omgz: :vortex: :vortex: now i feel like a true bystander lmao :ohoho: but this is actually kinda awesome so idk; i was laughing the whole time :XD: nice job, blackie!

i'm sorry for all the crashing and stuff, megy :TdT: :punched:

Megy: An explanation. Why is Birdie pretty much an airplane without an in-flight movie?
^fav line :ohoho:

@aki nooooo what gave you that idea :plot: :punched:
:ohoho: :ohoho:

I was literally LOLing while he was posting this :ohoho:

Aww, thats ok birdie. Just be more careful next time :knife: :plot:
He really decently described your clumsiness, thou :ayashii: :psst: /flees

Tune in guys, there will be more surprises :plot: