C casarina26 Guest Mar 25, 2013 #1,241 ^ to avoid my doom, me takes suitcase of utahime-kawaiiness and jumps onto Tabi's back to drop down onto the ground safely. I WON'T BE DEFEATED SO EASILY!
^ to avoid my doom, me takes suitcase of utahime-kawaiiness and jumps onto Tabi's back to drop down onto the ground safely. I WON'T BE DEFEATED SO EASILY!
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Mar 25, 2013 #1,242 /me from barely surviving Tabis choke attack stops Casa-chan from running by hitting her head with Tabis extracted kidney!
/me from barely surviving Tabis choke attack stops Casa-chan from running by hitting her head with Tabis extracted kidney!
T tabete.mio Guest Mar 26, 2013 #1,243 /me pushes Megy and Casarina off the boat after taking the brief case filled with Utahime-kawaiiness. Yes we were in a boat before I pushed you guys.
/me pushes Megy and Casarina off the boat after taking the brief case filled with Utahime-kawaiiness. Yes we were in a boat before I pushed you guys.
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Mar 27, 2013 #1,244 /me makes a hole in the boat underneath it thus making Tabi-chan sink!
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Mar 27, 2013 #1,250 /me releases a high voltage electricity in the water Crisp, Casa-chan
C casarina26 Guest Mar 31, 2013 #1,252 /me jumps out of the waters and then sends another voltage on those in the water including Tabi.
M MegyTomitatsu Guest Mar 31, 2013 #1,253 /me still buzzing grabs Casas leg you wont get away from crisping
C casarina26 Guest Apr 1, 2013 #1,255 Me collects seawater in a large container and dumps it all over Tabi.
T tabete.mio Guest Apr 2, 2013 #1,257 /me cements Megy's feet to keep her under the blazing heat of the sun I hope you have your lotion with you
/me cements Megy's feet to keep her under the blazing heat of the sun I hope you have your lotion with you
T tabete.mio Guest Apr 5, 2013 #1,259 /me buries Casa-fireball 6 feet below the ground to put out the fire.
C casarina26 Guest Apr 5, 2013 #1,260 Casa-fireball digivolves into Casa-volcano! Explodes and shoots at Tabi. (ouch)