C casarina26 Guest Mar 12, 2013 #1,201 /me collects all Megy's tears in a bucket and dumps it all over Verty.
V Verthand Kajiura PRODUCE Mar 14, 2013 #1,207 /me turns the bucket into a pan and fries miss eggchan
V Verthand Kajiura PRODUCE Mar 14, 2013 #1,210 /me puts mio inside the bucket and throws burning oil inside of it
T tabete.mio Guest Mar 15, 2013 #1,212 ^yes. Verty is sooo brutal /me in complete desperation to put out the fire clings to Casarina until she agrees to help me. Help! I'm still burning! WAAAAaaaaaa....
^yes. Verty is sooo brutal /me in complete desperation to put out the fire clings to Casarina until she agrees to help me. Help! I'm still burning! WAAAAaaaaaa....
V Verthand Kajiura PRODUCE Mar 15, 2013 #1,214 lol /me burns miss eggchan with everyone else too!! And slaps mio for not being mean to casarina
T tabete.mio Guest Mar 16, 2013 #1,216 @Verty: I'm pretty sure I hurt Casarina. lol /still-burning me pulls everyone together to make a human torch.
@Verty: I'm pretty sure I hurt Casarina. lol /still-burning me pulls everyone together to make a human torch.
C casarina26 Guest Mar 16, 2013 #1,217 /me turns myself into water hose and drenchs everyone And yeah I did get hurt.
T tabete.mio Guest Mar 18, 2013 #1,218 /me ties hose-Casarina using Keiko's unbreakable s-knot making her explode due to extreme pressure.
V Verthand Kajiura PRODUCE Mar 18, 2013 #1,219 /me encases mio's feet in concrete and throws her in a river yakuza style